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What's your personal opiate use story?


Dec 20, 2017
I made this thread out of curiosity as to what other's have personally experienced and felt from their use. Aka how did your use progress from the beginning/what did you gain and lose/whether recovery was possible.

Most opiate users hide their habits and I think it would help me a lot greatly to see other people's journeys. What did you gain and what did you lose? Please don't hold back :) Trying to recover myself right now.
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I started using at about 20 years old, im 22 now, opiates have always caused me great curiosity but I was unable to procure them for most of my life since in my country they are extremely rare and almost non existent on the black market, my first encounter with opiates was tramadol which is OTC in my country which I didnt like, then I was able to get by an incredible stroke of luck 2 bottles of Oxycontin which is EXTREMELY RARE to find in my country and a morphine vial for IV use at an extremely cheap price, each oxycontin had 30 20mgs tabs, so 60 tabs of 20mgs of oxycodone, I still have about 32 left and this was 2 years ago, the morphine I havent used, I do enjoy the occasional oxycodone use but my lack of access to it and self control allows me to use it sparingly, sometimes ill binge and do it a couple days in a row but its rare, also some time after that I was able to get pure opium which grows in my country and ive had several experiences smoking opium and with opium tea which I dont like as much as oxycodone, I was also able to smoke heroin once which is extremely rare in my country, I also have buprenorphine and IV morphine vials which I was able to procure later but ive never gotten to use them, maybe later... all in all, I love opiates and how they make you feel, but I respect them, and I understand abuse would only eliminate the good effects, so I use it sparingly, most of the times I like to take a couple months between uses for full effect, ive had bad experiences with opiates yes but all in all I think the class of drugs as a whole is wonderful if used with responsability, very low organic damage, no hangover, no making you violent/stupid, not impairing coordination, no risk taking behavior, usually on opiates I just feel happy and social, and I get a great urge to do my best in everything I do and work hard to achieve my goals, that is my story with opiates.
Guess I'll post mine.

So approximately 4 years ago my friend and I moved to a very bad area in the city. It was basically pharmacy on every block and we only indulged in marijuana at the time. We started dabbling in other things (great idea), like an occasional xanax or stimulant from the block. Both of us had no history of opiate abuse whatsoever. When we tried percocet, it felt good but it wasn't quite the monstrous reputation we have heard about. We tried it about 3-4 more times since the first time and with spaced out use here and there. Eventually, we both agreed that endocet (yellow percocet) made us feel "pretty good." Somehow we blinked and it had become a daily habit. In the beginning, as you know it only takes 10-20 milligrams a day to maintain the lifestyle and hold off withdrawals. This happened over the course of a month of two.

I still remember the first time I felt opiate withdrawal. It was a slight runny nose, grouchiness, and irritability. I didn't know at the time it was opiate withdrawal until I realized that I hadn't eaten the percocet over a weekend. So we bought more thinking it was still just a recreational phase and we were taking advantage of what's around us. As the year progressed, we were at 30-40 milligrams daily by the end of the year. We still thought it was just a phase that year. I moved out of the city (luckily) and into a suburban area while my roomate stayed in the city for another year (same apartment). My friend's brilliant idea was to start snorting heroin powder intransally because of the financial advantage to doing so and oxy as we know is quite expensive. My friend lost himself entirely once he made that switch. He was doing 200$ of oxycodone in a day on top of snorting heroin. This amount of using was unfeasible for him, so he'd constantly be going in and out of longer and longer withdrawals. It still shocks him when I tell him about how heavy his use was, as he doesn't even remember it. That's the scariest part.

Meanwhile, I was still traveling to the same area in the city whenever I could to score more oxy. My use was still 10-40 milligrams daily. I had made many attempts to quit here and there but they all proved temporary. Then we discovered the legendary "blues." I had never encountered an opioid so euphoric and strong in terms of strength per milligram. This was shooting my tolerance sky high over the course of that year. By the end of year 2, I had had enough and attempted to switch to kratom. Year three I was taking kratom on a regular basis--anywhere from 4-8 grams daily and only occasionally indulging in oxy (2-3 times a month). I was grateful that I could simply keep it at that. However, at the end of year 3 kratom just didn't do it for me anymore and after a devastating breakup I relapsed on oxy as a daily habit again.

This part is interesting, because kratom shot my opioid tolerance to unbelievable levels. During the relapse on blues I would be taken anywhere from 60-120 milligrams daily due to the tolerance elevation from kratom. And now here I am, trying to get out of the newfound relapse and back on only kratom. My friend ended up being found out by his family and forced into a vivitrol shot treatment program. He is actually in the navy now and clean, but I do recall when he was only on oxy how he did not seem like an addict and was a very functional human being. I think that heroin is too potent. I'm trying to recover from the most recent relapse and follow year 3's procedures of only being on kratom. It seems that switching from oxy to heroin only saves you money in the beginning. Most people will turn into opiate-hungry monsters and lose their functionality and self-control. Something about heroin breaks someone down and the substance itself has demonic cravings far stronger than oxy. Of course, some people out there can monitor their heroin use but that seems to be an anomaly. Most people cannot control their heroin use.

I loved how oxy was simultaneously an anti-depressant, anxiety killer, stimulant, and euphoric in an intoxicating way. The entire using timeline I had never had issues with blending in society or being dysfunctional. The higher doses as of recent though do bog me down, and make me appreciate life less and less. Kratom does no such thing. I'm grateful for seeing the power of heroin over oxy because now I'll never have issues with heroin abuse. I am by no means or ever was a heavy user and that probably plays in part as a factor as to how I've made it this far, but I'd like to call it a day. The feeling no longer excites me and my choices are too swallow greater and greater amounts of oxy or switch to heroin or stop. My addiction happened throughout two graduate degrees.
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3-MMC fueled wall of text ahead with TL;DR at the end. Not sure if this is 100% accurate since I'm trying to remember the last 7 years of my life and they kind of are a blur in my mind.


