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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

I took that Euphoria shit from the head shop " Bath Salts " ... I had two different types; both were amazing, but one was better than the other....

i believe it was bk-MDMA
I was really impressed with 4-Aco-DMT.

I'm currently exploring mxe
dextroamphetamine/amphetamine + xanax + klonopin + alcohol + weed
Probably trekking in the rainforest. The whole trip was just awesome :).
Riding my buddy's new jet-skis on the first truly nice day this spring.

Also getting a 30 minute ass-naked massage from my girlfriend with quite a happy ending...while I was on kratom and kava. Not to get too graphic, but when she'd press hard on my ass cheeks while massaging, I would get waves of euphoria that...just wow.... :p

By the way, kratom and kava is an amazing lay-down mix. Leave the kava out if you plan to do anything or go anywhere. That shit is sedating as fuck!
ummmm oxy, hhaaaha, or... xanax, or clonazepam, maybe weed. lotz of legal options for me.
aMT without a shadow of a doubt.

Oh and I was once given Morphine in hospital, all I had to do was press a button :p