who's your favorite bluelighter??? :)


Bluelight Crew
Oct 24, 1999
i just had a weird thought...and i'd figured i might as well post it
do you ever find anyone on this board (that you are NOT real close friends with in real life) that you feel really on the same level with? or that you love to read their posts 'cause they word things in the same way you would? or have the exact same views? or see how the answer someone and said to yourself "you know? i probably would have said the EXACT same thing!" or someone who expressed themselves in a way that made see you see things in a new light?
this post is not meant to cause any hard feelings with anyone...it's intended for the total opposite reason
i just want some individuals know the effect they have

for me: i'd say rotten's post to my situation with my ex really touched me...as well as raverdad's
and i can feel ashke's good vibes right through the monitor sometimes....
ok your turn! stroke the ego of your favorite bluelighters!

(and no i'm not looking for MY ego to get stroked....
but if anyone wants to....feel free)
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
I think that everyone is my fav bluelighter even though I don't know a lot of you guys. I do love my florida crew alot!!!!
Flux and Dazzle are great.... and Housekid says flux has a nice bum ....

Just jokin'
Thought is full of lies. If you feel, you will see the truth.
Only your feelings can show you the real beauty of a person.
Well...I love lots of bluelighters.
It wouldn't be fair to say miss apple, because she's like one of my real life best friends
I love you apples! Same goes for Pinger and Pillcat.

It wouldn't be fair to say Motab, 'cause even though he's my cool buddy, he posts so damn much he's sure to be someone else's favourite. Love ya sweetie!
It wouldn't be fair to say Spencer, 'cause his ego DOES NOT need stroking. Although he might say that some 'other' body part does.

It wouldn't be fair to say ANY of the Florida crew, or ANY of the Sydney crew...because the Sydney/Florida crews already have an unspoken agreement that we ALL ROCK!
It wouldn't be fair to say Skydancer, because he's just such a spunk that ALL the girlies will be loving him! *mwah*
It wouldn't be fair to say Jase...because he fixes things all the time so people are BOUND to love him. LOL...j/k

I can't say Noodle, because that would just be like leading him on.

Ashke's a no-go because it is a known fact in the whole universe that EVERYONE LOVES ASHKE, because she's just so damn....well..LOVABLE!
Liquidocean...how could you not be a fave of the whole entire board...those posts! Those pics! (anyone who has NOT seen his pics...GO NOW!) So you don't get my vote...you're way too cool already.
Glitter Girl and Chris Cim got votes for fave along time ago when they made the new pics page! And so did Rob for the old board for that matter

I definitely can't say Pyro, 'cause he held the position as my favourite Bluelighter for an amazingly looooong ass time....move over hon, time to let someone else in
God, I'm getting worried that if I go any further the people I don't mention will get all upset. My point is that EVERYONE is SOMEONE'S fave!!!! EVERYONE has done SOMETHING to touch or amuse someone on this board. Do you realise how lucky we are for that???
Anyway, I'm getting to the point now. I'm gonna say that my faves are:
Pegasus (My wicked Overseas twin!)

Jono (you don't post NEARLY enough!)
and Jon...my real time confidante, who tells me when I'm being totally stupid and irrational
Many of you don't Jon, he doesn't post enough, but I met him thru Bluelight (he was MY FIRST!) we've only partied together like 2 times BUT, we see each other often, and he's just cool. (HUG)
So that's it.
oh yeah...and methyl-head for giving my beautiful new signature.

"Do The Jesus Thing"
Methyl-head, 14th Jan 2000.
i haven't been long here but i must say my fav bluelighter is that Ashke girl.. i don't know her or anything i just love reading her posts and replies..
mmmmmm.... toughie... e_goTrip and flux by far eye level wise, shit, we might as well know each other at this point.
Tigger and Paradox have continually made me laugh....
but e_rep, you know you'll always be my favorite.

I never take advice from someone more fucked up then I am.
Oh Soulfly, you know I'm always happy to stroke you-- er. Uh. BLAME ALL THE SEX THREADS! They're a'gittin to me! *rattlezhead*
Okay. Geez. Yanno what? This is a totally difficult post. Because Mona's absolutely entirely right.. You can have 'favorites' in so many ways. Sooo... lessee. How to tackle this.
Well Loupy's my favorite bluelighter, but he's cheating coz he knew me before either of us knew about bluelight, and he can mindmeld with me and stuff, so he's got this unfair advantage.
(Okay after that I tried to make a huge gigantic list of all these bluelighters and why they won a spot as favorite, but it's gone now. I just can't leave it here. Coz I know that even though I rattled off like 40 people I know there's hundreds more who have touched me on these boards and I just can't bear the thought that I might be leaving someone out, so if you're terribly curious about why you are my favorite bluelighter, email [email protected] and I will give tell you why you are special to me.)
~*~ Ashke ~*~
[This message has been edited by Ashke (edited 15 January 2000).]
I must say that I can't really pin point one single person on here that's the "coolest" but I must say all the PA krew I have met (remember I am from PA so I am a little biased here) have rawked. Plus I think I go through phases of people's post's I like. I dunno I would love to big hugz to everyone. Damn when are we gonna have a HUGE bluelight meetup? Peace to all my coolkats on Bluelight
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
my fav is Mona. just like her. no exact reason just do.