Since I started using drugs at 15 I had always been fascinated by opioids, I used to read about drugs and trip reports for hours at a time and really wanted to try them due to their status as the hardest of drugs and how orgasmic they were said to feel.
I was 17 at the time and smoked weed frequently, took DXM and benzos every once in a while and had dabbled in street drugs like speed, ketamine, "MDMA" (untested powder) and a few cannabinoid Research Chemicals.
I finally got to try my first opioid 7 years ago (I even made a thread on here https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/methadone-first-time-questions.700142/), it was 5mg of methadone out of a 20mg bottle which i had gotten from a homeless person for 5 euros, it was me and a friend of mine trying it togheter and we barely felt it but I wanted to play it safe as I've always been very into harm reduction and using safely.
Initially we wanted to take only 5 milligrams and throw away the rest, which obviously didn't happen, so after that experience I took small doses of methadone followed by weed smoking every once in a while, probably once a month or less.

The first "real" opioid high I ever had was one day when my usual methadone "dealer" didn't have any so he directed us to another homeless man who had a 2mg Subutex pill. We brought it home, split it in 2 and snorted 1mg each.
Man, I still remember when after about half an hour I felt this incredible rush, it felt like a euphoric brick to the face.
We then spent several hours just sitting on the couch, nodding in and out of reality while listening to shoegaze.
That was probably the best opioid high I've ever had, it was just so incredible and I've never felt like that from buprenorphine ever again.

After that, I decided to use bupe exclusively, but still not very often at all, I was very careful not to use often because I was fully aware of how adddictive that feeling could be.
We found another guy that could source the bupe and we got it from him a few times, one day though he didn't have any and instead he offered us the big H, heroin.
Looking back it was super shitty and wayyy over-priced stuff, he made us snort a line and I didn't really feel anything at all, but it wouldn't be long until we found a better dealer.
At the time I had a job so I could pay for the drug but I still smoked it only on the weekend, getting high before or after work didn't even cross my mind, it was out of the question.
My friend though unfortunately was slowly but surely getting addicted to the stuff, for example if the dealer wasn't on time or wasn't answering his phone he would start to shake and panic.
I kept this pattern of use for quite a while and it was totally under control, I never craved opioids and wasn't physically addicted, it was just a little weekend treat.

As I mentioned, the heroin was really shitty and overpriced, so when we found another hookup for very cheap bupe I started using that exclusively again, I started buying tens of milligrams at a time and boofing it every weekend.
After a while I was boofing about 10 milligrams every weekend and re-upping whenever possible, at one point though I started to not really feel it anymore so I tried to reduce my dose (with bupe often less really is more) to about 2mg, which made me feel it again: that meant that 10mg were now 5 doses instead of just one and because of that after a while I started using it about every other day, just because I had so much and it was so cheap.
I remember one day when the guy didn't have any and I experienced withdrawals for the first time. They were extremely tame, I could still go to the gym, eat etc. but I definitely felt that something was wrong.
At this point I was using regularly but I wouldn't say I was mentally addicted, I could do without just fine, it's just that it was so cheap and I didn't really have anything going on in my life.
My work contract had expired so I spent all day every day in front of the computer playing League Of Legends or watching youtube videos and squirting opioid pills up my ass was the only exciting thing about my life really.

I don't really remember when I stopped using the bupe and switched to heroin again but it was probably 4-5 years ago.
At this point my friend had been addicted to the stuff for a while and started shooting it up with his homeless friends while I still used only on the weekends mostly.
One day I decided that I wanted to try IV because fuck it, right? I don't know how to shoot up anyway so it's not like I'm gonna do it often. We were at my friend's house while his parents were away and he shot me up: it felt really good. Not earth-shatteringly good or life-changing good like many people describe, but it was definitely way better than smoking it and cheaper.

After this I let my friend shoot me up when we would get some and, obviously, I learned how to do it myself not long after.
Up until then my use had been really mild and it didn't really interfere with my life much, but after I learned how to shoot up I gradually moved on to using every other day.
I would go out and shoot half a bag that I shared with my friend, and then stay in extremely mild withdrawals for a day, waiting for it to be over so we could shoot up again.
This lasted for several months, (at this point I was a videogame addicted NEET) until I finally found a job abroad.
This was my chance to leave it all behind, to get a fresh start and to quit this stupid drug that was slowly taking over my life, so I accepted without a second thought.
All I did was stop the heroin and take methadone for a few days before the flight, this way I didn't experience any withdrawals at all.

I lived abroad on my own for about a year, coming home a few times for the holidays and such where I would shoot heroin and coke with my "buddies".
While I was on my own away from home I regularly ordered RCs (lots of U-47700 and 4-FA binges, mmmmmmh) and drank lots of beer alone in my apartment which made me gain about 10 kilos (which I managed to lose fairly easily).
After a year or so I decided to go back home because the pay was kinda shitty and I missed my friends and family.
I'm not good at making friends and am generally a very introverted and reserved person, so I was extremely lonely there. All I did was going to work, then going back home, shitposting on political facebook groups all evening while drinking or using whatever RC I had, falling asleep late, waking up hungover, going to work again, rinse and repeat. It was pretty miserable.

Until then I wouldn't say opioids caused me problems, I was a succesful chipper for several years but unfortunately when I came back home 2 years ago I started using more and more (though I went back to only smoking because I knew shooting up so frequently was an extremely bad idea) and in 2019 I was using basically every day at one point, using up every single cent I earned from a job I found shortly after flying back.
I tried to quit many times, usually it would last a few weeks or even days and then I'd be back on it.
I would say my main problem was that smoking wasn't having that bad of an influence on my life, I still had a job, good health, a car and didn't live on the streets, so it was kind of hard not to rationalize my use as just a little fun.
I also didn't have any hobbies or anything like that so the only way I had to pass time was to do drugs, that and browsing the internet were my only pastimes.
At this point though whenever I didn't smoke for a day or so I would definitely get stronger withdrawals that would pass in about 3 days, they were very easy to just power through (which I did many times) but it was still no good, every time I tried to quit the withdrawals would be slightly worse than the last time.

