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Who on BL is a proud plugger?

I don't think plugging is gross at all, it's just another orifice right? I will try it in the future, don't know when exactly - but I am looking forward to it!!!
as long as you're smart enough to use a condom or something what's the problem? unless you have devious grogans, that you are unaware of lying in wait to soak up your precious md.
damnn you alll I want that cap back!!!! :(
If anyone is scared of trying to plug a pill, I'm sure many bluelighters here would be willing to help them.
*nice mental image there huh?*
i have never plugged and don't feel the need to. but i don't judge anyone who does it. i have cut down so much that they have a full-blown effect anyway :) (i don't think i could handle being more messy) - i don't rack up pills or chew them either.
i have no complex with sticking things in my ass :) i just think that for me the least hassle is enuf = swallowing and forgetting.
but if that's what gives you guys a bigger kick, thumbs up for it! (no pun intended)
I plug just for fun! The first thing I ever ask about a new substance, be it a food or a drug is:
"Can you plug it?"
Awww yeah.
plugging? yep :)
me and about 4 of my mates get to the toilet in a club, and make a big plugging circle. It makes things much easier, and brings an element of cooperation and friendship into the process.
<Anthony> to be a bluelighter you have to be a shafter and proud of it :p
<moebro> Anthony - >=P
<moebro> shafter? plugger?
<Anthony> yeah
<Anthony> it shows commitment to doing disgusting and rediculous things to get more out of your drugs
<Anthony> that's the bluelighter way
<Anthony> although, I personally don't do it cos it doesnt work for me
<Anthony> but I've tried, and that's what counts :p
i personally haven't plugged yet, but heard good things.
the next time i take a pill, i'm gonna shaft it. i have the caps, the only thing missing is the pill!!
soon though..... soon i will see the light!
Well I haven't done it yet, but will at some point...it used to gross me out until I remembered that I'm gay and that I stick worse things than pills up other people's asses, so a bit of MDMA in mine shouldn't be THAT big a drama...I was gonna do it this weekend actually but wasn't really convenient...
oral administering of a pill doesn’t even compare to the strength when it is plugged. i can’t believe how many people have a problem with the idea of this? there are many medicines where you actually can only use it rectally.
I'm fucking sick of seeing all these petty arguments and cheap little comments about plugging. If you do it. More power to you. If you don't. Thats fine too. I don't see how anyone here feels they have the right to judge anyone else about it. It doesnt make you more hardcore if you plug. And it doesn't make you less of a "junkie" if you don't. Its simply a method of using. Just like snorting. I think everyone here has to remember that we are all drug users. ALL of us. And as such, we are all in the same boat, and these levels (e.g "oh i only eat mine, i'm not as bad as those pluggers") that people are creating are non-existent.
And in case anyone is interested, i plug a whole at the start of my nite. Then just swallow halves to keep the peak going.
Thats my 2 cents anyway...
I saw the leprachaun and he told me to shove things up my arse.
Never done it, never really seen the need to, i don't even really like ecstacy enough with normal administrations, certainly not enough to ram my thumb up my bung-hole to become pill anus and let my dealer ram MDMA into my anus for my chance to be famous!
And BT you stole my original funny, you've done grand boyo, but ya know what ya must do now. Plug them! Plug them all!
[ 19 February 2003: Message edited by: Tabernacle ]
I'd consider it , but i dont think im ready yet
when my tolerance is approaching 'fuck' levels ill give it a shot
certainly made my night when i asked cereal 'how's your night going?'
and he replied with 'yeah just plugged a white star'
gotta love visuals...not
haven't done it yet but a blue mtv and a blue barrel are wsitting there waiting for me to do it. what the intensity like btw, smart idea to do it out and about or in home. one of my friends did it and became a joyfulful heap in the corner or the room.
unplugged frootcake
No hang ups here.... but from from personal experience i have foud my 2 limited plugging experiences very mellow.....no intensity compared to other methods....but i am willing to prove myself wrong if convinced otherwise :D