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What's your personal opiate use story?

Well, due to migraines and a motorcycle and car wreck, I've been on varying doses of pain meds since my early twenties. However it really got ramped up about 25 years ago. I was prescribed 4 x 80mg Oxycontin and 8 x 5mg Oxy IR's daily. Since then I was switched to Opana 40mg x 4 daily but lately have seen my scripts slowly lowered to 20mg x 2 of Oxymorphone and 10mg x 5 of Oxycodone. I am convinced my brain/body no longer are capable of functioning without those drugs in my system. BTW, I almost exclusively snort my meds and I will tell you that work is almost semi-fun with meds in my system, whereas without, physically not happening. And for the record, I do a physically demanding job and I happen to be over 60 years old with a body that definitely shows some age. That's not even mentioning the fact that at my current level of meds it only knocks my pain down a half a notch or two. For better or worse, that is where things stand with me and probably will remain that way till I die.
Well, due to migraines and a motorcycle and car wreck, I've been on varying doses of pain meds since my early twenties. However it really got ramped up about 25 years ago. I was prescribed 4 x 80mg Oxycontin and 8 x 5mg Oxy IR's daily. Since then I was switched to Opana 40mg x 4 daily but lately have seen my scripts slowly lowered to 20mg x 2 of Oxymorphone and 10mg x 5 of Oxycodone. I am convinced my brain/body no longer are capable of functioning without those drugs in my system. BTW, I almost exclusively snort my meds and I will tell you that work is almost semi-fun with meds in my system, whereas without, physically not happening. And for the record, I do a physically demanding job and I happen to be over 60 years old with a body that definitely shows some age. That's not even mentioning the fact that at my current level of meds it only knocks my pain down a half a notch or two. For better or worse, that is where things stand with me and probably will remain that way till I die.

You have an advantage with your age because many older patients are easily prescribed these meds without doctors batting an eyelash. I'm surprised you've been on the script so long without any issues of doctor's trying to take you off long term opioids as so many with chronic pain have encountered.

@CrackedOut Trust me this is a very good thing. Nothing good can come from this route recreationally. Nothing but despair and misery. I can't put into words how much addicts have struggled to quit this class of drugs.
I’d argue most street heroin is garbage compared to oxycodone, it’s the pure shit that makes oxy look like nothing in comparison. I was dabbling in street h before trying raw and while I’d rank it close to oxy I too didn’t understand the hype until trying it pure.

Also heroin if kept pure is safe in terms of overdosing, I never once got close to overdosing on heroin because it was always the same potency.

As for withdrawal, oxycodone withdrawals are WAY worse. It is true that heroin will raise your oxy tolerance to crazy new heights but I found that mg/mg good effects/withdrawal that oxy is worse.

That said, totally agree no one should ever really make the switch. Heroin is only good for terminal patients, cuz it’s the top dog IMO in terms of addictive potential.

This is coming from someone that at one point had a literal stockpile of every OC imaginable. I even tried the infamous 160mg. (My favorites were 20’s cuz I felt they got proportionally weaker as the dosage increases, like 4 20’s got me way higher than a single 80mg.)

Goddamn what I would give to feel that feeling one more time...

I too am deathly afraid of fents though and this keeps me from doing most illicit opiates.

I've shot what (at least what I'd like to think as, I've obviously never sent any bags to a lab for analysis haha) was pretty damn pure heroin, and yeah shooting it is better than any pill I've ever had by oral or nasal routes for sure. I've never injected pharmaceutical opioids before though.

If I ever use real opioids again, it's most likely going to be on prescription painkillers though. Unless I can somehow find good quality H again, but around here that's probably not going to happen anytime soon unless I can get it on DNM. Too much fent around, it's like russian roulette with 5 in the chamber every single time.

I got some stuff last week that was real H, but it was such a shitty low quality that I couldn't even get a rush from it no matter how much I did. And the week before that I had some at least somewhat decent H but it was mixed with fucking cocaine. It's kinda sick but I wish I could do real heroin again... Or at least could find real pills that weren't made in a Mexican fent lab.
I've shot what (at least what I'd like to think as, I've obviously never sent any bags to a lab for analysis haha) was pretty damn pure heroin, and yeah shooting it is better than any pill I've ever had by oral or nasal routes for sure. I've never injected pharmaceutical opioids before though.

