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Whats Your Favorite Brand of Cigarettes?

parliament lights.


Or, if I'm being cheap, USA Golds. My only problem with those is that they burn ridiculously fast. I'd say my favorite cheap cigarette is Pall Mall, the taste really isn't that bad and they last pretty long.

On the occasion that I want to treat myself, I'll pick up a pack of American Spirits.
Actually Lucky Strike aren't too bad (at least you can get them in the UK now).
add one more into the fray and what the fuck is F1? A racing show? I think I seen it do they smoke or somthing?
^ Ya it's racing and was one of the only places cigarette companies could advertise still until recently (in Canada at least, not sure about USA and their laws)
I rarely smoke, but when I do, I smoke Camel Wides, full flavor. Something about the little bit of extra width on them, I really enjoy.

But I am more of a chewing tobbaco guy as of late, Skoal pouches. But I am really interested in try the new Camel dissolvables , they are quite intriguing. In very limited release right now, and not here in FLA yet:

Do they sell those Camel Menthol's with the menthol ball in it in the UK?
They don't sell lucky strike filtered here, but I had a chance to get my hands on some because a friend came back from Italy with like two cartons.

I'd say my favorite menthol cig is Parliament Menthol Lights which are really hard to find.
im not a smoker but when i have one i prefer marlboro reds or mediums.
Peter Stuyvesant (Reds). If you empty the tobacco out, you can see it is much more finely processed than other cheaper cigs, which helps it burn better (smoother) I think. Sometimes I have emptied the tobacco out of a cheapie and found all sorts of weird long bits of tobacco...

Don't mind Nat Sherman's Black and Gold either, they last ages...
I don't smoke anymore but I used to like American Spirit Bold. It used to come in a green pack. Half a cig was all you need they are strong. Check em out. Trust me.
American Spirit unfilters, when I can afford them. Lately I've been smoking Camels cause they've been sending me these coupons for $2.50 off a pack. :D