It took me so many years to develop a "serious" habit but here I was, in 2019, smoking 80 euros worth of heroin almost every day just to feel normal and having to take methadone or loperamide or whatever if I wanted to try and quit or if I didn't have any H for the day.
Luckily I wasn't fooling myself and I could clearly see where this was going, I was slowly destroying my life and it had to stop.
In december I got some subs, waited 22 hours to take them and man, those were the worst 22 hours of my life.
I knew theoretically that my habit was getting out of control, but what really opened my eyes were the last withdrawals I experienced.
Never in my life had I felt so bad, the RLS and temperature shifts were unbearable, I had to walk in circles and punch my legs and arms to get some relief and I just felt so sick overall, like somebody poisoned me. It was torture, but I patiently waited until I could take the Suboxone; I had made up my mind that this was the time I'd quit for real.

I had experienced WDs many times before but this one was the worst by far, and the thing is that compared to what long term IV addicts feel when they WD it was probably relatively mild!
I took 6mg of bupe at the 22 hour mark and after 1 hour I wasn't feeling much better, so i took another 2mg and hopped in the shower with the water as hot as it could be, yet I still felt horribly cold, restless and dirty. You know the feeling, it's like your very bones are covered in nasty grease and sweat.
Slowly I started feeling a little better, the RLS calmed down but I was still feeling remarkably shitty.

I sat on tmy bed for hours browsing reddit, feeling quite bad still, and when night came I tried to sleep with no luck, I was still sweating and had to keep changing my position every 2 minutes or I'd feel like yelling.
I had to work the following day and I really, REALLY didn't want to go in that miserable condition, so I texted my dealer at midnight not really expecting anything and after about an hour he answered. I jumped in my car and was back home at roughly 2 a.m. where I sat on the toilet and smoked 60 euros worth of heroin.
Obviously I didn't get high because of the bupe and my tolerance in general but at least I finally felt somewhat normal.
I still couldn't sleep that night but at least I could go to work feeling comfortable.

That experience was so bad, I never wanted to feel like that ever again.
On the 24th of december I decided I was done: I blocked all of my dealers' numbers and got 8 boxes of loperamide to take during the next few days. (there was no way in hell I would've gone to Christmas lunch the following feeling like the day before)
That withdrawal really opened my eyes as to how bad my habit was getting, I managed to be a succesful chipper for so many years but I just couldn't keep it up forever, all I did was smoke heroin and then hang out with other junkies or get drunk alone in my car, i completely neglected my family, my hobbies, I didn't exercise, ate like shit, spent all of my money in stupid drugs and booze and my life overall was very sad and pathetic so I decided that that was it, 2020 is the year where I had change.

Up until today I had been stone cold sober except 2 times where I drank with my relatives at Christmas and at dinner with my parents and it really wasn't hard at all, because this time I'm 100% sure I want to quit.
I would say that I don't have an addictive personality, I was a chipper for what, 5 years? While all of my friends slipped and fell into poly-drug addictions and homelessness.
I had a couple of moments last week where I was starting to make excuses in my head to go and cop but it passed quickly.
Today I got some RCs I ordered last week in the mail, the wall of text is because of the 3-MMC and I don't think anybody will read it lol, but whatever I just felt like venting.

I've been exercising and meditating every day since the start of the year and I don't plan on stopping, I also got some 1P-LSD that I will use to micro-dose to help me better my life.
So far it's been really easy being off heroin and it's getting easier everyday, I'm sure all of this shitshow will seem like a bad dream in a few months if I keep building good habits and improving myself.
Yes I decided to get some RCs as a small treat, but I'm not gonna order any more except for more 1P-LSD if this microdosing experiment goes well and other psychedelics later this year, my intention isn't to be completely sober for the rest of my life, I've never had any problem with using dissociatives or stimulants every once in a while so those are gonna stay since I don't find them addictive at all, plus being ALWAYS sober is so boring, though I still think one should be 90% of the time.
It feels so good to have money in the bank, to wake up and not having to drive to the dealer who always makes me wait 20 minutes even though I always tell him I'm coming at least 30 minutes in advance, to enjoy just being alive, to run and lift weights without getting nauseous and feeling so pumped up, to feel emotions again, to enjoy music again...
I still have a long way to go in fixing my life, I still have basically no hobbies except for working out and reading and am still very much addicted to the internet, but I already feel so much better and am very hopeful for the future.

Do I regret my adventure with opioids? There definitely have been moments where I cursed myself for ever thinking it was a good idea to get that first methadone bottle, I have have spent thousands upon thousands of euros and wasted countless hours just hanging out with questionable people and almost getting arrested a few times. I lost so many good opportunities and I basically have to build a life from the ground up because I just never bothered, I literally have one actual friend because the ones I used to have are almost all junkies that I don't want anything to do with. I have brought much suffering to my parents.

Still, I would say some good came out of it, I can now relate to the suffering of some people much better and have so much more empathy for addicts and people with a troubled life in general.
Heroin abuse has been holding me back from achieving a decent life but at the same time I feel like it made me grow as a person in some ways and luckily I seriously decided to stop before it could take everything away, as in the end I'm still young and didn't destroy my body or get arrested or completely fuck up the relationship with my family.
Deciding to start smoking instead of IVing is also something I'm very grateful I did, I avoided so much more extra pain because of that.
I would say I don't regret it completely, because even though I suffered and made people suffer I think I'm a better person in some ways because of my experiences.


TL;DR started with methadone from a homeless guy, switched to bupe, then to heroin, then to bupe and back to heroin, was a chipper for several years but started developing a habit in the last 2 years, been clean for 2 weeks.
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That homeless guy lol...

Isn't bupe so amazing?! Some people report no euphoria. I, like you, had the strongest opiate high I've ever encountered from 1 mg of bupe. It felt like 100 mg of straight up oxy for 8 hours.
That homeless guy lol...