If I ever use real opioids again, it's most likely going to be on prescription painkillers though. Unless I can somehow find good quality H again, but around here that's probably not going to happen anytime soon unless I can get it on DNM. Too much fent around, it's like russian roulette with 5 in the chamber every single time.

I got some stuff last week that was real H, but it was such a shitty low quality that I couldn't even get a rush from it no matter how much I did. And the week before that I had some at least somewhat decent H but it was mixed with fucking cocaine. It's kinda sick but I wish I could do real heroin again... Or at least could find real pills that weren't made in a Mexican fent lab.

Would you say that H is the "strongest" opiate? or dilauded? Something about dilauded makes it a powerful high that's beyond what oxycodone can do.
Started off with tramadol and codeine at university. Quit the tramadol when it gave me a seizure at only 350mg staggered. Later got into dihydrocodeine and oxycodone. Was easily and cheaply able to get hundreds of dihydrocodeine 30mg every month. At uni I also knew a girl with an OxyContin script so I tried a few 20mg's which back then was enough to have me nodding, that was my first "real" opiate experience and it made me fall in love with them.

After uni I had a break, but then I needed surgery and got scripted morphine and DHC which made me go back to the opis.

Over the years I used them mostly on and off. At one point I was getting a few bottles of Oramorph 10mg/5ml solution and many hundreds of dihydrocodeine every month which had me in pure bliss. Then I started getting 40mg oxys for dirt cheap and started on those too.

Later I got plugs for OC80's and was getting those, Oramorph or Zomorph, and yet more dihydrocodeine which to this day is still a favourite of mine despite its lack of potency because I get so much euphoria from it.

Eventually my oxy tolerance went through the roof and I had to quit for good. Hopefully it actually is for good. I've been off oxy for a good few months now and no temptation to go back even though I could.

Throughout all of this have used kratom on and off too. I still use codeine and kratom, and DHC when I can get it, but nothing stronger.

Oxy by far was the most damaging and that's why I never want to touch it again. It also built tolerance the quickest so it had the most diminishing returns.

To be honest I'd probably still use oral morphine if I had a consistent supply, that's good stuff and much less problematic than oxy too. Oxy does by far have the worst withdrawals. Horrific withdrawals.
Would you say that H is the "strongest" opiate? or dilauded? Something about dilauded makes it a powerful high that's beyond what oxycodone can do.
Dilaudid is definitely more intense. The effects don't last as long as H though. I've heard Opana (oxymorphone) is the best one of all, but unfortunately I've never been able to try it.
Started off with tramadol and codeine at university. Quit the tramadol when it gave me a seizure at only 350mg staggered. Later got into dihydrocodeine and oxycodone. Was easily and cheaply able to get hundreds of dihydrocodeine 30mg every month. At uni I also knew a girl with an OxyContin script so I tried a few 20mg's which back then was enough to have me nodding, that was my first "real" opiate experience and it made me fall in love with them.

After uni I had a break, but then I needed surgery and got scripted morphine and DHC which made me go back to the opis.

Over the years I used them mostly on and off. At one point I was getting a few bottles of Oramorph 10mg/5ml solution and many hundreds of dihydrocodeine every month which had me in pure bliss. Then I started getting 40mg oxys for dirt cheap and started on those too.

Later I got plugs for OC80's and was getting those, Oramorph or Zomorph, and yet more dihydrocodeine which to this day is still a favourite of mine despite its lack of potency because I get so much euphoria from it.

Eventually my oxy tolerance went through the roof and I had to quit for good. Hopefully it actually is for good. I've been off oxy for a good few months now and no temptation to go back even though I could.

Throughout all of this have used kratom on and off too. I still use codeine and kratom, and DHC when I can get it, but nothing stronger.

Oxy by far was the most damaging and that's why I never want to touch it again. It also built tolerance the quickest so it had the most diminishing returns.

To be honest I'd probably still use oral morphine if I had a consistent supply, that's good stuff and much less problematic than oxy too. Oxy does by far have the worst withdrawals. Horrific withdrawals.

