• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Which of these medications could make someone fall asleep the fastest?

Well hello Jay if I did that then if would be against forum rules and I would be implicating myself in a crime..................
LOL no freak its a joke...I just wanted to know the logic behind the drug that induces sleep the fastest out of each drug I have taken in the past.............Why do I really have to explain the reason for my question?

^--By the way That is the TRUTH.....FYI lol....crime OMG
xanax but it tastes so bad if you dope someone theyll know :( lol

promethazine maybe, it varies so much I get no sedation while friends pass right out
^---lol thank you everyone for lightening the mood in here..........I can not stop laughing......
Your question and intentional vagueness has implications of someone possibly taking advantage of another person. Why not reveal your reason for wanting to know the answer, if it's innocent?

It is your lack of stating a reason for wanting the knowledge that makes it suspicious. I site Joran Van Der Sloot as reason why I don't want to help someone who might have ill intentions. As a female you might appreciate my trepidation.

I have a sister, mother, many female cousins and female friends who I think about when I hear vague questions about `putting someone to sleep quickly.` Think it through...

Again, why not explain why you ask the question? It's your coyness that makes me suspicious. You portray yourself as a (young) female and I want you to know even YOU are in my thoughts when it comes to questions like: "which of these drugs will put someone to sleep the fastest?"

I'm probably being overly concerned with it all - but I'd rather be cautious than complicit.

Be safe, well, knowledgeable, and STOP raping people! (That's a joke, I hope!)
lol...I am glad there are people like you in the world Jay..I wrote something like that in my profile ..i think..anyways.... I didn't think anyone over the internet or on the forum would really care what my intentions were...so I just wrote the title then a list..... I guess..... I am just weird like that I am always summing up and very vague...lol I over think everything...<--thats is my problem.
In complete honesty, I am uncertain of your reasons for this thread. A simple Google search would have revealed the answers - not to mention a quick browse of Erowid.

Keep in mind that your IP address is logged, and if you do use this for the wrong reasons, you have come to the wrong place to ask.

If you have good reasons, then have a good sleep, and have fun! :)

Oh, and don't bother replying to my post. I doubt I'll read this thread again, as I know significant information about every single drug you mentioned. Although you could always resort to good old fashioned alcohol - as long as it doesn't become habitual, and is for a single night or few.

Take care, have fun, and look after yourself! :)
Hey everyone I have added to the initial question in this thread...please respond with a logical answer to help me. please please please....lol
Route of administration and dosage are key aspects in deciding. Aside that from my experience,

- Dextromethorphan: it has never increased my capability of sleeping and at higher dosages, 150 to 300mg, it makes falling asleep a bit more difficult.

- Ativan: Lorazepam definitely makes sleeping easier.

- Ambien: I know zolpidem wasn't listed but I felt from my experience it snorting it will allow me to fall asleep the quickest.
Any GABA drug (Alprazolam is preferred because of short half life) is probably the best route. I don't know why anyone would suggest a histamine blocker over a GABA drug. Yea, they work for getting you to sleep but GABA drugs are just much more pleasant.
The route of administration would be oral. Dosage would be the minimum of each medication.

When calculating the minimal dosage of each medication (to answer my question.) Each med would need to be chemically equivalent during consumption.

(Example- xanax ? mg = ativan ? mg)

With that being said, I need to know which medication would be the fastest to induce sleep.

I am very interested in the chemical process that creates contradicted adverse effects. (I read the seroquel thread)

When I know the medication......It's time for Biochemisty....woo hoo.........I love biochemistry.
you do realize this is Advanced drug discussion.....your question is far from it...

A LARGE dose of alprazolam (2mg, no tolerance) would work the fastest. While low dose are more anxiolytic, large doses are hypnotic and can lead to sleeo.

Don't post material of this caliber in here. Not to be a snob, its simply material like this is not something I come here to read (as can be attest by others). There is a sort of narcissism to think ones post is deserving of Advanced analysis while in actually it is far from it....

i am still confused about why you need to fall asleep fast. it seems like you might want to aim for quality sleep instead.

you still have not told us what you are trying to do. say what you need and somebody will probably have the answer you are looking for.

anyway, like i said, i think ativan would be a solid choice. im not sure about oral though because its often given IV, but it does have a quick onset. it is used for sedation in the ER a lot.
A few problems right off the bat:
Tolerance, weight, individual metabolism, brain chemistry, etc. Some people may find one drug more effective than another.

As far as converting benzo's, not all benzo's do the same thing. They are in the same class, although have much different effects.

