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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

I've been looking into the world of legal drugs and what's on offer.
I've read into Salvia/MDAI and other stuff such as Synthacaine but wanted to know what's your favourite and why?

I will share my experience with dextromethorphan.

When did you take it? - Most recently, a month ago.
How much did you take? - 660mg
Who were you with? - Friends
What made it good for you? - I stole it, always have (it literally is the only thing I shoplift), and it's entheogenic if used properly.
What similarities does it have to other drugs? - Ketamine, PCP, N2O
Do you prefer the legal to the illegal equivalent? - I prefer ketamine, if we are talking dissociatives. If it's legal vs illegal - def illegal.

Salvia, N20, and Alcohol are really your best legal highs. I've also heard great things about Kratom.
And I have tried Morning Glory Seeds which contain LSA(CIII), a chemical closely related to LSD. Three occasions with them, the most recent being three years ago, 275 seeds. No idea how much LSA that equated to, but I tripped balls for 16 hours. From hours 6-10 after dosing I was stuck in a fractal loop of geometric color. And wearing defraction film glasses staring at lights smoking joints :p

Come to think of it morning glories were really great because I used to steal those too. Home improvement/garden shops carry packets.
I would wash them thoroughly and allow em to dry, grind em up in a coffee grinder, encapsulate the powder, dose, and enjoy :)
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I've tried Salvia but not much so I didn't get a great effect. Hadn't heard about the heat requirements for it either and I ended up trying it in a rolled cigarette which might account for the weak effects. I've heard it's great though in stronger doses and when done properly.

A synthetic cannabinoid herbal blend I tried once was good in the sense that it was strong but the paranoia I got from it ruined the experience, this was what another forum said had been found in the blend but I know it may be different since ingredients are occasionally changed:

5-Fluorderivate from JWH-122, AM-1220 aswell as its Azepan-derivate

I've tried AMT and it's the best legal experience I've had so far but it was mixed with a lot of cannabis. Not sure it's legal in the US anymore though?
For me, the two best legal highs I have tried thus far(reason I pick two is bc they are so different n effects) are Mr. Bubbles Bubblegum Flavored 1g Herbal Incense(it left a bubblegum taste n my mouth for a good 1.5-2hrs and was high as hell during that time but still high for a good time after that) and 4-Ho-Mipt aka Miprocin( it was the first trip I had n awhile and was very similar 2 mushrooms but without the body load ).

If you are looking for opiate-like highs, I'd recommend kratom.

Second that! Not the extracts or pills though - just good-ol resin or crushed/powdered leaf.

I used to take Kratom to come down off Mephedrone. That was a great combo. Both legal at the time. I needed Meph to be banned for my own safety!
LOOOOOOOVED ephedrine for a while there.

The mood lift I used to get off of it was on the same level as any scheduled amphetamine I bought, the only problem I ever had with it is it made my kinda sick. Also it doesn't go well with alcohol, and I generally like to combine my stims with booze.


RCs, I don't care much for them but these 2 I enjoyed alot.
LOOOOOOOVED ephedrine for a while there.

The mood lift I used to get off of it was on the same level as any scheduled amphetamine I bought, the only problem I ever had with it is it made my kinda sick. Also it doesn't go well with alcohol, and I generally like to combine my stims with booze.

I was given OTC pseudo a few weeks ago. I swear, the first time I took it, I was flying. But the following times - nothing, even with larger doses. Immediate tolerance or something, I guess.
Mephedrone when it was legal, along with MXE. Likes of BZP etc where of no interest to me along with many other recent RCS.
Moxy by far. It did more from 4mg than if a gram+ of mdma had been taken. The high was amazing, mild waving visuals, very sassy, little to no mind fuck, music was incredibly. But the real kicker was the body high, everything felt fluffy. Much like if you were to be constantly hugging a cloud. Best drug ever imo.
Pretty sure I have absolutely no way to obtain any of those. NOT ASKING FOR SOURCES! Just saying. I've been fortunate enough to do one or two of them when I hung around a "bad crowd" (read: exboyfriend) and absolutely adored mephedrone. Sadly, my connections to the fun stuff ended with the relationship. :(
I have to say that I wouldnt recommend DXM to anybody I had a psychadelic experience but at the cost of puking your brains out I puked untill I was tired from puking and I almost had to stay on the toilet because every 5 minutes I would puke and I had pure DXM from tablets its called stoppex in our country.The trip was amazing but the puking was horrible
The very best (still) legal high, in N-A at least, is kratom hands down. It is completely foolish to ban this relatively benign substance, for many reasons:

- The stuff is NOT lethal, unless - theoretically -combined with powerful CNS depressants. If you eat too much, you'll be sick as a dog but you just won't die. It is a very forgiving substance with a ceiling effect comparable to buprenorphine in this respect. It is definitely A LOT safer than heroin or oxy, or even tramadol, when abused... We don't need ''scientific'' studies confirming its safety, centuries of use never caused the growth of a foot on the forehead of kratom enthusiasts dammit! The fact that some of its alkaloids function as agonists for the MOR is no fucking good reason to ban it and be afraid. Kratom is not abusable the way heroin or oxy are, period.

- People wanting to try opiates, who WILL no matter what, out of curiosity, experiment with opiates, would be fortunate to have access to kratom instead of H or oxy. It is hard to give numbers, of course, but I'd be willing to bet a huge chunk of change that an access to kratom would have saved many lives due to overdoses or violence (cos you HAVE to mess with criminal elements if you wanna score H or oxy); and in countries where it is still legal, I'm absolutely sure that it is saving lives right now.

- Kratom is a better alternative than methadone or bupe for addicts wanting to quit and looking for a way to slowly ween themselves of opiates. Kratom in the right quantity will control almost all opiate WD symptoms. Then, when the poor mofo is stabilized, it's ALOT easier to quit kratom than methadone or bupe!

- People buying kratom don't enrich illegal - and legal - providers of opiates.

- Thousands upon thousands of folks, including myself, use the plant reasonably to alleviate depressives feelings and increase their quality of life. Who the fuck has the right to tell me that this plant is more harmful to me and other depressed person than zoloft or stinking paxils?? Not only is kratom TRULY effective for us, it is also much less toxic to the brain and body than the fucking SSRIs and MAOIs. Moreover, pharmaceutical AD have much worse side-effects, and cause a more painful and protracted withdrawal syndrome than kratom upon cessation of treatment. It is about time we oppose the Big Pharma fuckers pushing their fucking poisons.

I could think of a few more reasons, but I'll stop for now before I get carried away by anger... Cheers!