i also like Chalice and Raverdad. I tried to meetup with the whole group at ERA, but i couldn't find them. I even made my bluelight badge. I'm going to Kompression tonight and I hope I see one of them.
Hey guys if you see this post and you're going to Kompression, I'll be wearing baggy kakhis, a white shirt with a big Japanese symbol on it, and a grey/black tech vest, a big ball-chain necklace. I have short blonde hair, but if i wear a hat it will be a black 26 red hat. i wanna meet Orlando crew.
"Stay positive and love your life."
-Nicholas Lofton Hexum
My fave is Dr. E - *sigh* I hope some day I will meet my dream man!!
There's a lot of people in here that have had some really good and funny things to say, but I haven't really connected to too many of them.
Luv you all!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
[This message has been edited by luv2luv (edited 15 January 2000).]
that's easy:
smurf (the first one who wanted 100 pills to experiment with his gf
xtc-**** (i hope that small south american country isn't still censored on the board)
just to name a few
shit, it's still verboten, well what was bleeped out on my previous post was the word p-e-r-u
oh yeah, how could i forget cousin_cledus
Okay, this is totally unfair. Just cuz I knew Ashke before means I can't vote for her?
Oh well, everyone else'll vote for her so I'll be a gentleman and step back so y'all can
. Don't worry, there's room for everyone.
I had a really hard time sorting through names myself, cuz everyone's said something at SOME time that I'm thinking. Which either means you ALL rock or I'm terribly unoriginal. And a large chunk of you are disqualified cuz, well, I metcha all
. (SoCal Bluelighters RAWK!)
But as I was pondering, I kept going back to Mona's post. And thinking just how awesomely she did that. And I thought about all the other posts I read from her and how every single one rocks, even when she's cursing at people for calling her cute. Even when I might disagree, she's always got something intelligent or insightful to say.
So, Mona, you don't know me, but I think I'm gonna say yer definitely my favoritest unknown Bluelighter
Normally, i just like particular posts, rather than people generally. If something makes me laugh, or touches my heart, or even makes me cry (which has been known to happen) then I'm reminded why I keep coming back to bluelight in the first place. And I'll probably look out for that person's posts again.
There are personalities on the board who I like and always read their posts. I also find that as I've been here a little while now, I tend to gravitate more towards those people who have also been here a while. Just because I recognise them and know a bit more about their personality.
I always read the Florida crew's posts cause as mona said, we find that the two crews are pretty similar in that we know how to party
Although the florida crew seems to have a few more people than Sydney.
So, yeah, it's a cop out as I haven't actually named anyone. It's no secret who I'm friends with (I love you too
) but that doesn't count for a favourite bluelighter...although we did meet through bluelight.
If I do have to name someone though, yes, I do have a favourite bluelighter. You all know who he is, so there's no need for names. And I know he's there reading even if he has said goodbye

I've said enough now....
miss apple
my vote tonight would deff be Soulfly because of that post about yer ex... everything i read was like everything i would have written.. you are awesome, its too bad i felt like we connected on such a crappy subject tho =*( .. :::::::positive energy to you all::::: x2k
ok, well, hands down without a doubt my fave bloolite is EckstahsE. that guy was funny as hell... I wonder whatever happened to him...
lets see...cant say ampex since i live with him, and motab has been one of my best frieds for somethin like 4 or 5 years now, so he is out.
Can't say Loupy cuz I am a spiteful bitch and he didnt name me in his post...
No, I can say Loupy. Every time i see that guy when i am rolling, i lite up like a fucking X-mas tree. he doesnt even have to talk, I just fuckin get all happy and shit. hell, the first time i met him he gave me a tape of Ani Difranco's new album, which my dumbass didnt even know about!!! that was instant love. He rox.
who else...oh, even tho his bitch ass doesnt post any more, I gotta give it up to Halo. He was the first blooliter i met, and he was fuckin rad. the boy gives away G like its water. much love.
And of course, i gotta give it up to Bigg-E/viol8r.
vicks and deep (where the fuck are they) got me hooked on this board with thier crazy ass posts (HamiR!!!!)
oh damn, gotta give mad mad mad mad mad LOVE to CaGirl (and Vibe by proxy). they rock much ass, and i had the best time at Vibe's on NYE.
shit, Scoby is the bomb, even tho he doesnt post to much that i have seen...
OMG Ashke is such the bomb, even tho she hasnt returned my email yet :p all her posts rock, and she keeps loupy from going off the deep end, so i gotta give her luv for keeping my man sane!
tigger, just cuz i am a tigger fanatic!
and finally, my newest bestest bloolight friend, who seems to be quite popular, miss Mona who hate to be told she's a hottie even tho she is. i luv this girl we talk all the time on ICQ. she is the bomb, and if she ever visits, she is definitly in for 4 and a half solid minutes of unbridled spencer lust!
ok, geez..i luv damn near everyone else on the board. they rule. and a few last props for jase and skydancer for making this happen.
PLUR to all.
So I pray on my knees
From Heaven above
Send me somebody please
Someone to love
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
Mr. Sticky - the mere sight of his name makes my pulse quicken.

E PLURibus unum
i hate to say it guys its jeremyd.
dont flame me out i have to explain myself.
he brought me to one of my first raves and is one of the nices guy you'll ever meet. he just likes to be an insterrgater and sit back and watch. ones you get to meet him you'll realise he is one of the "true" people to meet on this scene.
the bear formerly known as tim
luv2luv has some of the best posts for sure, plus I have a real crush on her. She is definitely my fave. Can't wait to meet you in March!!
Ashke is lotsa fun and has great posts.
Any of my Ottawa bluelighters are great, and any of my TO bluelighters rock and any of my Detroit bluelighters are awesome, and any of my Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Guelph bluelighters kick serious ass too.
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
I'd have to say:
Mr. Sticky, cause he always sees the cool, calm way to deal with any subject at hand; and after his posts its always hard to find a come-back.
luv2luv, because she has a cool, witty arogance to her

ashke, cause she's a sweet heart<3<3 and really funny
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn