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Why do people enjoy the opiate nod?

^Just taking a few wasn't enough? I mean if any of them was physically dependant on them you really screwed them over. I'd be pissed too, even if I wasn't addicted.. But I wouldn't take it out on your mom's mailbox, that's just lame. Especially for a 30-40yr old guy.. I'd just talk to you about it if it had been me..


I stole roughly 20 to begin with, and said to myself "this is probably a bad idea"

I ASSUME the following happened:

I chewed 3, nothing happened, chewed 3 more, didn't feel anything, blacked out and ate the rest, passed out...

woke up to no k-pins left, felt sober, went back over and stole ~20 more,


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I stole roughly 20 to begin with, and said to myself "this is probably a bad idea"

I ASSUME the following happened:

I chewed 3, nothing happened, chewed 3 more, didn't feel anything, blacked out and ate the rest, passed out...

woke up to no k-pins left, felt sober, went back over and stole ~20 more,



Lol. I have probably taken more benzos in one day than you ever have.
And erm, pussy =/= thief.

I cannot imagine blacking out from only 5mg klonopin, lol.
I was referring to the pain killers, you know, the ones you ALL stole. But never mind.

Sorry for not understanding your fucked up, twisted thought process, lol.
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I don't enjoy it. To me, nodding out is missing out. I enjoy a brisk walk on any opiates I take, whether it's hydro, oxy, or dope. I want to chat with anyone and everyone, I want to write and play music. I'm super-motivated. That's why I always make sure never to take too much, as when I nod out, I feel like it's a waste of the drug.
Okay this might be unbelievable to all you real-opioid users but kratom made me nod. Sorry if this sounds lame to you, but seriously, I would nod for hours on kratom. I loved both the energetic euphoria as well as the nod. The nod would arrive when the euphoria would just overcome me and the world was reduced and simplified to nothing more than my own happiness; overcoming all else. The nod means the euphoria exceeds all bounds; the nod is the place we all want to be; total and utter escape to a world where things work exactly how we want them to and tomorrow is filled with possibility and pleasure. And this all came from an opioid most would consider weak. Well shit I better not do anything stronger or I'm gonna be the most depraved junkie there is.
for me nodding is just the euphoric dream-like state where all your problems disappear and it almost feels slightly psychedelic, i often have very detailed hallucinations while nodding like i think im with some other friends or something then i snap out of it all confused as to where i am.

people who use lower level opiates like hydrocodone probably arent used to the nod.... so once you get used to it im sure youll love it, especially with stronger opiates like oxymorphone, or dope in my case

however if im in a social situation yeah its not always great to be sorta tripping out and not conscious.

Nodding was like that for me when I would use/abuse opiates.

I'm damn lucky I never became addicted to them like a lot of my friends did.

Do I miss getting high on them? At times but I know that using them is not going to do any good and I have not used any for over a decade.
I'm a fan of opiates, been addicted but the nod was always something I tried to avoid.

I liked to use opiates and get shit done, not happening with my head on my chest
Since that first line of oxy I sniffed I have fallen deeply in love with the nod. I love it! Its my damn screen name on here LOL. Its a different kind of nod with every opiate I do, some will come in waves of euphoria where I will nod out completely unaware of what's going on around me, then wake up, then do it again over and over. Opana and H I usually just stay nodding out for hours, they are my favorite opis. Oxy will give me a nice nod at first, then I get energetic and want to go out and do shit. I LOVE NODDING OUT!:|
Nodding out is much like cranking one off , if your going to do something , might as well do it properly . After all the work you put in to getting your dope together , NOT nodding out is too much like having a delorean without a flux capacitor .

Plus its usually only 45-60 minutes , usually partially draped over my mattress. learn to love it , then go have coffee or sex with an ex gf who claims "we no longer have anything in common" .
I love nodding out but sometimes I come out of it and feel grumpy because I just wasted a few hours doing fuck all. Like, I could have been staring at a white wall and been more productive then that. But, sometimes there's nothing more refreshing than doing just that - spending a few hours in a blissful time sink.

I've had a few quasi-psychedelic experiences nodding out, the most notable when on oxy I ascended a glass staircase onto a glass floor in the sky which stretched onto eternity - It was a symbol of the nirvana I'd attained (of course chemical.)
Glad I found this! For me it was the complete opposite. I had about a 3 week run of heroin use that I enjoyed every second of. Smoking about a gram of tar a day. I had my first nod experience one night. It didnt scare me but I literally disliked the experience so much that I just ga e it up right there. Only about 2 nights of minor withdrawals.
I am a recovering heroin addict and I really need to stay away from it and needles because I really love the needles and really really love the death nod from heroin. The nod that u literally die, turn blue and not breathing. And also when someone brings me back I get pissed and snap on them. So that's why I am trying my hardest to stay away from it because I have 5 boys that need me. My fiance just overdosed and died a month ago it was and still is devastating. And I don't want my kids to go through that.