• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Which of these medications could make someone fall asleep the fastest?


If I wanted an answer like yours that I would have posted in a different section...Did you really not see the part where I wrote induce sleep at the lowest dosage??????? By the way I am new and It looks like you have been part of bluelight for a while so what are you thinking when you say things like that to new members.....It doesn't make sense you have been here since 2002 and you still haven't learned how to talk to people in a nice manner while typing?

Yes I have been here for a long time, and have answers thousands of questions (including yours). As such, I know in which forum posts belong (as you may not have realized I moderated the most active forum here for a long time, at one point, single handed).

Have you looked at the other topics in this forum? Do you see any resemblance between yours and the other topics?

What are you looking for? Do you want dissociation constants for the drugs you listed for their target receptors? Do you know what dissociation constants even are, or what a Ki value is? That can be found by searching. No one here knows what drug you will respond best to.

In respect to benzodiazapines, people react differently, drastically. Experience says xanax will put you to sleep at the lowest dose. But "low dose" is irrelevant, the drugs you listed have WIDELY varied potencies.

Have some respect that (for the most part) highly educated and experienced individuals are even taking the time to answer your "advanced" question.
If your problem is with falling asleep quickly and not staying asleep, the best options would probably be short-acting potent benzos or sedatives. Unless you have access to propofol or something, I'd say triazolam (Halcion) or midazolam (Dormicum). They'll knock you right out and you shouldn't feel groggy in the morning. Acquiring prescriptions may be tough though. IV midazolam should knock you the fuck out in a matter of minutes, but I wouldn't suggest filtering and banging Dormicum or Halcion, so unless you can get it in ampoules, the pill forms are probably the best. They set in very quickly anyway.

Of the drugs you listed, I'm not too familiar with all of them, but depending on tolerance 1-4mg of alprazolam plus possibly a beer or two to amplify (you can then slightly reduce Xanax dosage) also hits quickly and is sedating at larger doses, especially with alcohol, and should put you to sleep. Some people get very energetic off alprazolam though.

Also, barbs are obviously a possibility but they're very dangerous in overdose.
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I know this already.............but it could help someone if they were to truly answer my question.

Thank you...Do you any resources to back up why Alprrazolam or benzo's are the most effective to induce sleep the fastest?

If I wanted an answer like yours that I would have posted in a different section...Did you really not see the part where I wrote induce sleep at the lowest dosage??????? By the way I am new and It looks like you have been part of bluelight for a while so what are you thinking when you say things like that to new members.....It doesn't make sense you have been here since 2002 and you still haven't learned how to talk to people in a nice manner while typing?

I could have swore I wrote down why.......I read a few forums in here and people were having illogical effects from their medications...SO it led me to think about the medicaitons I have taken in the past....Non have worked for me so I want to know exactly why....I need to know why my body is metabolizing sleep inducing medication is a different way...........especially after I read that thread about people feeling euphoric while taking seroquel..I just do not understand that....I researched my butt off trying to figure out how that was possible (just by changing the administration route.........

I already know everything you said so it doesn't help....Also I am not drug addict or a weird trying to get a chick.............cloroform wtf..............

You asked what drug will get someone asleep the fasted, I answered, choloroform. I also mention sodium phenobarbital, which can knock osmeone else
Like Psychonauticunt said, if this is because you personally suffer from insomnia, then triazolam (or halcion as it's commonly known) is one of your best bets. It's a very strong benzo. Not recreational from my experience, but amazing for the purpose of passing out.

However, I strongly recommend that you don't use this information to try to make someone else pass out against their will. That's completely messed up and disturbing. Your original question did reek of suspicion and that's why you received a lot of the responses that you did.
Clotiapine (Entumin) really knocks you out

God what a name. En-TOMB-in. Reminds me of Danny in Withnail & I:


Don't get uptight with me man. Because if you do I'll have to give you
a dose of medicine and if I spike you you'll know you've been spoken to . . .
Trade: Phenodihydrochloride benzelex. Street: The embalmer.