Also, this is the advanced drug section, all of the drugs you listed are pretty basic. If you truly wanted to knock someone out, cloroform comes to mind right off the bat, but there are other drugs that can be used to induce coma.

Sodium pentobarbital? (also used in lethal injections)
Everyone has answered with information I already know...........If I didn't already know these ridiculously basic answers I would not have put this question in the advanced section..............
I think Jasoncrest posted this once; http://www.benzo.org.uk/bzequiv.htm

Here's an automatic version; http://www.benzodocs.com/converter.php?

Use this as a basis. Remember everyone's body is unique and may react to the same dosage in varying respects.

I know this already.............but it could help someone if they were to truly answer my question.

Any GABA drug (Alprazolam is preferred because of short half life) is probably the best route. I don't know why anyone would suggest a histamine blocker over a GABA drug. Yea, they work for getting you to sleep but GABA drugs are just much more pleasant.

Thank you...Do you any resources to back up why Alprrazolam or benzo's are the most effective to induce sleep the fastest?

you do realize this is Advanced drug discussion.....your question is far from it...

A LARGE dose of alprazolam (2mg, no tolerance) would work the fastest. While low dose are more anxiolytic, large doses are hypnotic and can lead to sleeo.

Don't post material of this caliber in here. Not to be a snob, its simply material like this is not something I come here to read (as can be attest by others). There is a sort of narcissism to think ones post is deserving of Advanced analysis while in actually it is far from it....

If I wanted an answer like yours that I would have posted in a different section...Did you really not see the part where I wrote induce sleep at the lowest dosage??????? By the way I am new and It looks like you have been part of bluelight for a while so what are you thinking when you say things like that to new members.....It doesn't make sense you have been here since 2002 and you still haven't learned how to talk to people in a nice manner while typing?


i am still confused about why you need to fall asleep fast. it seems like you might want to aim for quality sleep instead.

you still have not told us what you are trying to do. say what you need and somebody will probably have the answer you are looking for.

anyway, like i said, i think ativan would be a solid choice. im not sure about oral though because its often given IV, but it does have a quick onset. it is used for sedation in the ER a lot.

I could have swore I wrote down why.......I read a few forums in here and people were having illogical effects from their medications...SO it led me to think about the medicaitons I have taken in the past....Non have worked for me so I want to know exactly why....I need to know why my body is metabolizing sleep inducing medication is a different way...........especially after I read that thread about people feeling euphoric while taking seroquel..I just do not understand that....I researched my butt off trying to figure out how that was possible (just by changing the administration route.........
A few problems right off the bat:
Tolerance, weight, individual metabolism, brain chemistry, etc. Some people may find one drug more effective than another.

As far as converting benzo's, not all benzo's do the same thing. They are in the same class, although have much different effects.

Also, this is the advanced drug section, all of the drugs you listed are pretty basic. If you truly wanted to knock someone out, chloroform comes to mind right off the bat, but there are other drugs that can be used to induce coma.

Sodium pentobarbital? (also used in lethal injections)

I already know everything you said so it doesn't help....Also I am not drug addict or a weird trying to get a chick.............cloroform wtf..............
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I want everyone to know that what I ask questions the answers I am looking for is more complex than I can describe. So when reading my questions will you please remember this girl will not ask a simple question to get a simple answer. My thoughts run very deep, I wear my heart on my sleeve...and I am a very complex person.....................This question is not some dumb ass kid trying to see what medication will get them high or sleepy.....I will now go re-read what I updated on the initial post to try and understand where I made a mistake and why people are still getting the wrong idea.
Individual variance is a huge factor with any type of sleep meds, or any meds for that reason. I know of a couple people that get sleepy on d-amphetamine, and some people who get all uppity on diphenhydramine... so there isn't going to be one specific answer. Generally speaking barbituates tend to make everyone drowsy, but to different degrees. Promethazine knocks me the fuck out, but I wouldn't really call it sleep as i'm usually quite drowsy even after sleeping for 10+ hrs. If you're looking for something to help with insomnia i'd go with zolpidem or something similar. Benzos have quite variable effects. Some get drowsy, other not really up, but want to enjoy the buzz and not fall asleep. For me, lower doses of alprazolam (.5mg or less) make me sleepy where as anything over 0.5mg makes me not want to sleep. Mirtazapine tends to make most people quite drowsy as well.

If you're just going to snag someone's wallet I'd recommend a croquet mallet over a baseball bat personally. ;)