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When should I expect magic mushroom season to start in UK?

Yeah, it's pretty pointless ingesting such a low amount really.. You either want to trip or you don't! Fortune favours the brave ;)
Anywhere on BL to help identify Liberty caps ? Only had them 20 years ago at uni and they were already dried out
Not starting a fight but microdosing is Silicon Valley bullshit. "I took 15ug of LSD and was flying at work" (this is a direct quote from Bluelight). No you didn't. Check Shulgin. Baseline LSD is 20ug. And 1) I doubt I'd feel that and 2) exactly how did this person measure out their 20ug?

Its a fad and its bollocks. Just my opinion obviously. There's this thing called set and setting. And this other thing called placebo. And this other thing called fooling yourself.

Anyway, surprised at the 7 mushrooms Tranced. Maybe size matters? 12 is as low as I've made it and that was a loooooonnnngggg time ago. I'd go with 15 for the man who is asking. And don't go walking around outside with digital scales in your pocket outdoors ffs.

Haha, good point about dosing 20ug. I mentioned in PD the other week, but I found microdosing completely ineffective. I was told to take 200mg, but it didn't work, so I moved on to 400mg, and nothing happened there either. That said, I certainly wouldn't reccomend somebody taking 400mg straight away, not after my incident with seven last year.

Somebody in PD raised a good point about the known tolerance of mushrooms/LSD lessening the viability of microdosing being realistically effective. That said, I'm not saying it doesn't work. Perhaps psychs have some kind of nootropic effect working on different receptors, which isn't prone to tolerance issues.

For the record, I was also surprised about seven working. I can remember that in my mind I expected something akin to a weed buzz. Instead I remained relatively sober, other than an incredibly analytical, slightly negative state of mind, uncomfortable, mild body high, and very slight visuals.

I guess we all know from experience that anxiety/depression can heighten the effects of a psychedelic trip, and vice versa, and mushrooms also have a tendency to teach lessons if you don't respect them. I guess that this is what happened.

I'd be interested to know how much they weighed, considering it can't be far off the amount I was taking when experimenting with microdosing.
Anywhere on BL to help identify Liberty caps ? Only had them 20 years ago at uni and they were already dried out

Nope, we're not allowed. Read my post further up for directions to the correct part of shroomery.
Anywhere on BL to help identify Liberty caps ? Only had them 20 years ago at uni and they were already dried out

Personally, I always dry them out before eating anyway. I don't fancy them slimy from the field. Also drying them out gives them a more uniform appearance in terms of colouring, so you can be 100% sure of what you have.

Plenty of pics online to ID against and I really would check and check again against pics if you're new to picking. This goes for edible shrooms too - not just magic ones!

I hadn't seen any for a few years (used to grow in my dad's back garden!), but last year found some hilly moorland which was being grazed by sheep. Plenty there.
^please do not ID by contrasting with online photographs of libs! When starting out its very easy to think what you picked looks perfectly alike, then a few years down the line you realise it was just another small mushroom and possibly poisonous.

Like I say, go to shroomery and check out the UK liberty cap hunting thread! Those guys know their shit. That thread is quite simply the best way to clue yourself up in 2016. They're also a lot easier to ID when wet. Make sure you take some *high quality/decent* photos with your smart phone and post them there.
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I was gonna take sham shrooming today but,naw. Think I'd rather pull an all nighter and be there by Dawn. Not because of a higher success rate but because that's just an amazing time to do so. I've never had any hunting luck anyway. It's just an excuse really.
I was gonna take sham shrooming today but,naw. Think I'd rather pull an all nighter and be there by Dawn. Not because of a higher success rate but because that's just an amazing time to do so. I've never had any hunting luck anyway. It's just an excuse really.

You'd probably be wise to leave it another few weeks anyway. We're basically at the same longitude and I've yet to see any libs. Other species are starting to appear in greater numbers though.
....and be there by Dawn. Not because of a higher success rate but because that's just an amazing time to do so.

