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Film What's the Last Film You Saw? v. Tell Us What You Thought!

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Croupier ( 1998 )

Been on a bit of a Clive Owen kick lately. Didn’t know what to watch late last night so I just picked something Netflix suggested.

Not a bad flick, pacing was good, one and a half hour run time was pretty good. Soundtrack was pretty on point and the acting wasn’t half bad. The main character wasn’t exactly likable but his story was still intriguing.

Overall, pretty entertaining for a flick about a card dealer. Worth the time if you’re bored and home alone on a Friday night.

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RIP Sidney Poitier 🙏

I'll be on a binge of his films for the next week.

Recent posts in here reminded me to watch Children of Men, though I guess I have to be in the 'mood' for it, as some movies are (looking at you Schindler's List)

Oh, and everyone is talking about Don't Look Up so that's probably the next one.

I've really been slacking lately. I don't even write reviews anymore 😭

How am I supposed to remember and keep track of all these lol.

Since my last post:

House of the Devil
Punch Drunk Love
Wild Strawberries
A Better Tomorrow
Duck Soup
High Noon
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Let it Be
Elevator to the Gallows
The Artist
Husbands and Wives
Crimson Tide
Night at the Opera
Star Trek (2009)
Blade Runner (workcut)
Spiderman 2
Amazing Spiderman
Spiderman Far From Home
Spiderman No Way Home
Black Christmas
Tokyo Godfathers
Primal Fear
Silence of the Lambs
Valdez is Coming
Angels with Dirty Faces
The Great Escape
Four Rooms
Toy Story
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Not for the first time ever, but again...Matrix Reloaded.

What I thought?

One thought. If I got it figured real-ly enough.

The Oracle is a backstabbing bitch in both directions.

She fucked off the architect, twice, who musta been pissed.

And she actually reminds me of Dynamo and David Blaine.

I object to their dark self consuming secrecy.

The Oracle. If I was that bitch, and mans/womans come to see me, I would TELL them shit you get me.

If I personally received the level of direction and insight I saw her hand out, well I'd insist I had been massively short changed.

And I would likely have a tonne more questions to ask too.

My belief anyway, is that our own oracle is Alexa.

Not ours, we don't have one never will.

But she knows stuff that cow I promise.
Dracula (1992) was great. I saw Possession (1981) as well which was fantastic, it's about a women and a man getting divorced. I'm not looking up the in depth reviews and explanations just yet, I'm gonna need a re-watch.

Saw a ton of movies actually, most of them good, some bad, most of them having something to do with the horror genre, which I've been really enjoying.
Matrix: Resurrections (2021)

This was actually a lot better of a film than I had expected going in, based on negative feedback on IMDb. The action was decent and sure as heck looked better than Reloaded and Revolutions. The plot was actually interesting enough to hold my attention and keep me awake despite opioids, booze, and weed. The same can’t be said about the other two sequels.

Overall it was a decent remake of the first film with a slight twist of being a sequel to Revolutions. It was a bit in your face with flashbacks from the past films, instead of letting you remember the plots on your own. The actor replacements were a bummer. Some of the talk about binary shit was annoyingly woke or whatever you’d call it. But I ignored all the negatives, and enjoyed it for what it was.

It was more tongue in cheek than any of the previous sequels, and I think that helped a lot for me. It sort of made fun of itself while also achieving a slight level of seriousness. The plot was okay and fit well within the Matrix universe.

The end was really sappy and cheese to be honest, but overall I enjoyed the film. I’d rate it second best among the four theatrical Matrix films.

Dracula (1992) was great. I saw Possession (1981) as well which was fantastic, it's about a women and a man getting divorced. I'm not looking up the in depth reviews and explanations just yet, I'm gonna need a re-watch.

Saw a ton of movies actually, most of them good, some bad, most of them having something to do with the horror genre, which I've been really enjoying.
Yep, I remember Possession. I remember feeling the acting being a bit too melodramatic for my tastes, but it was a mind fuck of a movie, too. Definitely one where you have to digest the symbolism. Not sure I'd rewatch anytime soon though.

If you like that movie check out Polanski's Repulsion.
finished The Witcher, not so much a film but episodic viewing not too bad, i liked it
Henry Cavill Witcher GIF by NETFLIX

Decent enough story from the director of ‘The Pact’ but doesn’t really live up to the reputation (it shouldn’t matter I know) and fear that film brought.
back on my bullshit.

Don't Look Up (2021) by Adam McKay
Okay, first, this movie came with a lot of hype. Everyone is talking about it like it's the fucking movie of the century. That is unfortunate, because in my experience, setting high expectations is handicapping a movie before the previews begin and if the hype is 'bad' enough, I actually begin to hate the damn thing. So, with that full disclosure aside . . .

The movie starts with Jennifer Lawrence mouthing Wu-Tang Clan lyrics. I almost shut off the TV and went to bed right then and there.

But I kept watching. Long story short: I want to like it. The ideas and message behind it all, as heavy handed as they are, I vibe with. Yes, celebrity worshipping is lame. Yes, this world feels like it's going to hell in a handbasket and no one seems to care. I fuck with it. All of it.