Isn't bupe so amazing?! Some people report no euphoria. I, like you, had the strongest opiate high I've ever encountered from 1 mg of bupe. It felt like 100 mg of straight up oxy for 8 hours.
Unfortunately he actually died years ago, he was such a character and everybody at the train station knew him but tbh his death wasn't a surprise at all.
Dude was around 50 yet he looked in his 80s, he spent all his youth shooting every drug imaginable and adulthood sure didn't stop him.
Yeah bupe is amazing at first, it was my favorite opioid by far for a long time because it's cheap, it lasts a long ass time and it has a peculiar, very energetic high, almost simulant like.
Unfortunately I abused it a little too much and even if I don't use anything for months it does almost nothing to me anymore, it's like the tolerance is permanent.
Even if i take It to eliminate withdrawals it never gets me to 100%, so these days i much prefer methadone tbh. Back when it used to get me high though it was great.
Unfortunately he actually died years ago, he was such a character and everybody at the train station knew him but tbh his death wasn't a surprise at all.
Dude was around 50 yet he looked in his 80s, he spent all his youth shooting every drug imaginable and adulthood sure didn't stop him.
Yeah bupe is amazing at first, it was my favorite opioid by far for a long time because it's cheap, it lasts a long ass time and it has a peculiar, very energetic high, almost simulant like.
Unfortunately I abused it a little too much and even if I don't use anything for months it does almost nothing to me anymore, it's like the tolerance is permanent.
Even if i take It to eliminate withdrawals it never gets me to 100%, so these days i much prefer methadone tbh. Back when it used to get me high though it was great.

Society always tells you that drugs are bad. For some people, it's the only thing they want in life and they'll go out via an overdose and that's exactly how they want it. To some degree, I can understand and respect it lol.

I wish more people would post. I know it can be a painful and taxing process to write about their use but I do appreciate these real life stories.
The first time I ever experienced an opioid was at 18 years old in high school. My dad had been prescribed hydrocodone for some reason and didn't take all of the pills. Being the snoopy kid I was, I found them in his drawer, and waited and watched them for a while to see if he was going to take them. When it was clear he wasn't, I took them for myself.

They were 7.5mg hydrocodone, I took one that night and actually didn't feel anything at all. So I took another one at school the next morning and holy shit that one worked. I will never forget this moment - about 30 minutes after ingestion, walking around the school with my friends before classes started, with my jaw hanging open and groaning to myself... it was THE perfect feeling. THAT was what I had been looking for my whole life. Years of depression and feelings of loneliness completely obliterated. Fuck the antidepressants I was prescribed, one hydro pill made me feel better in 30 minutes than zoloft ever made me feel in 30 months of taking them every. Fucking. Day.

It's kind of funny to me how naive and not hooked I was to this drug at the time. I ended up giving away half of the rest of my dad's prescription to friends, something I wouldn't even consider doing just a couple years later. And the rest I took for myself, but not all at once. It was spaced out. Partly because I didn't wanna risk my dad catching it, partly because I didn't even have the psychological dependence yet.

Skip forward a few months, my mom had several surgeries that year and brought home scripts of many different heavier painkillers. Oxycodone was the next one I tried. I took some of hers (again, she was done taking them but didn't get rid of them) up to my grandparents house after my grandpa died to clean out their house. Waited for her to go to sleep, then took 25 mg oxycodone orally. BOOM another mind-blowing, future-destroying high. It's funny though, because again, my dead grandfather had a bottle of 7.5 hydrocodone he left behind, and I still didn't take them - I took them back home and attempted to trade them for weed (which I never even got - got ripped off. Sorry grandpa) something I would never do these days. Finder's keepers, ya know? Anyways I didn't have any more oxy right then so I would wait until I went over to my mom's house to score her unused prescriptions every once in a while when I could. At this time, opioids were my absolute favorite drug class besides weed.

So the next nail in the coffin was when I found my mom's dilaudid pills. I looked up "hydromorphone high" on google because I had never heard of dilaudid before but the name sounded opioid as fuck. Bluelight came up and I read through the threads, "yeah this shit gives a better rush than heroin!" and things like that. Hell yeah I'm gonna do this. Took 6mg orally before school one day and THAT was it. That was the best opioid experience I had had up to that point. It was so loopy and intense, it really made me goof off which was something oxy or hydro didn't do. So I was locked in to the heavy opioid thing. Here's the thing - I figured heroin was no more hardcore than dilaudid, so before I had even graduated high school I had decided that as soon as I could find it, I was going to try heroin.

A couple years went by where I started snorting these pills, and especially the dilaudid was fun. Well the only time I ever did pills was when I knew someone who had a prescription - buying them just wasn't worth the price, and I had trouble finding them for sale anyway. Well in 2016, I asked a guy I was regularly getting molly from if he could find me some heroin, and he could. So one day I put together 20 bucks and got some heroin for the first time. I was just snorting it, I told myself I wouldn't shoot. Got home, started snorting it. I was very surprised - it was much more calm and relaxing than dilaudid by far. Dilaudid was like an intense roller coaster beast of an opiate high, heroin was like a nice relaxing day at the beach. I was kind of confused, this is the big bad H everyone says is the most intense drug high in the world? The worst thing you could ever do to yourself? Bullshit! But of course it felt so good, I wanted it again.

The difference between the pills and dope was dope was so much easier to get. The dope was actually worth buying. THIS fact was my downfall. Not that heroin was anymore addictive or destructive than prescriptions, all opioids are. It just smashed the line that prevented me from going overboard with them in the first place. I ended up meeting people who were needle junkies and long story short, got me hooked on the needle really fast. First I was squirting the liquid dope up my nose, then in my arm.

I'm not gonna drag this story on for too much longer but I just wanted to say that I had been in a drug court program and did really well until I figured out a way to get high in the program and get away with it - it worked for a little while but I obviously ended up losing control and ended up getting kicked out, did a year in jail. Now I'm free but the felony conviction feels like a black cloud following me everywhere I go, and now I feel like I have less of an incentive to stay straight and feel like the drugs make me feel okay about the fact that a lot of dreams I've always had will never come true. I tear up sometimes when I think about it.

As you've seen from previous posts, I'm struggling with opioids now. God I just want my teenage life back.
The first time I ever experienced an opioid was at 18 years old in high school. My dad had been prescribed hydrocodone for some reason and didn't take all of the pills. Being the snoopy kid I was, I found them in his drawer, and waited and watched them for a while to see if he was going to take them. When it was clear he wasn't, I took them for myself.

They were 7.5mg hydrocodone, I took one that night and actually didn't feel anything at all. So I took another one at school the next morning and holy shit that one worked. I will never forget this moment - about 30 minutes after ingestion, walking around the school with my friends before classes started, with my jaw hanging open and groaning to myself... it was THE perfect feeling. THAT was what I had been looking for my whole life. Years of depression and feelings of loneliness completely obliterated. Fuck the antidepressants I was prescribed, one hydro pill made me feel better in 30 minutes than zoloft ever made me feel in 30 months of taking them every. Fucking. Day.

