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White Puma with glitter, first batch

50mgs of MDMA and 5mgs of meth would probably feel to be a high dose of MDMA though. Especially if you're taking 2 or 3.... a 90mg pill you should need more than one and a half to have a BALLS TO THE WALL ROLL

I'd say they're higher than 50mg folley. Lots of ppl with low tolerances have absolutely rolled dick on just one single puma. They're definitely better than the skulls and I can honestly say they're close to on par with a single drop Purple Y mint. I have compared the two and they are so close its almost not even noticeable the difference between the two.
I can truthfully say my closest guess would be about 70-80mg, give or take, based on the shifty knowledge we know about the mints being tested. They're definitely stronger than 50mg though, that I'm sure of.
Qweezy you've taken em both too, what do you think?
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The pumas have to be around the 70mg mark for sure...Even though I have never taken them by themselves, even with other pills or molly you can feel the nice lil extra kick you get. Maybe I'll get my hands on some more and try them by themselves and see how I feel on them, if my guy still has some and stops being a tight ass on giving me some more....what a shifty fucking cunt
anybody telling you they know the content of a pill (that hasn't been tested) based on imprint and appearance alone, and then telling you, with no idea of the strength, to automatically take 2 is extremely irresponsible.

a comment like that flies directly in the face of everything bluelight stands for and has absolutely nothing to do with harm-reduction.

god dammit, im tired of us having to guess what mg our pills are in america. I got an idea, ill search the black market for a GC/MS machine and we can all put our money together to buy it, then everyone in america can pay us to come test their pills, whos onboard?? jk mods
How many of u people think the chemists over at ecstasydata.org after they test the pills and come back clean take em and drop em themselves? I know I sure as hell would! They must have some banging Christmas parties!
anybody telling you they know the content of a pill (that hasn't been tested) based on imprint and appearance alone, and then telling you, with no idea of the strength, to automatically take 2 is extremely irresponsible.

a comment like that flies directly in the face of everything bluelight stands for and has absolutely nothing to do with harm-reduction.


We learned that to be way true on the first reports of the white bolts. Americans were double dropping them like a normal American press and getting absolutely wrecked to the point it wasn't enjoyable for them.

Did we say something anti-harm reduction alasdair? Not sure I read anything reckless here.
Yea that caught me by surprise to blah. I looked thru all the comments twice and didnt catch it
Did we say something anti-harm reduction alasdair? Not sure I read anything reckless here.
telling somebody that they need to take 2 of any - indeed every - pill every time with absolutely no idea of the contents is absolutely irresponsible and fundamentally anti-harm-reduction.
We learned that to be way true on the first reports of the white bolts. Americans were double dropping them like a normal American press and getting absolutely wrecked to the point it wasn't enjoyable for them.
i think we agree, blah blah. your comment here is exactly the kind of outcome that directing people that they have to have 2 pills every time will create. it's appalling advice.

telling somebody that they need to take 2 of any - indeed every - pill every time with absolutely no idea of the contents is absolutely irresponsible and fundamentally anti-harm-reduction.
i think we agree, blah blah. your comment here is exactly the kind of outcome that directing people that they have to have 2 pills every time will create. it's appalling advice.

Right I get what you're saying, but where did I advise people to drop 2, always, no matter what it is? It seems I'm not the only one here confused as to who or what was said throwing out harmful advice? Could you quote it in your next comment and maybe that'll clear this up?
Everyone should be baked right now.

Thoughts on the pumas... Via comparison. A lot of people around here tried the green HH several times, and they were like the 50mg MDMA to 5mg meth, give or take. The same people took pumas. In the end they said 1-1.5 or 2 pumas was plenty, while green HH were 3 on average. Based solely on user reports and guesstimates, these had maybe 80mg MDMA. Rolling hard off 1.5 pills makes me believe that.
For sure Lou. A lot of trusted and experienced users all come to that same consensus. They're a good pill for American standards.
If this wasn't a harm reduction website, I would say just take your drug binge to the limit and keep nom noming until you are on the floor saying "fuck I'm rolling hard" over and over
Right I get what you're saying, but where did I advise people to drop 2, always, no matter what it is? It seems I'm not the only one here confused as to who or what was said throwing out harmful advice? Could you quote it in your next comment and maybe that'll clear this up?
you didn't say it. another user - folley - did: "You will need to double drop any American press to get a good dose".

Well in folleys defense any American press that tests positive for mdma other than the bolts u really do need to at least double drop. Name the last American press that tested clean besides the bolts that didn't need a double drop?
i'm sorry but your statement is ridiculous - you're telling us you know the makeup of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of pills across a spectrum of locations with no testing or exerience of said pills. take a second and think about how ridiculous that claim is.

i can tell you that, from (recent) personal experience, your statement is absolutely false. just because your pills suck and you've heard other people's pills suck, don't assume that all pills suck. that's a ridiculous extrapolation.

my point stands: advising somebody to take two pills automatically simply because they come from a certain country (a country that covers over 3 million square miles and has a population of >300,000,000) is, at best, extremely irresponsible.

Yea yanker lives on the east coast anyway. They r flooded with pipes so i bet he hasnt eaten a clean roll in years. I think yanker is just jealous