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When should I expect magic mushroom season to start in UK?

yup I am like you guys I prefer not have the hasstle I think. It would be much more agreeable to just have something delivered discreetly to my door; then all the stress of getting caught is removed besides that tiny thought in your mind of them catching your parcel :). I dont mind the traipsing if I were able to be open about it but I cant so I do. It aint like when you were a teen and the danger added to the fun.

If anything you can still enjoy a country walk from an online purchase just dose before so best of both worlds.

Alternatively I thought go for a walk and just eat a few fresh on the walk. I only want low doses anyway chew em down quick and try not to think of how many of the little grubs you are eating as well.
Theres always the thought of picking a few other species also. Doesn't mean you need to eat them, but larger mushrooms than libs. Although many of the larger ones are mycorrhizal, not all of the meadow species are. And there are a few real treats amongst the waxcaps. Was up in yorkshire a while back on the hills, and managed to bag a load of meadow waxcaps (Camarophyllus pratensis, ) and scarlet hood, scarlet waxcaps, those were pretty good when gotten back home and cooked.

As for golf courses, my best spot for fly agarics is on a golf course. So they are fruiting already? been looking but its been dry lately. No luck, blusher are coming out though. Need preparing thoroughly in two changes of boiling water before cooking to leach and destabilize a thermolabile haemolytic toxin present.

Cyanescens season is closer to winter in my experience with finding them, always sporeprint the lot to avoid eating something seriously nasty such as Galerina species (amatoxins, ala the deadlier of the three main clades of amanita toxins, not counting rubescenslysin, the others being isoxazoles such as muscimol and ibotenic acid, and a rapid-acting kidney toxin different from the paraquat-esque orellanine found in the cortinarius genus, allenic norleucine and chlorocrotylglycine iirc being the guilty parties) with the amatoxins being found in those nasty little conocybes as well, and also quite a few of the smaller lepiota species in addition to common sulfur tuft (Hypholoma/Naematoloma fasiculare), these fuckers aren't just nasty, but quite easily fatal, nasty way to go as well. And if not, expect permanent damage.

Easy enough to separate out Galerina spp. though from Psilocybe-rust brown spore print in the former vs dark violet-inky blackish
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For people wondering when they arrive; generally when the weather enters the autumn period and becomes cold enough, then we have a few days of rain fall with these colder temperatures, thats when the mushrooms begin to appear.

In higher altitudes this happens earlier; I.e august/July. Generally though it's September.

The way I found them is thus; go on Google maps, screenshot all the fields that you could feasibly walk to, print it off and number the fields in sequence.

Then hit every field on the map.one after the other until you inevitably find one with the right conditions/liberty caps. Makes for an interesting day, and some interesting finds. ;)
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When I was younger Golf courses where the hot spot. It was a bit bizarre loads of kids on the semi rough of a fairway with golfers hitting shots a few feet away from you. I'm to old in the tooth now to be at that but I walk a couple of time a week along a river a few mile from where I live with farmland with shit loads of cows knocking about on each side. It really does look like prime pickings from what I've read up on conditions. I actually spotted some mushrooms about a month ago growing in old cow pats. Not Libs but because even mushrooms where growing could that mean than the land is suitable for Libs?
When I was younger Golf courses where the hot spot. It was a bit bizarre loads of kids on the semi rough of a fairway with golfers hitting shots a few feet away from you. I'm to old in the tooth now to be at that but I walk a couple of time a week along a river a few mile from where I live with farmland with shit loads of cows knocking about on each side. It really does look like prime pickings from what I've read up on conditions. I actually spotted some mushrooms about a month ago growing in old cow pats. Not Libs but because even mushrooms where growing could that mean than the land is suitable for Libs?

Nope, I'm afraid not. All fields grow various fungi of some sort, but only some have conditions primed for libs. Even when the field looks like the perfect candidate, it may not be. They appear to have an affinity for certain types of grass.

www.shroomery.org > mushroom hunting and identification thread > UK liberty cap thread 2016

That's the best place to go if you want to find them this year.
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Does anyone know if proximity to the sea affects the likelihood of finding shrooms?

I'm near the coast and there are publicly accessible fields that also have cows in them... but the fields go pretty much right up to the coastline.

I've asked a few people about local picking spots and nobody has mentioned these fields at all despite the cow pats everywhere... wondered if the sea air / salinity of the area may affect it?

[I'll be checking the spot come late sept regardless, but was wondering anyway :) ]
I seem to here conflicting reports regarding cows and all that. The best spots seem to be golf courses which usually don't have cows knocking about?

I'm on the piss tonight and was planning a trip to a few spots near where I live so that's on the back burner now.