It's kind of funny to me how naive and not hooked I was to this drug at the time. I ended up giving away half of the rest of my dad's prescription to friends, something I wouldn't even consider doing just a couple years later. And the rest I took for myself, but not all at once. It was spaced out. Partly because I didn't wanna risk my dad catching it, partly because I didn't even have the psychological dependence yet.

Skip forward a few months, my mom had several surgeries that year and brought home scripts of many different heavier painkillers. Oxycodone was the next one I tried. I took some of hers (again, she was done taking them but didn't get rid of them) up to my grandparents house after my grandpa died to clean out their house. Waited for her to go to sleep, then took 25 mg oxycodone orally. BOOM another mind-blowing, future-destroying high. It's funny though, because again, my dead grandfather had a bottle of 7.5 hydrocodone he left behind, and I still didn't take them - I took them back home and attempted to trade them for weed (which I never even got - got ripped off. Sorry grandpa) something I would never do these days. Finder's keepers, ya know? Anyways I didn't have any more oxy right then so I would wait until I went over to my mom's house to score her unused prescriptions every once in a while when I could. At this time, opioids were my absolute favorite drug class besides weed.

So the next nail in the coffin was when I found my mom's dilaudid pills. I looked up "hydromorphone high" on google because I had never heard of dilaudid before but the name sounded opioid as fuck. Bluelight came up and I read through the threads, "yeah this shit gives a better rush than heroin!" and things like that. Hell yeah I'm gonna do this. Took 6mg orally before school one day and THAT was it. That was the best opioid experience I had had up to that point. It was so loopy and intense, it really made me goof off which was something oxy or hydro didn't do. So I was locked in to the heavy opioid thing. Here's the thing - I figured heroin was no more hardcore than dilaudid, so before I had even graduated high school I had decided that as soon as I could find it, I was going to try heroin.

A couple years went by where I started snorting these pills, and especially the dilaudid was fun. Well the only time I ever did pills was when I knew someone who had a prescription - buying them just wasn't worth the price, and I had trouble finding them for sale anyway. Well in 2016, I asked a guy I was regularly getting molly from if he could find me some heroin, and he could. So one day I put together 20 bucks and got some heroin for the first time. I was just snorting it, I told myself I wouldn't shoot. Got home, started snorting it. I was very surprised - it was much more calm and relaxing than dilaudid by far. Dilaudid was like an intense roller coaster beast of an opiate high, heroin was like a nice relaxing day at the beach. I was kind of confused, this is the big bad H everyone says is the most intense drug high in the world? The worst thing you could ever do to yourself? Bullshit! But of course it felt so good, I wanted it again.

The difference between the pills and dope was dope was so much easier to get. The dope was actually worth buying. THIS fact was my downfall. Not that heroin was anymore addictive or destructive than prescriptions, all opioids are. It just smashed the line that prevented me from going overboard with them in the first place. I ended up meeting people who were needle junkies and long story short, got me hooked on the needle really fast. First I was squirting the liquid dope up my nose, then in my arm.

I'm not gonna drag this story on for too much longer but I just wanted to say that I had been in a drug court program and did really well until I figured out a way to get high in the program and get away with it - it worked for a little while but I obviously ended up losing control and ended up getting kicked out, did a year in jail. Now I'm free but the felony conviction feels like a black cloud following me everywhere I go, and now I feel like I have less of an incentive to stay straight and feel like the drugs make me feel okay about the fact that a lot of dreams I've always had will never come true. I tear up sometimes when I think about it.

As you've seen from previous posts, I'm struggling with opioids now. God I just want my teenage life back.

For a long time it really is the perfect feeling. Inevitably it ends up being a middle tier feeling and lacks the euphoria and care-freeness it used to have. Sucks but I don't think opiates are a maintainable lifestyle. Sorry to hear about your program situations and felony. I hate how addicts are treated by the world when really they just need help. Why do people struggle so much more with heroin addiction over opioid addiction? Is it just stronger or more euphoric?

I refuse to dabble in H after seeing someone who became an opioid addict with me make the switch and almost ruin his entire life in one year alone. Before the switch he only took 20-40 mgs daily and was incredibly functional and a good kid. Heroin absolutely broke him down and stole his soul.
For a long time it really is the perfect feeling. Inevitably it ends up being a middle tier feeling and lacks the euphoria and care-freeness it used to have. Sucks but I don't think opiates are a maintainable lifestyle. Sorry to hear about your program situations and felony. I hate how addicts are treated by the world when really they just need help. Why do people struggle so much more with heroin addiction over opioid addiction? Is it just stronger or more euphoric?

I refuse to dabble in H after seeing someone who became an opioid addict with me make the switch and almost ruin his entire life in one year alone. Before the switch he only took 20-40 mgs daily and was incredibly functional and a good kid. Heroin absolutely broke him down and stole his soul.
To answer your question of if it's stronger or more euphoric, it is stronger by dose than some opioids, yes, but as far as euphoria goes? I think each individual morphine derivative has its own distinct character, but the differences between the drugs aren't really significant enough to say "I'm better than someone who uses heroin because I only use prescription oxycodone" IMO. That being said, regarding the differences, heroin really is a downer. It's more relaxing and sedating to me than, say, oxycodone, which I feel is a bit more energetic. Hydromorphone on the other hand I found to be even more intense than heroin.. This is just comparing snorting though, I've never injected hydromorphone but I hear that the IV rush blows the heroin rush out of the water.

If you have ever had a good morphine experience, congratulations, you pretty much already know what the heroin high feels like. Heroin converts to morphine in the body very quickly and that's what you're high on. The difference is that heroin has the molecule tweaked just a bit so it has a more intense rush on the onset than morphine itself.

