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Why do people enjoy the opiate nod?

Edit: Sorry for double post, the drugs made me do it
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It weirds me out, I lose time and come to vaguely confused. It feels like a waste of drug to me, I WANT to be relatively alert while high so I can sit around doing menial things like watch a movie or something.

The only opiate I get the nods from is fentynl anyway.
My first time I was weirded out at first but then slowly I got really into it. When I was nodding like a motherfucker I was like oh this is like heaven. It felt so good. I was sitting in my chair talking to my friend on the phone and I was just falling sideways and I couldn't help that. I ended up going to the spare room and passing out on one of the beds with the phone still on.... it felt good but I woke up with sharpie all over my face cause before I drew on my hand all over and I guess I slept with it against my face.... Lol good times though but the main reason I do opiates is because of the nod, it feels wonderful.
It's relaxing and dreamy.

Love the feeling of slipping into a nod after a nice shot of heroin.
All of your problems and worries drift away in that special place.

Just don't disturb me during one, or I'll get pissed. :!

I just HATE to be disturbed during one, esp. a really deep one.
I don't really like the nod's either.. no fun. I've been into the lsd and uppers instead, not quite the same thing.
it's already been said in the thread. i like it because i just listen to music and go into a nod.. i start dreaming about some random shit, then i begin to focus on the lyrics.. I think "hey, I know this song!" then i snap out of it, look around at my filthy living area, laugh to myself and go back to nodding..
it's already been said in the thread. i like it because i just listen to music and go into a nod.. i start dreaming about some random shit, then i begin to focus on the lyrics.. I think "hey, I know this song!" then i snap out of it, look around at my filthy living area, laugh to myself and go back to nodding..

I really enjoy reading your posts, lol
cause i particularly enjoy giving absolutely no fucks about anything for a few hours
believe it or not that means a lot to me..

If you can take constructive criticism, the one part I didn't like reading was you taking someones entire benzo script because that really can cause problems! But I'm not passing any judgement, just sayin, whats in the past is in the past.

But yeah man, keep postin'
If you can take constructive criticism, the one part I didn't like reading was you taking someones entire benzo script because that really can cause problems! But I'm not passing any judgement, just sayin, whats in the past is in the past.

But yeah man, keep postin'

of course i can take it.. i dish it out all the time. i was like 17-18 at the time, i did plenty of stupid shit back then.. i didn't INTEND to steal the whole script, but i stole ~20, chewed them all up, etc etc etc... you know just how it goes.

funny lil anecdote.. when they got back from their trip, i guess they found out i stole the k-pins (and ALL of their vicodin, etc) so their son ( a 40 year old guy who still lived at home) presumably came to my moms house down the street and RIPPED the mail box out and left one single klonopin (there were PLENTY of bottles, with everything from 5 to 100 pills in each.. i also found a note the old guy wrote to the doctor about how klonopin was not a suitable drug for his insomnia etc..) laying on the concrete by the mailbox.. there's no concievable way the mailbox just RIPPED ITSELF OUT OF THE GROUND.. i don't know the whole truth but i pieced it together..

i reached down onto the concrete, picked up the klonopin and ate it, lol. of course.

ever since then, my parents have been in a little "feud" with these neighbors...

for example, my mom had paid for a new roof and the neighbors called the cops on them for not having a permit.. . different lil shit like that..

far from the coolest shit i ever did.
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^ .5 kpins, 1 mg ativans, 5/500 & 7/750 norcos and a gang of other pills were what i stole from that house.. basically it was a couple in their 70s and their son who is presumably in his late 30s - early 40s.. you know they had a fuck load of pills in their shit, lol
^Just taking a few wasn't enough? I mean if any of them was physically dependant on them you really screwed them over. I'd be pissed too, even if I wasn't addicted.. But I wouldn't take it out on your mom's mailbox, that's just lame. Especially for a 30-40yr old guy.. I'd just talk to you about it if it had been me..
this is a strong belief of mine that is not going to be the most popular opinion, fuck it though ~ the opiate high can be a familiar one for many people. i believe in reincarnation and stuff, and it now seems clear to me that in a past life we might of attained bliss from meditation or prayer, and ignorant again this time around are introduced to something similar to this euphoric state. it has been enough to keep me off of painkillers for multiple chronic pain conditions. i actually dont practice meditating as often lately because i can hardly walk or talk while it is occurring which is for a good 5-10 hours, sometimes more and staying conscious can be a problem.

try it out for 10 minutes a day
this is a strong belief of mine that is not going to be the most popular opinion, fuck it though ~ the opiate high can be a familiar one for many people. i believe in reincarnation and stuff, and it now seems clear to me that in a past life we might of attained bliss from meditation or prayer, and ignorant again this time around are introduced to something similar to this euphoric state. it has been enough to keep me off of painkillers for multiple chronic pain conditions. i actually dont practice meditating as often lately because i can hardly walk or talk while it is occurring which is for a good 5-10 hours, sometimes more and staying conscious can be a problem.

try it out for 10 minutes a day

I meditate quite often if I can't sleep, or if I'm anxious. And yeah it does work for that, usually.
But it's not like I feel any euphoria or anything..

I read somewhere that it releases a NT that is similar to THC. I read it a long time ago though. I don't know if the source was reliable. (Read it on a forum.) So it could be bullshit. All I know is that it helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
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