Can I ask why people find oxy withdrawal to be worse? Do you mean mentally or physically? It just seems backwards to me. I've always thought heroin and methadone in theory would have the worst withdrawals.

Morphine withdrawal also causes severe dehydration. As far as the physically dangerous part from opiate withdrawal being benign, it seems like dehydration can be the one fact that makes it for some actually dangerous.
I've shot what (at least what I'd like to think as, I've obviously never sent any bags to a lab for analysis haha) was pretty damn pure heroin, and yeah shooting it is better than any pill I've ever had by oral or nasal routes for sure. I've never injected pharmaceutical opioids before though.

If I ever use real opioids again, it's most likely going to be on prescription painkillers though. Unless I can somehow find good quality H again, but around here that's probably not going to happen anytime soon unless I can get it on DNM. Too much fent around, it's like russian roulette with 5 in the chamber every single time.

I got some stuff last week that was real H, but it was such a shitty low quality that I couldn't even get a rush from it no matter how much I did. And the week before that I had some at least somewhat decent H but it was mixed with fucking cocaine. It's kinda sick but I wish I could do real heroin again... Or at least could find real pills that weren't made in a Mexican fent lab.
that makes no sense, who would lace heroin with cocaine. That would make the person lose money, it was most likely an stimulant RC.
Can I ask why people find oxy withdrawal to be worse? Do you mean mentally or physically? It just seems backwards to me. I've always thought heroin and methadone in theory would have the worst withdrawals.

Morphine withdrawal also causes severe dehydration. As far as the physically dangerous part from opiate withdrawal being benign, it seems like dehydration can be the one fact that makes it for some actually dangerous.
From anecdotal experience, Oxy wds were so much worse than Morphine lV from ampoules wds. They lasted a month and the crippling depression lingered for like 3 months after the 1month physical part was over.
From anecdotal experience, Oxy wds were so much worse than Morphine lV from ampoules wds. They lasted a month and the crippling depression lingered for like 3 months after the 1month physical part was over.

Ah ok, but I thought heroin has a higher effect on endorphins and is stronger than oxy so it would make the one have more depression than oxy.

I do remember withdrawing from opioids and after 5 months I was still struggling with depression. It just goes onnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnn... I bet opiates cause longer lasting depression from cessation than any other substance. It's crazy. I mean being clean and dependent on my own endorphins felt really great some days. The problem is withdrawal hits you in waves. I had many good days when sober but too many bad ones and inconsistent mood swings. It was god awful until I ate kratom again after so many months of being lethargic and instantly felt normal again.

I have good opinions of kratom other than the price getting costly. When I'm dependent on non-kratom painkillers I feel guilty about it all the time or there's like a physical crash within the brain that causes depression in long term usage. I can't explain it but it's not in my head.. for sure kratom does not give me depression like real opiates do.
Ah ok, but I thought heroin has a higher effect on endorphins and is stronger than oxy so it would make the one have more depression than oxy.

I do remember withdrawing from opioids and after 5 months I was still struggling with depression. It just goes onnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnn... I bet opiates cause longer lasting depression from cessation than any other substance. It's crazy.
Well that's very subjective, I didn't have any comfort meds at the time too. Went cold turkey and boy it was awful, I've never tried heroin before but I can bet that it'd be worse than oxy if I tried
IME, Opana was the worst by far for me. One time I stupidly used my regular dosage ++ and just flat ran out like 4-5 days early. Man oh man, I had trouble getting to the bathroom in time and shit all over the place. Not to mention, once I did get there and sat down I started projectile vomiting right on the shower curtains. Sorry for the graphic details but life can be real messy sometimes. The worst of it was as bad as I felt, nobody was coming to my rescue to help clean that mess up. Absolutely one of the lowest points of my life on the dignity scale. I still quake at the thought of that mess. Again, sorry for the nasty details. Life can truly be a bitch sometimes,
that makes no sense, who would lace heroin with cocaine. That would make the person lose money, it was most likely an stimulant RC.
It doesn't make any sense, but unless you know of any RC's that taste exactly like cocaine, it probably was. The guy we got from is not very bright at all.
Ah ok, but I thought heroin has a higher effect on endorphins and is stronger than oxy so it would make the one have more depression than oxy.

