who's your favorite bluelighter??? :)

That's ironic, z00tie because not only are you my favorite bluelighter, you're my favorite person ever (like I always say)! 143!!!
ok i'm fairly new... but have been reading for quite a while and i love you all in a different way but the names that come to mind when i think of this question are:
ashke, pod, miss apple, paradox, raverdad, luv2luv, dr.e, mr. sticky, acid burn, and ex raverqueen...
i prob left out a whole lot more but you guys make it worth while to come to work everday...
mua!!! i love you guys!!!!
it's can't be any of the aussies, they've gone off a couple dozen too many times on people about subjects they know nothing about or haven't even tried............. i guess the women there suffer from dick depravation or sumthing
Oh my! I'm going to go find shelter before all hell breaks loose.
Ever heard of throwing shit into a fan?
You can be John Malkovich too. Password is john.
And that's what it's all about.
ooooohh the hokie pokie.
doooooo the hokie pokie.
whoooooaaahh the hokie pokie.
And that's what it's all about.
I don't know most of ya...
but pizzaguy is surely the best in my opinion.......makes me laugh nonstop
I told mona we should have bought that strap-on.
.....And that's what it's all about
heh... i have no favorite bluelighters, but my least favorites are ampex, motab and mona. they suck. they should leave and stuff.
You can be John Malkovich too. Password is john.
Yeah do you Aussie women eat with those mouths? I bet you ladies grab your crotches and spit 'backer as you post.
You can be John Malkovich too. Password is john.
Well... I don't actually know any of you personally (except my sistah *rAinBoW* you're awesome baby I love ya!!)...
...but I love you all, yer great.

Although I have to say, raverdave yer my fave cuz yer my sweetie... ya know what i mean.

geez what's going on with john malkovitch??
it's like this guy is schizophrenic. . . he's all over the place. . . you'd think there were actually other people inhabiting his mind for a short time and using his voice to bash others without fear of repercussion.
it's only unfortunate that of all the people on this board who could have become johnny m it had to be those with the least to say
and that's what it's all about :p
e_rep and pyro, b/c they always say everything I'd get around to saying, if I actually cared enuff to try.
Actually no, they're guys, fuck that, heheh I guess I hafta vote for peanut. (heh heh)
-Adj, sorry if there's a lotta "A"'s missin', my keyboard's ll gummed up w/ sum strange gooey stuff
, nd I hven't gotten aroudn to buyin' a new one...
Little Johnny Malkovitch obviously has never known, dated, or talked to an Australian girl, or otherwise he wouldnt make such asinine statements.
Personally, and this goes for Mona and Miss Apples, I love Australian girls. The accents, the attitudes, ah the little incongruities that make them so different from the American girls. Everytime I have ever met an Aussie girl it was like BAM instant attraction, even after one took my heart and ripped it to small tiny chewed up little pieces that even the king's men couldnt put back together again after a year of what I thought in my youth and naivete was true love, but I digress...plus she was from Melbourne. Which should explain it right there.
And a big shout out to Emma from Perth who is running around NYC and working for a plastic surgeon...you are the coolest!!! you have my number, call me!!!!
soulwatcher, who thinks that moving to Australia might be a very very good thing...
Do you know what an Austrailian kiss is? A french kiss down under.
I don't like any of the people who use the John Malkovich guise.
Why can't you be proud of your opinions??? I don't give a shit what people think of my opinions, if they don't agree with them fine (we all know they are wrong).
If you have to pretend to be someone else to say something, I think you don't really believe in whatever it is you are saying enough!!!
Fuck you all John.
P.S. I love your films ;-P
A dick in the bush is worth 2 in the hand (or something like that????)
Johnny baby, wassup? I think he is not my favorite, but definitely not the least. C'mon everyone you gotta love the mystery and speculation that comes with reading his non-sensical posts. You wish you knew, and at the same time you're like "fuck that fucking fucker". Its kinda cool, in a weird way.
But my favorite is YOU. Its gotta be YOU, yeah Im talking to YOU. No not that one you idiot, its definitely YOU. I enjoy everyones comments they make here at the bluelight. Enlightening, Entertaining, Exactly, you see the pattern now. LOL
Especially I like Deeps recent posts. I couldn't believe everyone came together like that it was awe inspiring. I dont know how old you R Deep but you are wise far beyond your age. Much respect to da DEEP.
The Aussies and the FL crew rawk all day AND nite. They seem to be tite knit groups who really care for each other. Very intellegent girls and boys (or men and women, whatever).
Where'd MOM go? Member her? She was cool as fuck. I used to love reading her posts cuz it was a moms perspective, and a lot of the time I could relate to her cuz I used to do that type of shit to my parents.
Well, thats about it. C-ya's
[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 18 January 2000).]
Alrighty.. I wont be cheesy and say I love you all .. (even though I do)

When I first joined, the Aussies and RuRu, Raverdad, and the other FL Bluelighters were the posts I read first.. But now that I met the MA Bluelighters.. I think they're at the top of the list

~*~* irishgurl ~*~*
well, at least one of them...the one that thinks Motab, Apmex and I suck.
Come play with us
(cos no one else is going to say it)
so ill just stroke my own..err... ego :p