There's no doubt in my mind that I easily would have gone off the deep end way sooner if prescription opioids had the same price and availability as H. They're just a rare treat these days.
To answer your question of if it's stronger or more euphoric, it is stronger by dose than some opioids, yes, but as far as euphoria goes? I think each individual morphine derivative has its own distinct character, but the differences between the drugs aren't really significant enough to say "I'm better than someone who uses heroin because I only use prescription oxycodone" IMO. That being said, regarding the differences, heroin really is a downer. It's more relaxing and sedating to me than, say, oxycodone, which I feel is a bit more energetic. Hydromorphone on the other hand I found to be even more intense than heroin.. This is just comparing snorting though, I've never injected hydromorphone but I hear that the IV rush blows the heroin rush out of the water.

If you have ever had a good morphine experience, congratulations, you pretty much already know what the heroin high feels like. Heroin converts to morphine in the body very quickly and that's what you're high on. The difference is that heroin has the molecule tweaked just a bit so it has a more intense rush on the onset than morphine itself.

There's no doubt in my mind that I easily would have gone off the deep end way sooner if prescription opioids had the same price and availability as H. They're just a rare treat these days.

From what I've seen and gathered there are far more functional oxycodone addicts than heroin addicts on this planet. Maybe it's because H is more for your buck and a bit stronger per volume, but there's definitely more of a compulsive desire to redose when it comes to heroin. I suppose most of that comes from the ability to purchase more so you're less aware of the need to moderate your stash and plan out the dosing like one does with oxy.

Also, the stimulation from thebaine in most painkillers makes it less likely to make one nod out unless it's in huge doses ime. This definitely plays into the factors that make oxycodone a little bit more possible to function on over heroin. For sure that in the beginning opiates give you way more energy than the do towards the end of your addiction. This is probably because the brain is overloaded with endorphins and not totally reliant on artificial ones yet. I definitely remember being able to function at a very high level with 0 sleep in the beginning from painkillers. Nowadays, I just constantly feel like I'm out of energy on it or not. Thus, there are more endorphins (real and fake) in the brain simultaneously. Socially, oxycodone abuse is highly frowned upon but it's not anything like reputation of heroin within US society. If you tell someone you're struggling with oxycodone addiction, some people don't even know that it's a painkiller and just see it as a "pill problem." In fact, from my experience most people don't even see it is a big deal and just feel that it's someone making poor life decisions. It is, but they have no awareness of how devastatingly addicting opioids are and how impossible it can be for one to quit. If you tell them about heroin abuse, they'll distance themselves pretty immediately. I came clean to someone I was dating about my opioid use because the guilt would've really interfered with my ability to be a partner personally. It wasn't a dealbreaker, but I know that if it was heroin I wouldn't even have had someone to date.

TLDR oxycodone can be just as life-destroying as heroin, but I've never seen any kind of addict struggle as much with sobriety as with heroin as the DOC. Oxy has a tremendously high relapse rate, but people really do overcome opioid addiction. Very few individuals have walked away from heroin and let it stay that way. Most are ticking time-bombs, and have only able to maintain sobriety because of suboxone treatment or methadone. Some say fast acting diamorphine is far more euphoric than any other opiate. I personally found h to only have an opiate body high but lack euphoria. I'm grateful it was never an issue.
Grew up with a father that had an incurable chronic pain from a neck injury, back in the 90’s/early 2000’s it was par for the course to just hand out any opiate they could..

I first tried morphine and oxycodone at age 15, there were literal stockpiles leftover of every opiate you could imagine. But by the grace of god my first few experiences weren’t that great (the high feels the best to me when I’m fiending the most, ironic) so I just sold the literal thousands of dollars worth of of pills and became a popular HS kid cuz I’d use it buy bud and alcohol and throw gnarly party’s.

But looking back I remember I gave 100mg morphine sulphate a try at gym class freshman year one day, it didn’t do terribly much but make me feel like jello. No euphoria really.. That same year I also tried oxy, railed out 40mg not realizing how strong it really was and sniffed it. Proceeded to get angry as fuck at everyone for no reason and puke my guts out.

So with those two experiences, opiates to me in HS were a means to get other “better” drugs. I snorted cocaine and drank as often as I could, drinking daily and snorting 2-4days a week.

Move along to senior year, bored one day I split a 40mg oxy with my buddy and realize this shit actually ain’t bad.. lol. A fiend is born.

Casually doing oxy for about 6months til I finally tried heroin and I finally realized what opiates were about...

My first try of “raw” heroin was like trying a drug I’d been seeking all my life. No anxiety, no pain, no more alcohol hangover that was setting in, no need for sleep (surprisingly energizing, I would work from 9am to 9-12pm then go grab dope some nights before finally getting home at 2-3am), no need for anything but more heroin.

The old school 80mg oxys, 100mg morphs, fent patches 100ug, diuladid, no pharmaceutical could ever come close to that feeling.. Pure heroin is the single most addictive drug and I’ve had all the nasty ones. Purified cocaine freebase, ultra pure d-meth, can’t touch that feeling. It negates the need for anything but more of that feeling.

Very grateful I don’t have access to that anymore, I worked hard to get to those connections and those guys are dangerous to becaround. I’m sure the scene is all changed now too over 10yrs later.

That’s the only thing I’ve ever tasted that I think I regret. Truly I will always want to be there instead of here, the peace and serenity it brought me while simultaneously throwing my soul into the darkest pits of hell.

From what I've seen and gathered there are far more functional oxycodone addicts than heroin addicts on this planet. Maybe it's because H is more for your buck and a bit stronger per volume, but there's definitely more of a compulsive desire to redose when it comes to heroin. I suppose most of that comes from the ability to purchase more so you're less aware of the need to moderate your stash and plan out the dosing like one does with oxy.

Also, the stimulation from thebaine in most painkillers makes it less likely to make one nod out unless it's in huge doses ime. This definitely plays into the factors that make oxycodone a little bit more possible to function on over heroin. For sure that in the beginning opiates give you way more energy than the do towards the end of your addiction. This is probably because the brain is overloaded with endorphins and not totally reliant on artificial ones yet. I definitely remember being able to function at a very high level with 0 sleep in the beginning from painkillers. Nowadays, I just constantly feel like I'm out of energy on it or not. Thus, there are more endorphins (real and fake) in the brain simultaneously. Socially, oxycodone abuse is highly frowned upon but it's not anything like reputation of heroin within US society. If you tell someone you're struggling with oxycodone addiction, some people don't even know that it's a painkiller and just see it as a "pill problem." In fact, from my experience most people don't even see it is a big deal and just feel that it's someone making poor life decisions. It is, but they have no awareness of how devastatingly addicting opioids are and how impossible it can be for one to quit. If you tell them about heroin abuse, they'll distance themselves pretty immediately. I came clean to someone I was dating about my opioid use because the guilt would've really interfered with my ability to be a partner personally. It wasn't a dealbreaker, but I know that if it was heroin I wouldn't even have had someone to date.

TLDR oxycodone can be just as life-destroying as heroin, but I've never seen any kind of addict struggle as much with sobriety as with heroin as the DOC. Oxy has a tremendously high relapse rate, but people really do overcome opioid addiction. Very few individuals have walked away from heroin and let it stay that way. Most are ticking time-bombs, and have only able to maintain sobriety because of suboxone treatment or methadone. Some say fast acting diamorphine is far more euphoric than any other opiate. I personally found h to only have an opiate body high but lack euphoria. I'm grateful it was never an issue.
So you love oxycodone, and heroin didn't give you euphoria? See, there you go - What drug someone likes the most depends on their specific brain chemistry and how it clicks with them. It annoys me when people say "Heroin is THE worst drug PERIOD if you try it you WILL get hooked". Like.. come on now. I'd rather have oxy and dilaudid than heroin but the reason I did it more was the availability lol
So you love oxycodone, and heroin didn't give you euphoria? See, there you go - What drug someone likes the most depends on their specific brain chemistry and how it clicks with them. It annoys me when people say "Heroin is THE worst drug PERIOD if you try it you WILL get hooked". Like.. come on now. I'd rather have oxy and dilaudid than heroin but the reason I did it more was the availability lol

I know of h's reputation and I actually didn't even know what "stamps" were at the time. I thought it was crushed pill powder and looking back on it I feel so stupid lol (roomie never told me he made the switch off of opioids). I think the route of administration matters quite a bit too. My digestive system makes substances hit hard, while any other method just doesn't do it for me as well. Both tries were intranasal, and I hate things going up my nose so I feel that might have ruined the enjoyment. I've never tried snorting without someone else in the room to gauge the substance's quality so I know it was not low quality stuff.

But yeah as far as the effects go it was really unimpressive. I don't really want to give it another try though haha! Not a fan of downers, and morphine is a bit too much of a downer for me and ironically I like thebaine. My seed tea experience was very odd too, and the high was too spaced out and itchy. I'm sure I could be hooked on H, but not a fan of what the drug turns people into. Of course opioids are devastatingly awful to be addicted to, but you can gauge your doses far better and as far as overdosing goes it is far easier to avoid should you know the dangerous interactions. It's unbelievable how much your tolerance to oxy goes up when you start dabbling in heroin. A user who is taking 30 mgs daily could easily go up to 300 mgs to catch a buzz if that person makes the switch to h within a short time period. The only people I could see benefiting from heroin are those in so much chronic pain that they need something as potent as h to even get out of bed in the morning. And even then nothing good could come from it beyond that. The withdrawal just seems too...... fucked.
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Started taking percs occasionally on the weekend , my husband worked in construction and they were everywhere , called them our happy pills .. 5 mg got me happy, energetic, not a care in the world .. started taking daily when I got a full time job 3rd shift , they helped me get thru the night . Husband has a older friend with back problems that we get 40 mg OxyContins pretty cheap , no apap so they don’t do any body damage . And they straight from pharmacy so no worries of fakes
Been hooked about 5 years , I need about 40 mg a day at this point . I’m starting to not get that much euphoria or energy from them anymore . I was able to quit for 7 months last year while I was pregnant but stupidly went right back on them when baby was born because I was so tired and depressed .
Both my husband and I are hooked and it causes problems in our relationship, I always run out early ( we get a weeks supply at a time) and ihave to beg him for some to get by, this causes resentment , sometimes money problems . I just want to be happy again without needing pills.
Have to quit soon , just not ready yet.
Started taking percs occasionally on the weekend , my husband worked in construction and they were everywhere , called them our happy pills .. 5 mg got me happy, energetic, not a care in the world .. started taking daily when I got a full time job 3rd shift , they helped me get thru the night . Husband has a older friend with back problems that we get 40 mg OxyContins pretty cheap , no apap so they don’t do any body damage . And they straight from pharmacy so no worries of fakes
Been hooked about 5 years , I need about 40 mg a day at this point . I’m starting to not get that much euphoria or energy from them anymore . I was able to quit for 7 months last year while I was pregnant but stupidly went right back on them when baby was born because I was so tired and depressed .
Both my husband and I are hooked and it causes problems in our relationship, I always run out early ( we get a weeks supply at a time) and ihave to beg him for some to get by, this causes resentment , sometimes money problems . I just want to be happy again without needing pills.
Have to quit soon , just not ready yet.

40 mg is a good place to be. It won't be unreasonably impossible to quit and you can do so quite painlessly with kratom should you ever want to ease the comedown. The dose does matter in my opinion, because high dose opiates rewire the brain much more than low/mid doses.. so at least once you get past the horrible "i want to die" part the PAWS and readjusting to life without a buzz won't be so horrible.

My honest opinion is that you will never be ready to quit. Nobody wants to quit opiates when they're on steady doses. It literally rewires the brain to think that it cannot live without opiates, so the thought of quitting seems synonymous with dying. When the time comes that you do end up quitting, trust me you won't feel ready! :) Relapsing is part of the process though. I've never met a single person who was able to break free from the habit without viciously relapsing over and over. It's not a one and done quitting process. It's a horrible time period of feeling like absolute garbage mentally and physically and cravings more than you can stand. However, I was on the other side for long enough to know that it's actually kind of enjoyable to live without them. They screw you over whether you're on them or not lol. It'll always be better on the other side is my experience, but when you're truly sober you actually feel like you'll never do it again or need to. It's just the time period of adjusting to life without it and going through the long withdrawal is too much for one person. The part I struggle with is that the longer you go without them the more opioids are glorified in your mind as a godlike pleasant feeling. Living without them does glorify them for sure. The brain seems to never forget.
I know of h's reputation and I actually didn't even know what "stamps" were at the time. I thought it was crushed pill powder and looking back on it I feel so stupid lol (roomie never told me he made the switch off of opioids). I think the route of administration matters quite a bit too. My digestive system makes substances hit hard, while any other method just doesn't do it for me as well. Both tries were intranasal, and I hate things going up my nose so I feel that might have ruined the enjoyment. I've never tried snorting without someone else in the room to gauge the substance's quality so I know it was not low quality stuff.