I do remember withdrawing from opioids and after 5 months I was still struggling with depression. It just goes onnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnn... I bet opiates cause longer lasting depression from cessation than any other substance. It's crazy. I mean being clean and dependent on my own endorphins felt really great some days. The problem is withdrawal hits you in waves. I had many good days when sober but too many bad ones and inconsistent mood swings. It was god awful until I ate kratom again after so many months of being lethargic and instantly felt normal again.

I have good opinions of kratom other than the price getting costly. When I'm dependent on non-kratom painkillers I feel guilty about it all the time or there's like a physical crash within the brain that causes depression in long term usage. I can't explain it but it's not in my head.. for sure kratom does not give me depression like real opiates do.
It's crazy how they are trying to make kratom a schedule 1... SCHEDULE 1. Supposedly the worst of the worst. It's okay for a doctor to prescribe methamphetamine though.....
Kinda ripped rn.. but the fact that they're trying to make kratom scheduled WHILE preaching about the opiate epidemic is enough to pierce through my euphoric mood and pinch a nerve. America please stop killing my high.

How can the US complain about an epidemic (they created for profit by the way), and then try to ban a benign substance? It's just like JUUL pods no longer being sold anywhere nearby and the flavors all diminished to the crappy ones. Everyone's going to be back on cigarettes and dying. Without kratom, do you know how many folks will be sick and flock to heroin/oxy? Whatever man, I expected nothing less from uncle sam. At least I'll always have my precious adderall script so I can have one drug to abuse on occasion (just kidding I would never take more than prescribed ;) I'm a good boy). They must never go after my beloved crack candy... I mean script.

You'd think they'd do more to get rid of the fentalogues and carfentinal than kratom lol! Ya know what nevermind. kratom is a lethal drug as dangerous as meth. Schedule 1 it right now please. The fentynal within kratom is just too potent. PS I love how Purdue was like "nah bro our product is not addictive at all" in regards to the OC 80's. I think the OC 80's speak for themselves.
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Can I ask why people find oxy withdrawal to be worse? Do you mean mentally or physically? It just seems backwards to me. I've always thought heroin and methadone in theory would have the worst withdrawals.

Morphine withdrawal also causes severe dehydration. As far as the physically dangerous part from opiate withdrawal being benign, it seems like dehydration can be the one fact that makes it for some actually dangerous.

Personally I found oxy withdrawal worse both physically and mentally, but definitely mentally is where it hit hardest. I had no energy to do anything, was depressed and anxious constantly, and I got PAWS for a few months last time too so the mental side persisted for that time. I am not gonna touch oxy again because I know the withdrawal gets worse each time. My first oxy withdrawal was much easier, but after being on and off it a few times it really kicked the shit out of me last time.

Morphine withdrawal, while obviously unpleasant, has never been anywhere near oxy withdrawal to me. It doesn't last as long, is less intense, and seems to have less of a mental depression to it.

This is just my own experience though, it'll be different for everyone, but I think as a general rule oxy will have a worse withdrawal than morphine for most people simple because oxycodone is the stronger drug.
Personally I found oxy withdrawal worse both physically and mentally, but definitely mentally is where it hit hardest. I had no energy to do anything, was depressed and anxious constantly, and I got PAWS for a few months last time too so the mental side persisted for that time. I am not gonna touch oxy again because I know the withdrawal gets worse each time. My first oxy withdrawal was much easier, but after being on and off it a few times it really kicked the shit out of me last time.

Morphine withdrawal, while obviously unpleasant, has never been anywhere near oxy withdrawal to me. It doesn't last as long, is less intense, and seems to have less of a mental depression to it.

This is just my own experience though, it'll be different for everyone, but I think as a general rule oxy will have a worse withdrawal than morphine for most people simple because oxycodone is the stronger drug.

My god I agree. The lowest point in my life thus far I consider to be the first time I withdrew. Waking up freezing cold sweating with no will to live, no energy, was a good time.
Out of curiosity, there's really no way to test your H to see if it's been laced?

That would save millions of lives if it were possible.. People are obviously not going to stop doing heroin, at least we can save people and minimize the damage if something like that was created.