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Why do a lot of people love Valiums etc?


Sep 9, 2012
gears my thing. And all the years I've been on it, I've met tons of guys who absolutely love valies ,temazzies.
I don't get the love for them. My experiences have been you take 1, and next thing you know it's 3 weeks later and your kitchen sink is shiny as fuck. ( And you've finished your 50 count bottle)
Or you crash a car, which has happened to quite a few people I know.
I know people on gear love em .
Hard to get regularly on the street, though. If you have em, can sell em easy.

What's the attraction?? As far I know, you just black out if you got a good few.
Everyone has their poison ☠

I used to be in love with them for years and years ever since the doctor first gave me temazepam as teen. I used to do at least 10-15 different types. Blackouts were a big problem like you say. And dependence was terrible. Getting clean from the habit I had (40 blues or equivalent a day) took over 6 months of tapering down, then months of PAWS too. Nearly had a seizure and could have easily died from it.

Have you ever just taken 1 or 2? Or does it always end up with you taking enough to blackout?

I very very VERY rarely touch them thesedays, I'd rather not touch them ever again tbh but sometimes they have their uses for me... Good for helping get me to sleep, or with certain types of pain, others use them for anxiety, or to potentiate other drugs. They can make you feel quite nice, carefree, but I don't think they should be abused - only used for legit medical purposes.
i don't understand people who love amphetamines. Downers are my DOC. Opiates especially. Different Brains like different drugs.
Exactly. I only like phet when I'm mixing it in the same spoon as k to prevent me falling the fuck over and also forcing me to stay WIDE AWAKE through the insanely intense k-hole you get with IV k. Adds to the rush a bit too 😂
Exactly. I only like phet when I'm mixing it in the same spoon as k to prevent me falling the fuck over and also forcing me to stay WIDE AWAKE through the insanely intense k-hole you get with IV k. Adds to the rush a bit too 😂
Ya fucking madman 😆
Couldn't stand phet with K I reckon, hated coke n ket so doubt I'd like that either
@matt<3ketamine iv ck didn't really do it for me like iv k+phet did, I mean it was nice but, I think I didn't get the ratio right. I have only tried it twice though - I still passed out/went full veg from the k but when I did come back round I felt nicely chinged.
Took me a while to get my iv k+phet ratios right. Obviously everyones preference and tolerance to both drugs is different so I can't say what you should try but if you do hit the sweet spot with the ratio it's a fucking amazing intense rush, not for the faint of heart. It actually makes iv'ing k when you're not at home lying down a bit safer as you don't fall over or pass out around other users and leave yourself vulnerable to get robbed or raped or worse, if I'm by myself I prefer k by itself but you're best mixing an upper in if you're going over 500mg with the k (anesthesia) around others/at partys/raves etc

Sorry to go off topic OP I just get triggered/passionate about talking about iv'ing drugs especially k or k combos 😈 💉 😆
i dont understand people who are taking opiates - don't get me wrong, sure i undestand it - everybody's affinitys are different, aslso the reason for taking special meds. also tried a lot of pharmaopis and twice Heroin nasal, but the only thing that happened every time was

PUKING ALL NIGHT. Not just once and then you fell so good, like all others tell - I cannot say that. It also didn't matter HOW i did it: orally, nasally, rectally. Im just not an opi-human-being i guess. but i'm a benzobeast and the only stim i take is cocaine.

i dont understand people who are taking opiates - don't get me wrong, sure i undestand it - everybody's affinitys are different, aslso the reason for taking special meds. also tried a lot of pharmaopis and twice Heroin nasal, but the only thing that happened every time was

PUKING ALL NIGHT. Not just once and then you fell so good, like all others tell - I cannot say that. It also didn't matter HOW i did it: orally, nasally, rectally. Im just not an opi-human-being i guess. but i'm a benzobeast and the only stim i take is cocaine.

Opiates change once the needle becomes involved, that's the problem, once you jump over that ledge, it's hard climbing back!
Opiates change once the needle becomes involved, that's the problem, once you jump over that ledge, it's hard climbing back!


And most people that are big into benzos are polydrug abusers/addicts. E.g. to potentiate Dope, come down from stims, or make weed just a little more interesting.

It wasn’t until I added crack on top of an h+lope addiction that I also picked up a benzo habit. Now I need kpin (illicit) daily to go with my methadone (mmt), fent, crack, and ambien (illicit).