Belfast around the lagan if anyone is from these parts. Surely most be a few spots. Some parts look really prime.
Golf courses are simply the most obvious/well known locations. The mushrooms are easy to see and everybody knows they're a good bet (due to the high visibility and constant fertilisation to keep the grass growing).

Cow pats mean absolutely fuck all... it's just that cows are good indicators of the type of fields that UK shrooms have grown in for thousands of years before gold courses. You don't need livestock in the fields, just hit all the local agricultural fields, one after the other. The ones with cows, and the ones without!
Golf courses are simply the most obvious/well known locations. The mushrooms are easy to see and everybody knows they're a good bet (due to the high visibility and constant fertilisation to keep the grass growing).

Cow pats mean absolutely fuck all... it's just that cows are good indicators of the type of fields that UK shrooms have grown in for thousands of years before gold courses. You don't need livestock in the fields, just hit all the local agricultural fields, one after the other. The ones with cows, and the ones without!

You're quite right that it's the suitability of the conditions in the fields that is the most important thing.

I don't agree that cow pats mean FA though, several times I have seen large clumps of Liberty Caps growing where a cow pat once lay, judging by the stained grass, and a few crusty bits of pat that always remain around the perimeter, those empty husky bits that even the vermin that live off that shit did not want. Logically the only conclusion is that the pats fertilise the ground where they got broken down, and if any spores get blown onto that area at the right time, it seems that they find those specific growing conditions very favourable.
Never picked on a golf course, wouldn't go near the places for any reason really. I'm also on Tranced side re cow pats meaning fuck all. Never picked near the sea. Always picked near deer (Richmond Park and other places) and sheep (I live in Wales, we're usually full of mushrooms....and sheep.) Actually picked on top of Wales's biggest waterfall once (look it up) in November and found hundreds. No sheep, plenty of water.
You're quite right that it's the suitability of the conditions in the fields that is the most important thing.

I don't agree that cow pats mean FA though, several times I have seen large clumps of Liberty Caps growing where a cow pat once lay, judging by the stained grass, and a few crusty bits of pat that always remain around the perimeter, those empty husky bits that even the vermin that live off that shit did not want. Logically the only conclusion is that the pats fertilise the ground where they got broken down, and if any spores get blown onto that area at the right time, it seems that they find those specific growing conditions very favourable.

There is no doubt that mushrooms may grow more favourably in an area of grass fertilised by shit; though I would argue the mycelium was likely already there, and just sprouts mushrooms where it's easiest.

You've got to remember though that cow fields are actually rather intensively managed, and that nutrients eventually become depleted as the soil becomes unsustainable and even fertilisers fail to work. As such the mycelium could actually be struggling to sprout.

Either way my point is that any field will likely have areas of localised, nutrient dense grass.

My favourite field has no cows whatsoever. I've got no idea what it's used for; it's agricultural and has a lot of sedge grass (a great indicator species... far better than animal shit imo), but either way, it's doing better than local animal fields. I've also found them in very long grass at the local wetlands, which was verging on marshy... but perfect for sedge.

I've had success in animal fields too, but like I say, pretty much any agricultural field stands a decent chance.
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''empty husky bits that even the vermin that live off that shit did not want. ''

The term that is considered PC is 'police officers' they have forgotten their roots these days and seem to be offended at being called pieces of shit that shit-loving vermin would sick up at the thought of so much as rejecting. No idea why. Seems accurate enough to me.

Thinking of giving my nearest Amanita hotspot a looksee in the next few days, seeing as its rained heavily recently. Got rather lucky last year and found some plump ceps (boletus edulis, porcini) very, very tasty when fried in butter and given a light seasoning of pepper, maybe a tad of worcestershire sauce. But needed little. Seen some odd boletes that are not in my books also, not one I would eat even ID'ed, satan's bolete or same clade, bright red pores, big, fat turnip-esque stem, instant bluing, almost iodine-starch indigo-violet-black. Young fruitbodies little smell, slightly older they STINK like a rotting carcass. I did save a specimen for sporeprinting, to check under the scope, but my god it stank so bad I had to toss it, still fresh but a single small fruitbody quickly turned the room into an uninhabitable hotbox of eau-de-decaying sewer rat. Proper rancid, foul nasty little bastard it was, although the species itself grows quite large in the wild. Possibly B.satanoides syn. B.legaliae although the truly filthy, unbearable stench tends to make me think otherwise. Stinkhorn I can bear, (had a luxurious clump growing behind the fridge, once in my former home, called the gas repair guy out, spent hours looking, no dice, because of the eponymous stinking, unfortunately we only found the big fat clump of well-developed stinkhorns growing out of the carpet behind the vac pump of the fridge-freezer later. I'd have cracked up laughing at the poor bastard if he had only found those. just to see the look on his face and photograph that would have been worth the stench many times over when posted on the internet.)

