• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Why do "gangstas" hold their pistols sideways?

Another question, why the hell do they wear their pants below their ass? Is that cool? Or just idiots again?

I believe it started in prisons because they weren't allowed to have belts (for obvious reasons) resulting in pants sagging. If you ever get on the wrong end of a gangsta you shouldn't be too worried tho because they'll most likely shoot someone else by accident while tripping on their own pants. It also makes it easier for authorities to catch them. lulz

I've always heard that it started in prison as a method for inmates to identify themselves as available to be someone's bitch. Either way, it looks incredibly stupid and uncomfortable. It's actually been made illegal to wear your pants sagging in my state, yet I still see plenty of black guys wearing them like that. It's a little ironic that the very fad that began behind bars could be the one that will put them right back behind them. What an idiotic thing to go to jail for.
I've always heard that it started in prison as a method for inmates to identify themselves as available to be someone's bitch. Either way, it looks incredibly stupid and uncomfortable.

Yup, I saw something on that too...


I have no idea which way it started first, or if it was just kind of a combination. Guess I'll probably never know. I do wonder how many of these fucktards even know where their "fashion" came from. lol

It's actually been made illegal to wear your pants sagging in my state, yet I still see plenty of black guys wearing them like that. It's a little ironic that the very fad that began behind bars could be the one that will put them right back behind them. What an idiotic thing to go to jail for.

I'm kind on the fence about making a "fashion" illegal if you can even call that. I don't think people should face possible jail time for sagging, but if you're breaking some sort of decency law then it should go by that.

For instance while I think this looks stupid, I don't think it should be illegal...


This on the other hand I would have no problem with him being taken to the station, ticketed and given the worst wedgie ever given in all of history =D ...


But what are cops supposed to do, measure how much of your ass is coming out of your pants? Hell I don't know...
the same reason they carry a gun (almost always illegally) and are willing to use it in the first place

because they dont give a fuck

there's actually a whole song about it

not to mention, since the gun is almost always carried sideways in the waistband, when they pull it out it is faster to just shoot it horizontally

Source: drug dealers
the same reason they carry a gun (almost always illegally) and are willing to use it in the first place

because they dont give a fuck

there's actually a whole song about it

not to mention, since the gun is almost always carried sideways in the waistband, when they pull it out it is faster to just shoot it horizontally

Source: drug dealers

uyour idea; of a dealer is a fukin pgpo liecoin to wsanktoss

u did yer Drive ing ting was u shook ?
or was u as dope as [video=youtube_share;wge3omAGr2E]http://youtu.be/wge3omAGr2E[/video]
brimz dont be mad because you thought about buying some right before they blew up but didnt. I told you it COULD happen, but couldnt guarantee it. What else did you want me to say?

what I said more or less is the answer to the OP's question fwiw, not a possible answer, THE answer

when they pull it out of their waistband it is almost always in a shootout type of environment where every millisecond matters and since they are going more for intimidation than actually truly aiming at anyone the sideways shot just sort of happens without much thought. Back when cowboys dueled they shot vertical because they carried holsters. People in the ghetto dont have holsters because the guns are illegal so they hide them in the waistband.

Like I've never seen a drug dealer's gun before? I'm not trying to sound cool or tough, id be ducking for cover and praying to Christ I had a good spot if anyone started shooting, but lets just say Ive had some over-zealous dealers before who loved to show off their new toys
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It was all about teh tune shiz !

Over ere They just cut , slice dice n stab for the long death or facial scar
At least in movies or on tv lol... I always wondered where the hell that originated since there's really no advantage of holding a gun like that.

one advantage i can think of is it's easier to spot when the gun jams
Almost all real gangsters hold their guns properly-ish if they meaning to get it done right (I don't think ppl would die if they all shot sideways lol - maybe with a smg or tech-nine). I mean who taught them ? I had to have training to get a competency certificate to own guns, which meant I had to pass a practical shooting test and study the firearms act.

Gangsters don't do any of this. So it leaves me to wonder. How do they even learn to shoot (passed down from o.g to o.g ?).

Holding their firearms sideways seems a lot more plausible now that I've considered the above.
Gangsters don't do any of this. So it leaves me to wonder. How do they even learn to shoot (passed down from o.g to o.g ?).

They don't. Probably explains why you hear about them surviving being shot multiple times. =D

Btw, you had to have a training class just to own guns? Where do you live NY, NY? lol Where I live I walked into the gun shop filled out some paperwork and came back out with a Ruger 9 in a matter of about 1/2 hour.
Not in your beautiful country sigh.^

Much easier to just buy illegal guns here. But I like to follow the law, when I can.
Why do they hold it sideways? Because that's how it came out of the box.

edit: I'll see myself out.
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This thread is odd.

I hold my gat towards the perp.

Fuck my gat jammed, pistol whipping time. :\
I don't see what's odd about it, but you really got a gun or you just jokin? I think more women should learn to carry and shoot honestly. It's not like self protection should only apply to men. Especially if you got kids and are home alone. Only thing is you gotta be ready to use it in a life and death situation, because any hesitation in a self defense situation could either mean you not shooting in time, or the intruder potentially taking your own gun away from you. Sadly that does happen.