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What's your guys drug usage like?

Codeine every day and weed most nights to help with sleep. Once or twice a week I will take an etizolam or pyrazolam if I think my insomnia is gonna kick in. Hardly ever drink now as even small amounts make me feel sick the following day and give me achy liver pains.
Lately since I got paid from my last job in December and having no work, bad combo, I reckon my intake as went up a bit.

Usually I'm on daily kratom and have been so for many years, I'm maintaining basically althoough I do still get euphoria by doing strain rotation, chewing techniques and eating graprefruit seeds(and drinking the juice.

The past couple of months I went through a few grams of Diphenidine, about a g of MXP, a gram and a half of ethylphenidate, a gram of bk-2c-b, a gram of 6-APDB(shared with mates), and in early January I did 7 gramd of "speed" in a week. Plus a gram of that AH-7921. Also more than a hundred of various RC benzo pellets.

I should have more ethylphenidate, more Diph, more MXP, more benzos(also in powder form), some 3C-P and some NEK at some point next week.

Some things are for keeping, the rest I'll just abuse.

After that I plan on going back to my daily kratom and the usual treat.

After this new binge I should go start at some point this week, I reckon I'll go back to daily kratom, weed on weekends and occasionally psyches and/or MD-like substances.

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Si Ingwe brain zaps are a nightmare arnt they, longest i've had them was 2 weeks and that was long enough, drove me nuts i thought theyd never go away, all day every day zapping away, (MDMA abuse triggered em,), cant imagine having them for 13 months would be unbearable

As for the weed, smoked a lot of different weed over the years and it gradually messed with me more than anything, proper sends me on an overthinking uncomfortable head fuck, would like to enjoy it but deffo doesnt agree with me
What does a brain zap feel like? I've never really messed with stims so luckily I've never had to worry about them.
Its serotonin drugs that trigger them (as far as im aware)

Feels like a little electric jolt pinging through your head every time you move you look far right or far left, and on the edge of sleep it pings and jolts. hard to explain
don't think I've ever had brain zaps, I've had some fucking insane sleep paralysis from overdoing MD and meph but that's it.
atm, nothing but alcohol on nights out and whatever friends with more money feel like giving to me.

when I have money, etizolam and alcohol most nights (which is pretty bad btw, done some stupid shit on that combo, but it makes you feel so nice) MDMA or meph once every two weeks at least, decent amount of weed fairly regularly, and psych's quite often as well. Psych's are my favorite drug type but I tend to not do them as much, I think it's because my friends are more into stims and so I'll often just end up getting some if they're picking up or whatever. Not been as bothered about cocaine recently, can get better stims much cheaper. I even prefer eph to some of the £40 a g 'cocaine' my mates sometimes get.

LSD is my favorite drug but I get through Etizolam like no body's business, I had no tolerance before Christmas and since then I think I've got through 200mg of etiz.
Welcome aboard Royalp!

My use was mostly daily over the past decade + a couple years (i'm 30 now). I used a rotation system (talk to me any time about keeping tolerance low etc..by using clever methods and all ). However, there's no such thing as a free lunch and I've been the victim of boarder line mania / stim psychosis many times over the years. Not to mention the hideous withdrawals i've suffered when coming off drugs. I don't drink because it makes me into something i hate.

Basically, I kicked all drugs about 8 months now when i went broke and it really helped me out. Being a stim head, as well as being hooked on everything else, my body was a physical state for atleast 2 months. Since then I've been real careful. I went 2 months with nothing, then slowly introduced some light opiates (though be so careful with these) as well as some pyrazolam, basically to take the edge off my ethyl phenidate use that i started again. As well as brain zap's i also had intense cluster headaches every day for over a year during the height of my tramadol use (about 5 years ago now, when i was 25).

Knock was everything to a lot of us hear and he will never be forgotten. However, he was a true believer in the Blue Light cause and would have hated nothing more than for it to wither and die. Blue light depends on new blood. Once again, welcome to the team and peace and love and all wherever / whoever ya are. Swarm :)
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The bad thing with weed is that I'm trying to improve myself socially, you know your posture, how your relate to others, having a leading role in a group instead of being a follower, being confident and so on, weed destroys all that after just two tokes.

I smoke and I turn into the guy sitting in the corner with his arms and legs crossed not speaking to anyone let alone make eye contact.
Nothing at the moment for me. Drug free for +6 months and I'm off booze for the time being too as I've got a half marathon in Sheffield next month I want to finish in an hour twenty five.
Mainly stick to booze (and only at weekends) these days. Like meph and MDMA, but I need (at least) 3 days to recover, which means I can only do them when I have a long weekend. Going into work with a comedown and feeling anxious, anti-social and unable to concentrate is sadly no longer an option.

I did meph virtually every weekend for 2.5 years. I seem healthy now (touch wood) - put my body through the paces now with running and weights, and no problems there.
The bad thing with weed is that I'm trying to improve myself socially, you know your posture, how your relate to others, having a leading role in a group instead of being a follower, being confident and so on, weed destroys all that after just two tokes.

I smoke and I turn into the guy sitting in the corner with his arms and legs crossed not speaking to anyone let alone make eye contact.

I'm a bit like this these days. It seems to have got worse as the years have gone on too. When I was at college and to an extent at uni, weed was a social thing, have a few mates over and sit around playing games or whatever. I dunno if I could do that now. I still smoke a bit, but usually alone in the evenings, and I have to be careful not to overdo it or I can even get uncomfortable with my own company. An eighth of weed lasts me a month or more these days.

Other than the weed, I've found that a bit of ket doesn't have too much of a negative effect on my broken bowels, so I still enjoy a bit of a binge on that once or twice a month. Sadly my tolerance is such that a binge for me can run to multiple grams over the course of a weekend.

Booze, stims and opis all mess up my digestion too much to be worth taking at the moment, I'm having enough trouble as it is! Benzos I can't be trusted not to go on a bender and eat them all at once, so I don't bother with them much either.

So in short, I'm barely a drug use these days :/
Weed nearly everyday. It doesn't seem to be posing many troubles apart from money, although I've got somewhere much cheaper to get it from now.

Weekends are mostly mephedrone and/or 25I-NBOMe depending on how I'm feeling. The mephedrone I've been getting recently is horrible quality and I've been feeling like shit the day after though. :/
I feel great after good meph. :p Luckily I don't seem to get much of a comedown (if any at all) after using things, the extent of any comedown so far is either disappointment (due to having something crappy or cut), exhaustion from being up so late, or boredom from not having anything to do the next day. :c