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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

codeine, DXM, booze - they're probably my fav OTC and legal drugs that pop into my head at the moment.
Yeah, probably the first couple times off of vyvanse, coffee, and piracetam

ohhh goodness, basically rolled but with focus and work ethic
Mephedrone IV when it was legal. Nothing will ever beat it I think.
Just out of strictly legal highs (not gray-area highs), DXM was great, Adderall is the love of my life, and I really enjoyed the first couple times I tripped off Dramamine.
Staying up for 24h+ usually produces something that i would call a high, for me. :D
But i guess i would have to say hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (LSA).

But IME stuff that's legal is usually far worse than the illegal ones.
In my opinion the best and safest legal highs available are dxm, caffeine, phenibut, and maybe kratom. My favorites being dxm and phenibut, taken at seperate times of course.
DXM, especially the DXO afterglow the next morning alongside potent weed and ciggs. Some of the most euphoric and intense dissociatve states I've ever reached was while smoking medical Sour Haze (smelled like straight cat piss!) during a DXM afterglow. I was running through my house just laughing hysterically. I would've worshiped MXE... that would've been all bad if I had access. Mu-agonist and NMDA antagonist drugs get this guy off!

Kratom is nice when my opioid tolerance isn't ridiculously high like it usually is these days. Very unique and stimulating opioid effects.

Mephedrone back when you could buy it as "bath salts" at local headshops. Very euphoric, addictive and dirty. I wish I would've gotten to IV meph, but I knew it probably would've turned out all bad. I've just heard so much about the IV meph rush and that it's unbeatable in the opinion of some. WAY TOO ADDICTIVE though; comedown feels like certain death to me.

Only had one synth cannabinoid that I found euphoric and worth smoking, the rest were either too weak or very anxious and uncomfortable. Considering that these synthetic cannabinoids are full-agonist, overdose can cause seizure. I could just feel how dirty they could be.

a-PVP was far too addiciting. Turned anyone into a sex-crazed babbling lunatic. Very euphoric as I remember, vaping it was a very compulsive ROA, yet it was almost unbearable to stand the taste and harshness. Was up for 72 hrs, delerious and beginning to worry about the state of my mental health. Spent hours peaking out my blinds for cars and people, for whatever fucked up reason.
Kratom, MXE, ethylphenidate, alcohol, tramadol (it's not regulated), nitrous oxide. I'm not gonna rate them
Fully or mostly legal, in order: Kava, phenibut, alcohol, DXM, nitrous. (DXM did produce the most intense and most worthwhile hallucinogenic experience ever for me, but I prefer other dissociatives and would not do DXM again these days.)

Grey market, in order: 6-APB, methylone, 4-ACO-DMT, 5-MEO-DIPT. (Some are illegal now, of course, but were "legal" when obtained.) (Synthetic cannabinoids were kind of ok, but not nearly as good as the real thing, so why bother?)
Dxm is awesome man! 3rd & 4th plateau is where it's at. Lemme tell ya, i hate weed. No matter how much, where, or who I smoke or eat thc saturated food I just can't enjoy it. But if I'm robo-tripping, all that changes! Makes the night so mystical you'll be thinking about it for the next couple of days haha
If emergency room IV hydromorphone does not count, then it is hands down the runner's/exertion high. Somewhat similar to a cocaine high w/ a real mellow lingering effect.
I guess the legality is a bit iffy, but LSA is good if prepared right.
Most arrylcyclohexylamines (3-MeO-PCP is a particular favourite), nitrous oxide and synthetic cannabinoids. The rest I don't really care for, the illegal alternatives are better.

Mephedrone was the bomb back when it was legal though.

O-desmethyltramadol deserves a mentioning too as it has been the only useful RC opiate so far (fentanyl analogs suck and ah7921 just seems lame)