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Why are girls more

I have never had a problem understanding people. If I don't undertstand something I either ask someone about it, or just don't care. Everything is just as complex as everything else. What to you makes something complex? Is it only your perception of its complexity? Or is it essentially complex. A plant is just as complex and unpredictable as a human being if you are to understand it as much as you understand a human being.

Maybe, maybe not!
There's way too much generalisation going on here...
Anyways, I tend to see everything from as many angles as possible, so don't have too much trouble figuring out what people are on about... Infact I'm quite surprised when I miss something, or when I come to the wrong conclusion about someone.
If we look at the more general level, which most people who've replied to this thread seem to be refering to, we have your typical male on one side, drinking beers and constantly thinking about sex... On the other side we have the typical female, gossiping, finicky, impossible to please... These two groups have absolutely no chance of understanding each other because they think in entirely different ways... These are just stereotypes tho, real people aren't separatable into categories that way...
I agree with Leprechaun... If you don't understand something, ask... and if you don't understand the answer don't worry about it... Or do what I do most of the time when someone talks about something I don't know much about... Pay attention and let the conversation continue, and piece together the puzzle with the bits of information you always get as the conversation continues... If it goes to far and you still don't understand, just ask...
This goes for both men and women, each gender has the potential to be as simple or complex as the other...
Q: what is a man doing while a woman is making love to him?
A: fucking the shit out of her.
squeal all you want, but there's truth in every jest. just something for you to think about.
.you've gotta lose it.
.to find it.
men and women, different. but no more different than two guys could be. it's just the complex bits of trying to match up two people's lives, interests and priorities where the whole shebang between guys and girls gets tough. if it was just friends there'd be less worries but sex clutters things up a bit as well.
the whole dichotomy thing is a bit of a pain in the arse too. i mean really, we're all just people and we all want more or less the same things. a bit of love, someone to talk to (or not sometimes), some fun and some big hugs!
it sounds naff, but i reckon if you treat everyone as an individual you'll be schweet. except if you're trying to pick up - then it just doesn't work

all that said... i'm still single as fuck and apparently unable to generate a relationship... so i must be doin' something wrong
joKe time again kiddiez!
Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica.
45 volumes - Excellent condition.
$1,000.00 or best offer.
No longer needed.
Got married last weekend.
Wife knows everything.
IMO, guys are more complicated than girls…
My situation: I moved to Australia for a 2 year contract job that was just too good to pass up. My defacto partner of 3 yrs stayed in Canada bc he has a really good job there.
And yeah, well, the long-distance thing sucks. I hate it. He hates it. Yet he won't even commit to come and visit me here, even though I am spending two months rent to go see him in a couple of weeks. Is expecting him to want to visit me here really too much?!?!
So yeah, I guess the morale of the story is that guys will never understand girls, and girls will never understand guys.
BTW, anyone want to buy a cheap air ticket to Canada?
"Have you ever had one of those days when something just seems to be trying to tell you somebody." -- John Constantine in Sandman
Ok so these are a bit sexist but:
Why did God give woman legs? So they can walk from the kitchen to the bedroom.
What do u do when ur dishwasher breaks down? Slap the bitch.
But seriously, dealin with ya girl is easy. Just give her what she wants and more, she'll make it worth ur while. If she dont, dump the ho and find one that will.
Live to trip, trip to LIVE
Our separation is an optical illusion of consciousness. -Einstein
Q: Why did the woman cross the road?
A: That's not the point, why was she out of the kitchen?
Heh heh!

"My wish is not to mean everything to everyone but to mean something to someone."
Q. How do you get a man to stop biting his nails?
A. Make him wear shoes.
(with a pop-o-matic bubble)
Don't make me declare war...
Remember, you started this sexist joke thing Shadow.

"My wish is not to mean everything to everyone but to mean something to someone."
Ok how did this turn out to be a joke thing?
love how it gets turned around.
Maybe I'll take this into a new thread...
Sorry to bastardise your one.

Forgive me???

"My wish is not to mean everything to everyone but to mean something to someone."
Kitters boi,
we r just trying to prove a point...
this whole issue bout boiz and grrlz relationships, them trying to figure each other out and so on ain't nothing but a...

but sorry anyhoo,
katch ya laterz.
Ok Shadow maybe ur right it is a joke there is noway Boys and Girls will ever understand
the way eachother think.
I think in my experiences, the biggest mistake I have made is actually TRYING to understand women.... You just have to accept that they do indeed approach things differently from you, the only way to avoid making mistakes in interpretting their behaviour is to usually expect somewhere near the opposite to what you'd think!!! If you find a woman who actually does seem to think like you....dont let her get away!!
I think, therefore I am....confused.
I find as a rule that women are far more worthwile to give hugs to.
You hug a guy, you get what you give
You hug Rowin/Mothergoose and you get what you give returned a thousandfold
Lets hear it for the girls!
[This message has been edited by Soma (edited 10 February 2001).]