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Whoa... What the fuck gurrrl?!?


Aug 31, 2011
So I spent today with a girl that I think is very interesting but I had an inkling suspicion that she thought I was gay. About an hour and a half into hanging out it got out that I was not homosexual, and then things got very sexual very fast. (about as sexual as you can get in a well populated bookstore. Nothing gratifying just some hard core teasing.) and then just like 2 hours of lazing about in the book store.

Later as we were waiting for her bus I brought the previous actions up flirtatiously which she kinda played off and then said it was normal behavior for her like she was not even playing it like a flirt but just a non committal tease followed by a short demonstration of what she describes it would be like if she was flirting...

so weird akward story short I have no fucking idea what is going on or where I stand 0.o

What does everyone think?
Add her to Facebook and come back and give us more info.
I think this may be more a blog entry, unless you have a more specific question or concern.

Tell us about being gay?
I'm just curious if people think she is just a tease or if there is interest there. I'm can't tell... I'd like to think so. But I've never been in a situation that developed like this. seeking peoples opinions. but you can move it or close it if you feel that is appropriate.
Women like to play hard to get. They like to flirt, they like to tease. They like to lead men on, in my experience. Just play it cool, don't seem too desperate. That never works. Let her come to you. Don't worry about where you stand, just continue with you're everyday life and if she is interested, she'll keep coming back.
It seems that you are interested in having a sexual relationship with this girl. Just ask her if she wants to have sex with you. If she says yes then great, if the answer is no then don't ask again and ignore her flirtations.
^ eh, that doesn't really work out too well for ladies imho. you can't just ask "hey you want to fuck?" when a lady is flirting with you. at least play the game a little bit longer before going to such desperate measures...
It seems that you are interested in having a sexual relationship with this girl. Just ask her if she wants to have sex with you. If she says yes then great, if the answer is no then don't ask again and ignore her flirtations.

Whut? I wouldn't mind putting my penis inside her but that is not my goal here.
IMO just "one" of those moments, just leave it at that. If she comes at you again then by all means pursue it but I would not take anything from the incident you encountered.
Yeah for the moment she sounds like just a bit of a tease...which can cool, if it's wellintentioned teasing(i.e not just being a cocktease for an ego boost - but to actually build up anticipation) - run a lil game, but don't get sucked up in it.
I am totally confused. lol She teased you sexually or she was just flirting?
I am totally confused. lol She teased you sexually or she was just flirting?
We were sitting across from each other on two benches talking and we had been gravitating closer to one another; suddenly she scooted over and took my leg and squeezed it between her thighs and leaned in quite close to me and started talking quite seductively while flirting with me. Soooo both?
so weird akward story short I have no fucking idea what is going on or where I stand 0.o

What does everyone think?
you don't know what was going on and you were there. i could guess at what's going through her head but how does that help?

talk to her.

We were sitting across from each other on two benches talking and we had been gravitating closer to one another; suddenly she scooted over and took my leg and squeezed it between her thighs and leaned in quite close to me and started talking quite seductively while flirting with me. Soooo both?

ooh. Wow. Forward, ain't she? :D

I think she was teasing you, but perhaps there could be something. Did you get a number to call her?

I can only speak for myself, but I do not like to be touched by a man that I am not attracted to. Hugs are fine, but stuff like sexual contact would not happen for me if I was not attracted to you. I have a feeling she's probably not like me though. lol But, that might give you something to go on for her to sexually tease you like that.
We were sitting across from each other on two benches talking and we had been gravitating closer to one another; suddenly she scooted over and took my leg and squeezed it between her thighs and leaned in quite close to me and started talking quite seductively while flirting with me. Soooo both?
play it straight - straight talking, straight moving...sounds like you're in there boy.
ooh. Wow. Forward, ain't she? :D
Did you get a number to call her?
Yes, But (response to follow next quote.)
I can only speak for myself, but I do not like to be touched by a man that I am not attracted to. Hugs are fine, but stuff like sexual contact would not happen for me if I was not attracted to you. I have a feeling she's probably not like me though. lol But, that might give you something to go on for her to sexually tease you like that.
Yes, well. I was tempted to respond with some sexual advancement of my own but I was wholly unsure if it would be received well. Due to this I came at a loss of what to do only because internally I am extremely primal. In situations as sexual as that I loose most of my ability to control myself. Unfortunately for the advance of romance this quite simply means that I lost my cool and acted like the complete fucking geek I am. So at the moment I have not messaged her since Thursday in an attempt to play that I can act cool. -.-
I might message her today though.
So, flirt with her and put your hand on her leg or something suggestive.. see how she responds. She was the one who started it, so I'd hardly call it inappropriate. If she doesn't seem interested, move on and stop talking to her. Doesn't sound like you have anything to lose.

Whut? I wouldn't mind putting my penis inside her but that is not my goal here.

What is your goal?
So, flirt with her and put your hand on her leg or something suggestive.. see how she responds. She was the one who started it, so I'd hardly call it inappropriate. If she doesn't seem interested, move on and stop talking to her. Doesn't sound like you have anything to lose.

What is your goal?

I'm a man of great romance and sexuality haha. Life lesson here

And that is is exactly what I did but I just could not maintain composure through the length of the encounter. But beyond that I was unsure of what was appropriate.
Ah ok I understand. I've been in a similar situation before.. Girl acts flirty, wants you to go places with her, gets all up-close, but doesn't allow you to really make a move. I'm not really sure why they do this. Maybe they're insecure about their ability to flirt with guys. Maybe they're just bored and don't realize that most men take flirting as "meaningful" (ie not something you do for shits and giggles). Maybe she's actually into you but is afraid you're just playing with her and won't make a move even if she allows you to.

I can only speculate.

In my case, the girl moved across the country while I was out of the state and I haven't spoken to her since, so I have no idea what she was actually thinking lol