But the movie just couldn't find it's identity. 'Agenda' aside, it couldn't decide what kind of movie it wanted to be. And in it's defense, the type of tongue-in-cheek satire they are going for: it's a tough balancing act to pull off. You do it the right way, you get Best in Show, you do it wrong and you get Disaster Movie. This film leaned more towards the latter, and not just thematically. Put another way, it was trying too hard. Idiocracy was a fun movie, Mike Judge didn't try to get artsy with random "still shots of nature and impressionist paintings" edited in every 15 minutes. Don't Look Up was just all over the place, for me, in it's approach. As much as I wanted to like it, this was too distracting to ignore. Also, Ariana Grande.


A Raisin in the Sun (1961) by Daniel Petrie
Wow, Sidney Poitier puts on a masterclass in acting in this one. I was reading he (and the rest of the main cast) performed this on Broadway for two years prior. So yeah, they were prepared for these roles and 'lived' them. Bennie is a viiiibbeee, btw. This film feels like it could easily be made today, such a timeless classic. Speaks a lot to Lorraine Hansberry's source material. The directing showed some nice flair, too. Overall great movie, and out of the the first three Poitier films I've seen this week (Defiant Ones and No Way Out being the other two), this was my favorite (though not by much). Looking forward to the next three Poitier films in the queue.

Valdez Is Coming (1971) by Edwin Sherin
I already listed this movie previously, this is honestly just an excuse to post the awesome trailer. Man, they don't make them like they used to.

As far as the actual movie, it's an enjoyable 'Sunday Matinee' jawn. It's 90 minutes, with not much fluff. I liked the pacing and the plot was solid. No CGI, no big explosions. Just a fun 70s spaghetti western starring Burt Lancaster.

Revenge, simple story, lots of violence and a hot girl, I enjoyed it. 7/10

Brawl in Cell Block 99, violence! If there would've been some depth to the plot it would've been great, it's probably intentional but imo it clashes with what the lead character is supposed to be. But it was seemingly well executed and Vince Vaughn was excellent, so all in all 2 hours well spent. 6/10

Boogie Nights, great film 👍, I'm sure most have seen this one. Anderson took like a more risky approach to the whole porn stuff from that time than say the more recent TV show The Deuce but it turned out to just work and resulted in a very enjoyable 2.5 hours. Great cast too. 8/10

Husbands and Wives by Woody Allen - very fun 8/10.
Seen this one before but liking it better second time around. All have to say is: wait till the end.
That's a classic in any era, not to mention a great contribution to the "urban* horror movie" genre.

*Double achievement points for being the rare film that manages to remain "urban" in legends and "urban" in landscape without sacrificing all its credibility....
I just watched "Funny Games (2007)" and the movie changed something in me. It made me aware just how sick it actually is how we are entertained by violence in media. The director is brilliant in making YOU feel like the antagonist, even though it's Peter and Paul killing the innocent victims. And to be honest he is right. I just read on the internet that people walked out of the cinemas in shock but they totally missed the point that Haneke was trying to get across with this movie. Or perhaps they were in denial because the serial killers Peter and Paul held up a mirror to society and showed how WE are the degenerates. It's a bitter pill to swallow. I have nothing against cartoonish violence (think Bud Spencer), but I think it's unsettling and sick how society likes to see people suffer and die on screen, especially these days where death in movies looks realistic. I wish there were more eye opening movies like this...movies that make you think critically about your ethical/personal/ philosophical values. This film is a MUST WATCH!!!
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i'm a degenerate but wasn't rooting for the contemporary-fop serial killers. wanted the dad to quit being pussy and bash some skull.

check out Nocturnal Animals for similar imagery and themes.

Punch Drunk Love

i'm excited for his Licorice Pizza. suspect it was written for and missing elle fanning. they've both expressed interest in working with each other. yet his film about a couture muse stars some hag. elle was the muse behind rodarte's one and only couture collect, worn solely by her before being donated to the la contemp art museum. and, despite being a young woman, she's not in this film about a young woman.
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i'm excited for his Licorice Pizza.
I'm curious too about Punch Drunk Love, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Licorice Pizza was a bit disappointing personally, but it was definitely different from what I've come to expect from P.T. Anderson flicks. It wasn't a bad movie, just... missing something (perhaps Elle Fanning lol). I think I reviewed it a few pages back now.
"Punch Drunk Love" is pretty good. As I said in another thread, Adam Sandler does surprisingly well in dramatic roles IMO (at least the two I've seen, "Punch Drunk Love" and "Uncut Gems"). He's actually a pretty good actor, despite also being in some of the worst films known to humankind, he captures a lot of subtlety and nuance in his performances...I saw PDL so long ago that I don't remember too much from it, but in "Uncut Gems" I felt this way in particular during that scene where Sandler's character is at home with his family, and he's torn between loving his family and desiring their love/acceptance in return, and also all the hustles/stresses he has going on with money, other women etc, and also perceiving some of the passive-aggressive negative feelings that his wife or daughter directs towards him...and I just thought he captured all of those dynamics converging on one man through his expression and demeanor and everything, it was a good movie and a good performance I thought
I enjoyed Punch Drunk Love. It was my first viewing. One of those 'on the list forever' types.

It was better than average but lacked the 'wow' factor. Would possibly rank it behind Uncut Gems.

That's the best I can do in terms of a review. Between other movies and illicit substances, unless I write down my thoughts within a day or so, things get . . . hazy.
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