My spots a field about 90 minutes drive from my House. It's well elevated and isolated so it always a fucking goldmine - as such since they were banned in 2005 they have regular police patrols around the site. So, I always pick a Saturday morning (usually early October based on the weather) and leave about 5 - 6am so that I reach the summit of the hill at sunrise. It makes the beuts easy to spot with the sun at such a low angle, you can catch all the fuckers that have popped up over night, and the local rural police force is usually on parade at that hour of the morning, so by the time they have grabbed their bacon sarnies and decided to patrol the hill I'm usually half way home with between 500 - 1000 liberty caps, collected generally in less than an hour. I've never seen a field like it - you cant walk anywhere without tripping over (npi) a plethora of overlapping fairy rings.
My spots a field about 90 minutes drive from my House. It's well elevated and isolated so it always a fucking goldmine - as such since they were banned in 2005 they have regular police patrols around the site. So, I always pick a Saturday morning (usually early October based on the weather) and leave about 5 - 6am so that I reach the summit of the hill at sunrise. It makes the beuts easy to spot with the sun at such a low angle, you can catch all the fuckers that have popped up over night, and the local rural police force is usually on parade at that hour of the morning, so by the time they have grabbed their bacon sarnies and decided to patrol the hill I'm usually half way home with between 500 - 1000 liberty caps, collected generally in less than an hour. I've never seen a field like it - you cant walk anywhere without tripping over (npi) a plethora of overlapping fairy rings.

Police patrolling the fields?! Christ...

Up here in the Highlands is the opposite end of the scale.

Yet to see any semilanceata this season, but a lot of woodland fungi seem to be in full flush. I guess the misty, chilly mornings are still yet to arrive. It's actually been unseasonably warm, muggy and dry this early autumn so far.
What in the name of ruptured haemarrhoids slathered in bacon fat are the filth doing spending their (and more importantly BY FAR, wasting OUR time) poncing around like a pack of donut scarfing, pus-slobbering inbred ruptured, scabby cancerous rectal tumours twatting about on the bloody moors! Wasting taxpayers money, and pig time that could be spent better catching thieves, rapists, blowing the brains out of innocent brazillians on trains, abusing chemists and harassing innocent people.

You know, this kind of peurile twuntish f****try could be used. Media coverage, give them a big fat juicy serving of humble pie topped with whipped shame with a knob on top. Do it man, do it. Have the media (even local could help) informed, light a fire under their fucking bastard arse.
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Soon as my foot heals I'm going to check my fly agaric spots. And while I'm at it check my patches for tasty boletes. I've got one favourite walk, that every season is replete with brown birch boletes, fly agaric, the occasional peppery boletus, usually find some ripe, juicy ceps, and the end of the walk, it opens onto an area where there are usually quite a lot of bay boletes, and a few blushers aren't uncommon either. Plus, the tall grasses that grow around this place are heavily infested with ergot sclerotia,

One day that stable, productive strain SHALL come unto my petri dishes.
There were loads of Fly Agarics in the North East Pine trees right behind the sand dunes on a beach not too far from the Scottish borders, Recently (Like 4-5 weeks ago).

Apparently they put a psy trance rave on there and the organisers ingested, leading to a fucking shambles of an already seriously sub par psy trance festival (we have raves there every year anyway, and it doesn't cost £60 to get in).
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Things are bone dry in the south east of England this year. It's not looking good for mushrooms.
Things are bone dry in the south east of England this year. It's not looking good for mushrooms.

It must be the only time of the year that I feel bad for those in the south of England.

Plenty of mushies popping up in the more northern latitudes of these isles %)

You mean just picked and ate em? oh boy. That does NOT have pretty results. Never done it, never going to but have read the stories. Never ends well.
I checked my field the other day and it was really weird. Completely different habitat to what I'm used to. Must completely transform when the rain comes. The wet bit was a dry sunny hay field.