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    Drug Discussion

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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Why are drugs illegal?

Last week a guy in my city pulled a gun on himself when police stopped him in the street. He ripped his shirt off, placed the handgun into his throat and proceeded to wander around the busy CBD shopping strip. Half the city was shut down and thousands of people had to shelter in changing rooms and the back of shops for almost 4 hours until police finally shot him with rubber bullets and arrested him. Was he crazy? Sure was, the week earlier police arrested him because he has blown his own fingers off at home with a home made pistol. He was out on bail. Was he on drugs? He was as high as a kite and acting suspiciously when the police confronted him in the street. Do you know what Joe Public blamed for his misadventures? Unfortunately it was the drug use that is the scape goat in this instance. Now is he a crazy man who shouldn't be doing drugs, or should he not be doing drugs because it turned him crazy? It is idiots like this that make it difficult for normal drug users to convince our peers that drug use is a safe and acceptable past time.




Last week a guy in my city pulled a gun on himself when police stopped him in the street. He ripped his shirt off, placed the handgun into his throat and proceeded to wander around the busy CBD shopping strip. Half the city was shut down and thousands of people had to shelter in changing rooms and the back of shops for almost 4 hours until police finally shot him with rubber bullets and arrested him. Was he crazy? Sure was, the week earlier police arrested him because he has blown his own fingers off at home with a home made pistol. He was out on bail. Was he on drugs? He was as high as a kite and acting suspiciously when the police confronted him in the street. Do you know what Joe Public blamed for his misadventures? Unfortunately it was the drug use that is the scape goat in this instance. Now is he a crazy man who shouldn't be doing drugs, or should he not be doing drugs because it turned him crazy? It is idiots like this that make it difficult for normal drug users to convince our peers that drug use is a safe and acceptable past time.





Theres no way this man should have been let out of custody after a week!. He needed to be in hospital. Your country needs to look at its criminal justice/substance misuse/mental health policies.
Have you considered that poor access to treatment for mental health is possibly a factor in those sort of incidents? The mentally ill self-medicate(badly), and then are further marginalized by stigma of drug use. That is a fact.
So you are saying if they are being treated by medical professionals they would be allowed to use drugs? If you have pneumonia you don't smoke. If you suffer from celiac disease you don't eat gluten. If you suffer from a mental illness it is in your best interest to avoid mind altering drugs. It makes sense to most sane people.
AH it looks like you from Australia, I understand why your a cunt, I mean you have convict DNA running through you! Explains it all.

Unless its not Australia.

Right this one seems to be settled %)
Nice rebuttal. 2/10 for the proper use of the Queen's English. Cleverly avoiding adding any meaningful contribution to the discussion at hand.

(I'm not Australian by the way)
One Thousand Words.. Crazy people take drugs too. What's your point?

Oh wait i see your point.. Crazy people SHOULDN'T take drugs? mmmm .. yeah.. sometimes.
Yeah let's blame it all on people with mental health problems .
The last few posts you have made are some of the most self righteous load of shite i have read on this forum .

You fukin Prick .

oh this is even worse than i thought you really are a Cunt

lol, what a post.

Gotta agree 100% with one thousand words here...

Availability of drugs poses a risk to the public because, sadly, not everyone reacts to them brilliantly. Particularly psychadelics may be overwhelming for a lot of people.

Not looking down on those with mental health probs, because i've incurred them myself because of drug use. But these are the reasons why making drugs available to everyone is just going to cause problems.
^ They shouldn't be available to everyone (legally) as they are now (illegally)..

Do a course, pass some tests, get a license, buy drugs. Criminally insane will cause an immediate fail.

But you guys are kinda missing the fact that if someone wants to take drugs, they either have, already do or will.. regardless of legality.
You are kind of missing the point that people not handling their drugs are the reason the majority of people do not want them legal. We are only talking about 1-2% but unfortunately they ruin it for the majority. I'm sorry if I struck a nerve by saying the mentally ill shouldn't be taking drugs, and I'm sure the odd sane person is just as guilty when it comes to being a poor role model for healthy drug use but percentages lean more towards the mentally ill be more likely the ones that lose their shit.
I think most of what you said is total shite, hence the response you got. This is why 'we' don't mix with people from The Lounge, because this would happen constantly. Your opinions are poorly supported. You didn't answer the earlier poster, when asked if you'd like it if someone was controlling your use. Some drugs will help certain mental illnesses - why would someone take a drug that makes them feel even more ill? You'd be better off voicing your opinions to the yanks. You'll PM five people's names who shouldn't be taking drugs to another member? When did it become your choice? Fuck off.
As an Australian by nationality I'm offended! I'd bet One is American but unfortunately her attitude is common worldwide.

Mentally ill is an extremely broad category. Some mental illnesses can actually make drug use safer (for everyone) than it can be for someone utterly normal. I have OCD and linked genes which affect how my brain & body react to all drugs. I'm basically handicapped when it comes to getting high and have a ridiculous tolerance to everything naturally. I'm also incapable of psychological addiction due to my abnormal dopamine response. I realise that's one disorder and I'm one case but the point is that you can't generalise. Especially when perfectly sane people do horrible, socially destructive things all the time.

You don't need to be crazy to make bad decisions.

(I also think the shopping district example is a bad one, since it sounds like the guy wasn't actually threatening others.)
You don't need to be crazy to make bad decisions.

(I also think the shopping district example is a bad one, since it sounds like the guy wasn't actually threatening others.)

Try telling that to the ten thousand shoppers who had to run from Queens St mall. If you raise a gun in a crowded shopping strip you don't win over many supporters to your cause.

You can keep the crazy people on drugs in your neighbourhood if you like.
Some drugs will help certain mental illnesses - why would someone take a drug that makes them feel even more ill?

You are advocating self-medication with illicit substances in the mentally ill? Was the second part of that sentence a genuine question? Really?



Your opinions are poorly supported
otw give me 2/10 for my blog wich isnt evan a blog anyway so i suspect he is troling .

oh but i love that mel is posting eadd
Actually I think Treacle's right in general; people who have malfunctioning brain chemistry are usually most drawn to drugs that will make them feel what they can't naturally. The only real exception to that rule that I can think of at the moment is alcohol, which is oddly enough LEGAL. But perhaps that's why it's so problematic...no other options for those who really shouldn't drink.

<3 wcote. I like non-American English speakers. :D
I'm not getting comfortable WEST - my kind aren't welcome round these parts.
Actually I think Treacle's right in general; people who have malfunctioning brain chemistry are usually most drawn to drugs that will make them feel what they can't naturally.

He said nothing of the sort in his most recent post.