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What's YOUR Favorite Drug Combination?

My favorite drug combos-

1. Methadone, Oxycodone, Xanax, Weed

2. Methadone, Hydrocodone, Xanax, Weed

3. Methadone, Ativan, Weed

4. Methadone, MDMA, Weed (Xanax for comedown)

5. Methadone, Methamphetamine, Weed (Xanax for comedown)
My favorite combos I've experienced so far (in order of greatness):

1. LSD + DMT

2. MDA at the tail end of 2C-I

3. Hydrocodone + Xanax/Lorazepam (this can be dangerous)

4. Alcohol + Dexamphetamine (+ Benzos)

And weed makes most things way better.

I plan to candy flip in the next upcoming year, so that will probably be at the top 3 of my list soon enough. ;)
Favorite Combinations

Just was kinda buzzed and was wondering what everyone's favorite combos with drugs are(note everyone has there on tolerance, so nobody go out and try it because someone says it's awesome, know your toleance, body etc...) This goes for any drugs Psys, opiates etc...obiousy I guese it's a combination thread but just wanted to clear that...

Some of my favs
Soma and weed, have not had this in FOREVER but it is a great combo.

A large dose of Pods with a medium small dose of another opiate such as more morphine, oxy, hydrocodone and a little dose of benzo with some weed..start slow with the tea, as you never know how strong it is batch to batch.

Meth and Weed- I love this, don't do Meth often at all but it is very fun combo, in a way the bud makes me feel more stimulated while on it,kinda like a rollercoaster I guese (not the comedown though then it chills me out) a LOW dose
of benzo's is also nice to take the edge off the side effects of stims.

Cocaine and Alcohol-Never did a lot of coke, always found it BORING on it's own unless it's good stuff, but the mix of booze and coke is pretty euphoric. Not a fan of either of the drugs too much, but are great together.

A ghetto speedball aka some kind of opiate(I liked large doses of Hydrocodone) with Focalin..had good times with this one for a little bit.

Benzo's and weed- just a nice relaxed feeling.

Bupe+ weed-it makes the bupe actually take away cravings really well, also a medical dose of a benzo...bupe just on it's own never cut it for me for cravings completley, and if I was able to smoke bud, I KNOW I woudn't have had so many vacations.

All I can think of right now.
MDMA + Ketamine
Ketamine + LSD
Cannabis + MDMA
Cannabis + Ketamine
Cannabis + Alcohol
Psilocybin + Mescaline

difficult but enjoyable experiences
***disclaimer: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME, PLEASE!

heroin & xanax
i love that shit. but it killed me twice. never OD'd on just heroin, it was only that combo that put me down.
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.."
MDMA, Ketamine & Nitrous absolutely love this combo at parties/raves
Benzos and weed, just pure blissed out chill

And you can't have a thread about fave combos and not mention speedballs, a nice traditional speedball with a nice dose of smack and some coke in a pin (obviously very dangerous and I wouldn't necessarily advise people to get into trying this)
My speedballing days are well n truly behind me now though, not touching needles, smack or coke anymore but I'll always remember that combo fondly
Well, I mentioned a ghetto speedball, Pharm opiate of your choice and Focalin,lol. Focalin is actually some nice ass shit, way better than methyphenidate, it's chemical name is dexmethlyphenidate, i've always preferred the dexidrine to adderall(or even vynase) and dexmethylphenidate to methlyphenidate..poor mans coke, but the focalin is twice as strong as ritalin and doesn't have all the shitty side effects of methlyphenidate...I wonder what a shot of Oxy+Focalin would be like..hmmm. I remember reading about someone smoking their focalin and got a major ass rush off it, compared it to crack, would try it even though I never got the point of smoking pills,just seems wasteful.
My personal favorite was 12mg 4-aco-dmt, 160mg of bk-mdma and endless weed.

Others I've enjoyed were:
Codeine and klonopin- dangerous in higher doses obviously, but finding that sweet spot is just so perfect.
Caffeine and alcohol- I fucking love waking up, taking 200mg of caffeine, and drinking 2-3 beers in the morning. It's rare for me to do, but its my favorite morning buzz
Adderall, klonopin, endless weed- wow, I could smoke 7 grams of weed with no problem on this combo. It's really fun to play guitar and talk shit with some friends
Top 3, in order:
1.) Peaking hard on MDxx, then IV Hareon.
2.) Slamming a fatass speedbawl (Alprazo in the mix, of course)
3.) Will always remain a love to me, lotta Hydrocodone + 7 Somas.
a few combo's i have enjoyed:

5-meo-dmt + AM-2201
methoxetamine + ab fubinaca
valium + quality vodka
cocaine + ketamine
moxy + 4-HO-MET / 4-ACO-DMT
oral oxyodone ir + IV hydromorphone + benzos
coffee + ciggies + ethylphenidate

euuuh i guess i'll stop there huhu

never had a great LSD (or lysergic of any sort for that matter) combo, unfortunately... fun, yes, but not like the other combos... but that's due to set and setting
Meth + Xanax + Hydrocodone
Heroin + Mephedrone
Meth + MDMA
Methylone + Mephedrone
MDMA + Meth + Sex
Heroin + Nicotine
Hydrocodone + Tramadol + Ativan
Methylone + Adderall
Opiates after exercise or sex.
Alcohol + Mephedrone
4-MEC + Codeine
IV Heroin during MDMA peak.
Adderall + Morphine
Opiates with small amount of alcohol
Caffeine + Tramadol + Nicotine
Hydrocodone + low dose MDMA
Xanax + Oxy + Dexedrine (low doses)
Sex + Methylone + Mephedrone
^That's a pretty great but gnar one.

I really just want ketamine and ecstasy 43v4r
^^I miss both of those so much. Need some good LSD therapy. And it's been a while since I blasted off too.
I've been enjoying 2mg clonazepam sublingual an hour before a decent 0.1g+ shot of quality crystal meth(my anxiety ruins the true character of the rush & high so benzos are required) Then when the euphoria wears off around 4 hours later yet the stimulation remains 4-6mg clonazepam sublingual with some great pot. I don't think alcohol mixes with Benzos but I've been drinking Bailey's and reaching the kind of bliss I havent felt in many moons. It's lovely!