Also, each different benzo effects people radically differently. That is, you just may not have found “your benzo” yet.
Opiates change once the needle becomes involved, that's the problem, once you jump over that ledge, it's hard climbing back!
not really, i have a friend who has shot up multiple times morphine. He's puked every single time and to this day he says he's never doing it again. just not for him.
My brain likes to go fast, I cant stand that sluggish downer body buzz feeling. It makes me feel to uncomfortable. Lol
I've never found the Benzos I've used (Valium, Clonazepam, Xanax, Temazepam) particularly recreational. I've just blacked out when I take too much and find myself lying on the floor some hours later. It's potentailly dangerous because you could blackout and hit your head or something.

I got radial nerve palsy (paralysed hand) for a few months and I think it was because I took too much Benzos mixed with Pregabalin and fell asleep in my chair.

Benzos can be good for going to sleep, but you should really make sure you're lying down in bed when you take them
i dont understand people who are taking opiates - don't get me wrong, sure i undestand it - everybody's affinitys are different, aslso the reason for taking special meds. also tried a lot of pharmaopis and twice Heroin nasal, but the only thing that happened every time was

PUKING ALL NIGHT. Not just once and then you fell so good, like all others tell - I cannot say that. It also didn't matter HOW i did it: orally, nasally, rectally. Im just not an opi-human-being i guess. but i'm a benzobeast and the only stim i take is cocaine.


People always puke first few times on gear, opiates.
People always puke first few times on gear, opiates.
there's a very small % of the pop that don't. I think I was born to use opiates, my ex gf was the same the first time i shot her up(IK IM FUCKED UP) i shot her up with 40mg pure morphine and she wasn't nauseous at all. Some ppl are just born for opis.
First opiate i did was tramadol with 9 other friends We all had same dose, but i was only who had just mild nausea, but same posittive effects. I was able to going to gym on Subutex or Tramadol. But later on i replaced Oxys with Subutex and i did few stim binges (basically i did it so i can lower my opiate dose to 30-50 % and feel that rush again when i go back to my full day dose. And in that i
time i started being nauseous constantly, i ate three times less than ussually, constipation, acid redlux so i decided it's time to stop
not really, i have a friend who has shot up multiple times morphine. He's puked every single time and to this day he says he's never doing it again. just not for him.
Have had a mate shoot h few times n never touch it after, but what I meant was that people who say they don't understand opiates after taking them oral or snorted haven't experienced the rush, and that's wat tends to change people's opinion on them, like I doubt you'd want to just swallow your ampoules of morphine, because you don't get the rush, and that's why people who say "I tried opiates and I didn't like them" feel that way because they haven't experienced the rush, but this is only my opinion
My mum was given tramadol for pain and hated it, said she didn't get how people liked it, then she had an operation and got IV opiates (morphine) and said she then understood why people end up addicted
Have had a mate shoot h few times n never touch it after, but what I meant was that people who say they don't understand opiates after taking them oral or snorted haven't experienced the rush, and that's wat tends to change people's opinion on them, like I doubt you'd want to just swallow your ampoules of morphine, because you don't get the rush, and that's why people who say "I tried opiates and I didn't like them" feel that way because they haven't experienced the rush, but this is only my opinion
My mum was given tramadol for pain and hated it, said she didn't get how people liked it, then she had an operation and got IV opiates (morphine) and said she then understood why people end up addicted
i've had friends who i introduced em to morphine cause i was an idiot obsessed with it but they didn't like it. opiates aren't for everyone mate.
i've had friends who i introduced em to morphine cause i was an idiot obsessed with it but they didn't like it. opiates aren't for everyone mate.
Definately not for everyone, but my point is that most people that say they don't understand why people like it, have more likely not IVd it, you will Def get those who still don't like it but most that say they don't understand why people like opiates, haven't IVd, and I say most, not all
Definately not for everyone, but my point is that most people that say they don't understand why people like it, have more likely not IVd it, you will Def get those who still don't like it but most that say they don't understand why people like opiates, haven't IVd, and I say most, not all
yo, matt can you dm me? it's not working for me :S
Definately not for everyone, but my point is that most people that say they don't understand why people like it, have more likely not IVd it, you will Def get those who still don't like it but most that say they don't understand why people like opiates, haven't IVd, and I say most, not all
i once shot up my friend who like uppers a lot. we went to a rave and back to house at 5am or so i had stashed like 5 ampoules of pure morphine 20mg for injection. i shot him up with one and he was like "bro, this is it? i don't wanna feel sleepy" it was underwhelming for him. mehhhhh hee liked to smoke crack and drink a lot. well like i said it's not for everyone xd