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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

Xanax, Vicodin, those things are pretty nice.

Salvia is intense but I enjoy it every once in a while, and is legal where I live.

Just ordered some 2C-E though, can't wait to try that. If all goes well, it will probably take over as my new favorite legal high (8
Xanax, Vicodin, those things are pretty nice.

Salvia is intense but I enjoy it every once in a while, and is legal where I live.

Just ordered some 2C-E though, can't wait to try that. If all goes well, it will probably take over as my new favorite legal high (8

I'd be careful about that!!!!!!!!

I received this in my inbox about about a week and a half ago:

We thought it important to warn our members about the following:

On March 17th in Minneapolis and on May 7th in Oklahoma two groups of 19 people total were hospitalized and 3 people died after the ingestion of 2C-E.

2C-E has been used over 20 years without serious incidents. 2C-E its onset takes 2 hours, while the victims experienced effects after only one hour. This gives a serious indication that the 2C-E bought over the internet was tainted or mislabeled. We have just received news that this is indeed the case.

According to police the 2C-E involved in the death in Oklahoma was purchased from chemicology.net The website is no longer active- and it is unclear if it was taken down voluntarily or by the authorities. It is very likely that the Chemicology was
supplied this 2C-E by a Chinese vendor. Chemicology was a US based vendor selling only 2C-E and 2C-I .

If you have bought product from this vendor then do NOT consume it nor let others consume it. If you have purchased any product from them recently please contact the staff.

The 2C-E causing the Minneapolis death and hospitalizations is said to be ordered online from a Chinese vendor. It is currently not known which Chinese vendor is involved, nor if this vendor supplied other research chemical vendors.
For this reason we urge you to avoid all 2C-E. Please spread the word.

More information is available here: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=160088

If you have further information then please contact the staff:

Stay safe,

The Drugs-Forum Staff

I'd play it safe and steer clear of 2C-E altogether.
Morning Glory Seeds, DXM. Althought DXM is quite weird for me sometimes it wont work at all and other times it will completely fuck me up.
I'd be careful about that!!!!!!!!

I received this in my inbox about about a week and a half ago:

I'd play it safe and steer clear of 2C-E altogether.

Thank you for your concern, but it has since been found out that the incident in Oklahoma wasn't 2C-E at all.
Also, neither I nor anyone in my party will be snorting massive lines of the stuff. I believe that was the cause of the death of the teens in Minnesota. We are going to start with a relatively low dose, taken orally.
DXM, Alcohol but im only 18 and in BC Canada you need to be 19 to buy and drink it. I've also tried Diphenhydramine which while was legal and a very intense "high" was really uncomfortable. I took 16 - 25mg (400mg) Benadryl pills one time at school, which if anyone knows what a DPH "trip" is like is very strange...

I could barely talk was mostly mumbling, I could barely walk (felt like i drank a few six packs kind of balance). I also heard voices of people who weren't there and my memory was screwed. I took the pills at lunch and went to class where we went to the library to work on a project, luckily I had a few good friends in that class who thought me tripping out was hilarious. I've done it at school since but my tolerance to it kept me from getting like that time. My friends and I refer to that day as the "Benaday".

Most DPH I ever took was 30 - 25mg pills (750 mg) one time at home while skipping school. Like the Benaday but much more intense. I even documented the experience for my friends to understand what it's like. After about 30 mins after I started feeling the effects I lost contact with reality and my chronology styled document turned into scribbles and dots.

DXM though is the best legal high yet for me. I've only tried first and second plateaus at school which was so awesome, but one time I either had a high second plateau or a low third plateau at home while skipping school again... Anyways I also smoked a few bowls of some nice weed and after about 30 mins the effects started to feel amazing, best DXM euphoria yet. I listened to music which at the time didn't know was intensified while on DXM and the great feeling was a delightful shock to me. After that I became hooked.
in general 'legal highs' are terrible and hardly worth the effort, but hands down nitrous oxide wins for me, just such an awesome drug. Then poppy seed tea, have tried it numerous time but only once was it good, getting harder and harder to find good seeds, but when you do..you strike gold. Not much of a fan of codeine, but it's better than nothing. Never had success with kratom, blue lotus, LSA seeds, etc.. and DXM is just too weird for me, although it definitely has merit
As for DXM the high itself is eh alright I guess and the trip can be fun but taxing. My best DXM experiences simply involve me swallowing 300mg worth of liqui-gels, putting on my "Shpongle" station on Pandora, smoking a fat bowl, and quickly curling up under the covers. I usually lay in bed for the entire trip. I usually feel anxious for the first half and then fairly psychedelic/euphoric for the second half.

However, the absolute best part of a DXM experience is the afterglow. It's like Tinkerbell curls up and takes a nap ontop of your scalp. I feel like the glow rivals a good MDMA high, however having to trip out rather uncomfortably for a few hours just to get to that point isn't worth doing often.
morning glory seeds, DXM, propylhexedrine, MDPV, etaqualone, nutmeg oil, kratom, san pedro cactus
Question for those experienced with LSA, do you say it's a better/worse/similar experience to mushrooms? Do you think it would be a better "going out" substance to use instead of shrooms?
Question for those experienced with LSA, do you say it's a better/worse/similar experience to mushrooms? Do you think it would be a better "going out" substance to use instead of shrooms?

It's not very well suited for a "going out" substance in my opinion. The ergine content of the seeds makes me feel too sedated and apathetic to want to go out and about while tripping on them. There may be issues with nausea and muscle cramping that could be a damper on excursions as well.

It's not very comparable to shrooms for me. I find shrooms kick in fast and hard, are real intense and confusing during the peak, then drop back to baseline quickly (not as quick as the come up though). On the other hand, morning glory seeds are more gradual in their overall effect. They take several hours to reach full effects, and the transition back down is slow as well. It's more of a plateau than a peak. Morning glory seeds are less visual than shrooms, but the trip is far less likely to be confusing or anxious as shrooms tend to be for me. It's also surprisingly sedating at times (depending on the relative amount of ergine to the more psychoactive lysergamides). There is also a greater chance of bodyload (nausea, vomiting, muscle cramping) compared to shrooms in my experience.
That sounds like a heart attack... :\

Nah, if you dose the dex-amp high enough and keep the benzos/alcohol at a lower dose it feels like rolling but without the adrenaline rush.

Which makes me wonder what would happen if you mixed MCAT into the mix.
Dextroamphetamine, all sorts of opioid's, various etc psychoactive's that come in a nice, pure, standardised and accurately dosed format from the pharmacy.

MDPV, phenazepam, and the keto analog of MDMA are all quite good IMO.

I actually like DXM more than ketamine, so for me, its high up there.
This completely legal joint I'm smoking right now is definitely one of my favorite legal highs.
Update: Tried Morning Glory seeds a few weeks ago. I bought about 250 seeds, I would have bought more but I only had $15. All I felt was intense euphoria, which kicked in like 2 1/2 hours after ingestion. The euphoria lasted for maybe 4 hours. I had to sit for most of the duration or else the pain from the vasoconstriction would come back. The euphoria was very intense though, almost to the point of drooling... LOL. Much more intense than DXM euphoria... so far...
I've reached euphoric heights on HBW that tower over any other drug I've tried, legal or otherwise. And I've tried a lot of drugs.

Still, I nearly never do it because the comeup and the vasoconstriction are so unpleasant.