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Where do you hide your drugs?

I didn't read anything in this post so I dk if anyone mentioned it but OVEN MITTS! If u live alone or w.e and ur worried about ur house gettin ran up on..what cop thinks of looking in oven mitts? Plus u usually keep them high up or someplace where a dog wouldn't smell it

It's pretty legit
I didn't read anything in this post so I dk if anyone mentioned it but OVEN MITTS! If u live alone or w.e and ur worried about ur house gettin ran up on..what cop thinks of looking in oven mitts? Plus u usually keep them high up or someplace where a dog wouldn't smell it

It's pretty legit

That's actually.... a pretty good idea. Hmmm...

EDIT: But I'm still of the opinion that the police will probably find your stash so long as they're really making the effort to find it. And what do I care if they find my stash? I won't tell them a thing; I'll just request my lawyer, wait for the police to screw something up like they always, inevitably do. I'll walk, and then I'll immediately file a lawsuit against the police department for a mountain of charges, many of those charges being made up but nonetheless worthy of some serious media coverage and a cute settlement, perhaps.

ANOTHER EDIT: Yeah, I'm dreaming. It wouldn't happen like that, but I am white, so that's got to be worth something, right?
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No one said inside frozen corpses? Guess I'm the only one.

That's probly cuz fresh corpses are the way to go.
The putrid corpse stink masks out any smell known to man.
Take this as a learning opportunity Febreeze.

P.S. when I read this, you had 666posts.
That's awesome.
Get a large urn and place next to a family member's photo. Place drugs in bottom and fill with random ashes. A cop is never emptying it; only you know the ashes are from the bonfire.
Hahaha haha, "Officer, that's not drugs, it's my grandpa!" Not a bad idea though.

I keep my RCs in a customized humidor with a lock. It keeps them at a cooler temperature, and also is a sweet looking stash box. Big enough for everything, too.
I keep them in a box of a motherboard I've bought some time ago. Mama doesn't look inside it. =p
I keep mine in a pouch in the top drawer next to my bed. I keep meaning to buy a stash/rolling box of some sort, but can never bring myself to spend a decent amount of money on one, and I don't want to just get a cheap one. In the pouch they shall stay for now.
desk drawer for shit i dont have scripts for+loose pills. the pharms that are legitimately acquired generally just sit around along with my weed. viles, and baggies carrying anything more powerful than bud either goes in a small wooden box behind my subwoofer or in the drawer with the assorted pills. psychedelics i rarely have so i kinda just figure out a place for shrooms, lsd ,whatever when the time comes, usually just,again, in the drawer. used to keep a 5th of rum in a cabinet above my desk but had to quit drinking as it was ruining my life.anything otc stays in the same desk as the loose pills, just a few levels down... this reply really didn't have to be this long
"It wouldn't happen like that, but I am white, so that's got to be worth something, right?"

yea buddy.. once I came back from court facing felony poss. charges and was leaving in 2 weeks, when I got back on deck and told my (black) cellie he was like "DAMNNN! How you do that??" and I was like "umm mmm" LOL!
Well there all legal prescriptions for my pychiatric problems...........So they just sit in the medicine drawer. xD In my room. I hate when i am to lazy to getup and take a pill with water cuz im sooooooooo tired and i just pop 1 w/o water........my esophogus is damaged from heartburn such a pain to swallow med.
In prescription bottles in a safe. Pills, white, molly, lucy, and bud.
Ive got an iHome with a big battery compartment on the bottom, open that up and empty it out and you can fit a good amount of drugs in there. Not weed but pills or L
I have a little safe in my closet. Always store my drugs in the safe if they are not in my pocket.
Palmdot has a good safe. But it's too obvious. He was thinking of where to stash stuff. TBH it has to be obvious to be discreet. Eg, Palmdot has a camera on one of his chest of drawers that he hasn't moved in years. Just a small digital one like. He found that by removing the batteries (AA) it left him enough room to keep a rolled up bag in one battery slot and a rolled up piece of paper in the other side. Then all it takes is taking his camera out with him and either a cd case or small mirror. He always has cards. In places where it's difficult, he smokes roll ups so always has rizla and just a prep of a cold + flu tablet before going out allows him to take stuff discreetly. Nothing has been found in over 3 months of this and he is even getting away with (at least) weekly usage at college. Personally, I think Palmdot is a fucking genius ;D.
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Swim is not allowed here, it dosent protect you and we all know its you..it just makes reading your post harder.

And welcome to bluelight!