But yeah as far as the effects go it was really unimpressive. I don't really want to give it another try though haha! Not a fan of downers, and morphine is a bit too much of a downer for me and ironically I like thebaine. My seed tea experience was very odd too, and the high was too spaced out and itchy. I'm sure I could be hooked on H, but not a fan of what the drug turns people into. Of course opioids are devastatingly awful to be addicted to, but you can gauge your doses far better and as far as overdosing goes it is far easier to avoid should you know the dangerous interactions. It's unbelievable how much your tolerance to oxy goes up when you start dabbling in heroin. A user who is taking 30 mgs daily could easily go up to 300 mgs to catch a buzz if that person makes the switch to h within a short time period. The only people I could see benefiting from heroin are those in so much chronic pain that they need something as potent as h to even get out of bed in the morning. And even then nothing good could come from it beyond that. The withdrawal just seems too...... fucked.
After giving it a bit more thought, I think another reason why people might fall apart on heroin compared to oxy is that people who abuse opioids tend to be anxiety-riddled, and heroin, along with the pleasurable feelings you get with oxy, definitely has more of a downer feel than oxy does. So with that extra addition, it is the silver bullet for many people with anxiety.

I however still hold my original opinion, that the main reason people fall apart on heroin is the pricing and availability. This topic fascinates me.

Unrelated, but I'd also like to add that if heroin was still around like it was just a few years ago, it would be MUCH harder for me to get and stay clean. Fentalogues scare the shit out of me. That's one of the big reasons why I'm trying to stop.
I’d argue most street heroin is garbage compared to oxycodone, it’s the pure shit that makes oxy look like nothing in comparison. I was dabbling in street h before trying raw and while I’d rank it close to oxy I too didn’t understand the hype until trying it pure.

Also heroin if kept pure is safe in terms of overdosing, I never once got close to overdosing on heroin because it was always the same potency.

As for withdrawal, oxycodone withdrawals are WAY worse. It is true that heroin will raise your oxy tolerance to crazy new heights but I found that mg/mg good effects/withdrawal that oxy is worse.

That said, totally agree no one should ever really make the switch. Heroin is only good for terminal patients, cuz it’s the top dog IMO in terms of addictive potential.

This is coming from someone that at one point had a literal stockpile of every OC imaginable. I even tried the infamous 160mg. (My favorites were 20’s cuz I felt they got proportionally weaker as the dosage increases, like 4 20’s got me way higher than a single 80mg.)

Goddamn what I would give to feel that feeling one more time...

I too am deathly afraid of fents though and this keeps me from doing most illicit opiates.

I’d argue most street heroin is garbage compared to oxycodone, it’s the pure shit that makes oxy look like nothing in comparison. I was dabbling in street h before trying raw and while I’d rank it close to oxy I too didn’t understand the hype until trying it pure.

Also heroin if kept pure is safe in terms of overdosing, I never once got close to overdosing on heroin because it was always the same potency.

As for withdrawal, oxycodone withdrawals are WAY worse. It is true that heroin will raise your oxy tolerance to crazy new heights but I found that mg/mg good effects/withdrawal that oxy is worse.

That said, totally agree no one should ever really make the switch. Heroin is only good for terminal patients, cuz it’s the top dog IMO in terms of addictive potential.

This is coming from someone that at one point had a literal stockpile of every OC imaginable. I even tried the infamous 160mg. (My favorites were 20’s cuz I felt they got proportionally weaker as the dosage increases, like 4 20’s got me way higher than a single 80mg.)

Goddamn what I would give to feel that feeling one more time...

I too am deathly afraid of fents though and this keeps me from doing most illicit opiates.


Interesting point about oxy having a worse withdrawal. Can I ask why you think this? From what I gather oxy withdrawal usually doesn't cause one to be severely dehydrated/dry heaving or sick as a dog sweating buckets unless it's a hundreds of milligrams habit. But this is just from what I've witnessed from people around me and I could totally be wrong! Most people who need 200+ milligrams of oxy daily have already just switched to H at that point. As far as most potent opiate addiction goes I think seed tea can be the worst one. I know one person who could no longer feel heroin so he started brewing ridiculously potent seed tea batches to catch a buzz. If you have a solid batch and use enough seeds I'm pretty sure you could make something stronger than fentynal lol. I've tried to avoid seed tea because of the notorious withdrawal being so long lasting and horrible beyond words unless you taper off it. People have died from it as well because of how variable the seed content can be with morphine levels.

I consider myself fortunate the OC's are no longer around.. there's something special about them that made them so euphoric and addicting. People don't like purdue's new formula (OP's), but if you are good at disabling the extended release mechanism I can see how Purdue makes an effective product lol. As far as addicts go though it does seem like heroin is "the most addictive substance." Opiate addicts always struggle with relapsing and understandably so honestly, but heroin relapses are the most dangerous because of fent analogues. Still, there's something about heroin that objectively makes it a bit harder to resist once you've bitten the apple. Spiking substances with fent is just morally cruel.. especially xanax bars because benzos and opiates are already a highly dangerous interaction :( Meth is another highly addictive substance but the diminishing returns and the comedown somewhat makes it less enjoyable for users to abuse. Ppl still abuse methamphetamine all the time but they pay the price a lot sooner and more obviously. Most stim abusers seem to want to stop or learn their lesson far more quickly than opiate addicts imo because you only feel the real comedown (months and months of misery) once you try to actually get clean or have absolutely no money.
Narrowly escaped my percocet phase without going deeper into the opiate world. Tried oxys a few times, usually felt great and puked then continued to feel great. Tried morphine once, eyes were sunk inside my head and I was very chill I guess youd say.