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Who on BL is a proud plugger?

I apologise if this has been asked before (I will read the whole thread later)... plugging is something I've been thinking of trying, just for the hell of it, but there's just one little problem.
*(embarrasing confession alert)*
MDMA always makes me want to go to the loo when I'm coming up. And I mean ALWAYS... every time... always number 2's. So would this still be the case with plugging, and if so, how do I ensure the pill stays up there? Hold it in? :D
How long is the average come-up from plugging? If it's relatively quick I don't think I'd have a problem staying away from the loo.. but I'm just so scared to lose my valuable drugs. That's why I haven't done it yet.
Hold on until you are peaking, then you shouldnt lose anything to valuble.
If not, just remember that scene in Trainspotting.
Havent tried it myslef, but have a very good friend who's ex girlfriend was a fiend for it. He once told me the first time she asked him to plug it in for her he didnt think too much of it until she went to the kitchen grabbed a tea spoon, dropped he panties and got on all fours. Her thoery was to press it in with the back face of the spoon, strange, but each to their own I guess.
tried it finally. Started peaking within 10-15 mins! After that I needed to take a shit...was spewing! Held it for a bit but then had to go. I wouldn't do it again, burnt my arse a bit too much. I think capping it and eating it's the best :)
Originally posted by MOTOMAN:
tried it finally. Started peaking within 10-15 mins! After that I needed to take a shit...was spewing! Held it for a bit but then had to go. I wouldn't do it again, burnt my arse a bit too much. I think capping it and eating it's the best :)
Read before you try!
Always ALWAYS crush the pill and put it in a cap and ALWAYS shove it up past your second knuckle, further if you can bear it. You'll feel some resistance as you try to get past your sphincter muscle, put keep pushing, if you don't, that's when you get asses of fire.
Originally posted by anfalicious:

if you don't, that's when you get asses of fire.

Ahahaha, thanks dude i just laughed VB all over my computer screen! All this talk has convinced me that i oughta give the ol pluggin a go...again. Am i drunk enough to tell you all what happened the first and only time i have done it?
I was at a cheap lil rave in Newy and had decided to plug, so off i went and found myself a dark alley to shove a pill up my date. There was no talk of using gel-caps back in my day, or maybe there was but i wasnt listening. I had whacked the condom on my finger to avoid smelly bob syndrome and thought i had done an okay job, and was rather afraid of someone walking around the corner so i zipped up and all was well.
That was until a little brown martian appeared on my shoulder, he kept saying "tweedle dee, tweedle dum, youve got a mercedes up your bum! And it going to fall out!!" I was freaked. I tried to cancel his little voice out, but i couldnt, and i couldnt enjoy dancing without the thought of my pill bouncing out of my boxers and under my shoe.
From here, Im not going into details. Lets just say that i wrapped the little bugger in toilet paper, and the mercedes entered two driveways that evening and i ended up having an okay time.
I believe i am ready again.
This time the little bugger's going so far up my ass that ill probably cough it into the basin. ;)