Stinkhorns, I can live with (literally haha :p) but not those bastards. Gods almighty the smell was absolutely fucking terrible. And these were fresh fruitbodies, watched since quite young, all but the youngest new growth smelled absolutely heinous.

But the boletes found locally the other year, under oak and hawthawn, very developed reticulate orange-reddish stem, yellower base, I've seen red-pored boletes before, but never anything like that, save only once. I'm going to give a shot at a professional ID if I can't track it down myself should I see it this year. And I may have a shot being the boletes are mycorrhizal. One things for sure, a fellow mushroom enthusiast I bumped into picking blackberries took a look, blinked a couple of times and didn't quite know what to say for a while before commenting.

This year has been somewhat encouraging so far, not exactly in a conventional sense. But in that I've seen the dead common parrot waxcap growing on my lawn. Which suggests given their association with mosses (Hygrocybe spp. generally) that at least the local microclimate is favourable, for what I've been wanting to do for ages, establish H.calyptraeformis in the garden, because they are rare, red listed in some european countries, and in turkey iirc critically endangered. Just been taken off british red list in recent years afaik. But I know two places they can be found, so plan is next time up there, take one, maybe two or even three caps, from the many that grow in those two places (they are in no trouble in these two specific spots, a couple can certainly be spared, in the interests not of eating, but of further culturing the mycelium in the lab then propagating it into pots of moss and grass with the hope of growing actual fruitbodies.
What would be a good way to know my dosage if I want to take them fresh and I only want a really low dose?

I am so paranoid I would be afraid of getting caught if I left my house with a digital scale even though i don't plan on carrying any mushrooms but police could take you to the station for strip search still couldnt they if they found it.

I want to just go on a walk in the wilds and eat a few fresh and continue around in nature so then I dont have the stress of carrying illegals around.

I certainly want the lowest dose though so I dont get uncomfortable- I am very mentally fragile these days but still I think the shrooms could have good therapeutic value. There is quite a bit of leeway isnt there with dosage iirc? Just taking maybe 5 or so would do the job for added appreciation wouldnt it without any jarring shifting of one's reality?
I don't think that you would really feel 5 at all, man.

If you want a really low dose and want to still feel it, 15-20 average sized ones might be what you're after. I don't imagine you would feel 5 at all. I've never taken less than 25 so maybe someone who has can correct me. :)
^I thought this but last Autumn me and my mate ate 7 whilst picking and they totally kicked my arse. It started with us being hungry so eating two, then I suggested we eat another five "for a laugh". I've got no idea why I thought it would be a laugh; they totally kicked my arse. I think I was basically expecting a mild buzz, but instead I received an introspective analysis/insight into the way I'm running my life. Got a proper bollocking basically. They even threw in the polar opposite of a nice buzz, just to top things off.

Before that I'd say that about 20 average sized ones was a nice, gentle dose, and about as low as you could go. So pretty much what you said. But it turns out that seven can have a pretty substantial effect on your mind.
Ah, there we go then!

I've had really good times on low dose psychs before. I think I will give this a try at around 10 this season. I also plan a maffis dose trip though :)
You'd be surprised at what you feel with even microdosing shroom or other psys. I recommend it. :)
An easy one for me to never forget is because the first time i ever went forraging and partook of the shrooms was 'O' level results day. I think that's usually mid August. Although if shrooms are like other natural beings in the Spring they tend to start their season a few weeks earlier in the South of the UK and reach the north of Scotland several weeks later. I dunno if the same thing applies to late summer/the approach of Autumn and to shrooms.

I picked mine in Mid Wales btw, really plentyfull supplies at that time of year. They grew everywhere; even on my Grandmothers lawn!

Nope it's the other way round. Liberty caps thrive in the Northern hemisphere (cold/wet), so they actually start in Scotland first and gradually make their way South. They have been about in Scotland for a while.

Today in Newcastle it's very chilly and it's been raining all night. I'd say that today would be a good day to check the fields just to look for a bit of activity.

Once this kind of weather is sustained, then you can expect a lot of mushrooms.
You'd be surprised at what you feel with even microdosing shroom or other psys. I recommend it. :)

Not starting a fight but microdosing is Silicon Valley bullshit. "I took 15ug of LSD and was flying at work" (this is a direct quote from Bluelight). No you didn't. Check Shulgin. Baseline LSD is 20ug. And 1) I doubt I'd feel that and 2) exactly how did this person measure out their 20ug?

Its a fad and its bollocks. Just my opinion obviously. There's this thing called set and setting. And this other thing called placebo. And this other thing called fooling yourself.

Anyway, surprised at the 7 mushrooms Tranced. Maybe size matters? 12 is as low as I've made it and that was a loooooonnnngggg time ago. I'd go with 15 for the man who is asking. And don't go walking around outside with digital scales in your pocket outdoors ffs.