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What's going on in your life?

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I'm back to living day-to-day rather than weekend-to-weekend. "Back to life, back to reality" and all that jazz. I'm immersed in school - it really is a full-time job. Then there's my full-time job, which takes up another big chunk of my week. I spend a lot of time on reflection (I always did, but as everything else, it's ever-changing), and a lot of my reflecting time pondering happiness and all that goes with it. It's an interesting and baffling disease, happiness. And I spend a lot of time missing my friends, because most of them are so far away from me. But I know that no matter how much I miss them, loving them is well worth it. And I hope that they don't forget how much I love them during the in-between times that I don't see or hear from them. And I hope they are safe, above all, and that laughter is still what drives them to dream every day.
And then there's my cat... the little bastard. :)
(I love you miss Pea. Don't let the joy of memories outweigh the joy that the future may hold.)
I guess in general Im pretty happy. My job is good, but the company as a whole is kind of unsure about its future. Hopefully that will pan out for the better.
I am still living at home, and I want to move out, but with my job not too secure, its holding me back in this department.
Health wise Im better now than I have ever been. I love my family and I love my friends which when it comes down to it is really the important part of life.
Hopefully the job and living thing will pan out for me soon enough.
Well, life is better these days in a sense. I am off all addicting substances and my health and brain are back to normal. Definately an improvement for me that I am very happy about.
I am back in Florida with no job or car. That sucks but is my fault for letting *things* get in the way of meeting goals. I will be starting a job hunt tomorrow and am really happy about that.
I recently went home to NY and made up for a lot of missed and messed up times with my mom, dad and two little sisters. I realized that my family rocks and my two sisters are the best I could ask for.
I am in a serious and happy relationship right now. A little something that happened out of the blue and surprised me. Not exactly what I was looking for at the time. After a lot of trouble and drama we are together and happy.
Being back in Florida has got me down. I have moved away from all friends and loved ones. But on a good note that keeps me out of trouble :)
Life is ok, could be better but only I can change that right? :)
What's going on with me....
I got a new job today :) There is something so exhilarating about being told that out of all the other people they interveiwed, you are the best person for a job. Something so empowering. It's also a very very tidy salary increase...
I moved into a new apartment and its turned out to be perfect...already feels like our home.
I am very much in love. But my man has some stuff he has to work through. There's nothing i can really do but love him and wait for him. Some days he makes me feel totally alone....some days he makes me feel totally complete. He's the most important person in my world.
I'm going into my second year of uni after a very disastrous first year. I basically failed everything so in a way i'm back where i started, but with a much healthier outlook. I can actually see where i want my life to go this time round so hopefully ill make the most of uni this year and not fuck up quite so profoundly.
I miss my family. I'm not allowed to see my brother who is an awesome kid. He's in his last year of high school and he's such a champion i know he's gonna kick some serious arse...
But yeah...basically 2002 is gonna be another amazing year and i can't wait for it to unfold.
I just found out that I get the second half of pay equity settlement next payday. That means I will get $2.50/hour for 7 months of retroactive pay! And for the first time in three years I am not behind in ANY bills, and owe visa nothing! So the money is mine, all mine! It is so fantastic! I am going to invest it. Quite thrilling.
Just come out of a depressive slump. I'm rediscovering life and I'm shrugging off my rage with the weight I'm losing now I've finally got off my ass got a job and started looking at the world again. Trying to be a good person and instead of being so scared about the future (only 19 yrs old) I'm looking forward to the rest of my life and really appreciating the present.
I've just won a bet to stay single and totally uninvolved romantically or sexually for six months. So of course now my rediscovered hormones have me fallin for three of my friends immediately, but I can keep that bottled up and it isn't to much of a strain on the friendship.
I'm not always happy and I'm often angry and sad with my past and parts of my life but I feel like I can deal with it and I don't mind getting up in the morning, basically I'm chasing the butterflies
currently i'm alive and well.. and i saw the sun rise which was actually kind of pleasant... it's usually not for me.. but it's a really nice day out.
i'm going home today to see people and get some money, which i'm excited about, but also torn since we're celebrating one of my best friend's birthday saturday night here in philly.. although.. with the way he looked friday night, saturday might be low key..
broke. i need art supplies. but i spent the money my mom gave me for photo and art supplies on drugs.
/me kicks herself
it was stupid, i know. also kinda wish i didn't like crystal so much, but what i have now is kinda the last of it cuz we're tired of dealing with this kid who was our only hookup for that.
im kinda bored since everyone else is sleeping and im all tweaked :] but its ok, alone time is scarce in a college dorm. i actually hope people wake up soon to go grub.
i hope you all have good days :]
[ 16 February 2002: Message edited by: siren ]
What's goin on in my life? What isn't going on in my life is more like it.
I just got back on my feet after like a year-long struggle that is actually still going on.
For the past year or so, I have enrolled in college, found the guy who is going to marry me (got my ring for Xmas), grew to hate south florida, got pregnant (had to give up all substances- UGH!), withdrew from college, moved back to Cincinnati (where I grew up), was just about homeless for about 2 months, my grandma died- we got all her furniture, got this little 2-room shit hole in the wall for $200 a month (which I've paid maybe twice so far, but my sister being the landlord it's all good), Chris (my fiance) got laid off, but then out of the blue my mom sent me $1000 which turned out to be from my inheritance from my grandma...
I just got my new $3,000 computer delivered yesterday with my scanner/printer/copier and my digicam still on the way, which I will be paying $97 a month for over the next FOUR YEARS (I'm such a retard) and I am about to have a baby due on April 2nd (find out whether he will be Joseph Gavin or she will be Savanah Jae on Monday with an Ultrasound) and then after about one more month of hell I can get back to the gym and get back in shape and you just know I'm gonna hand the baby over to Chris for a night and get trashed (I think I deserve it, damnit!) before I have to return to the wonderful land of responsibility...
Ugh... I wish there wasnt anything goin on my life.
i was just busted for posession of paraphanelia
no more college for me!
Shannabanana- I will be in heaven if my labor doesn't go too bad. If it does, the husband thing will just have to wait until he makes it up to me for putting me through such unspeakable pain, heheh...
I moved out last week, to a little cottage on 3 acres (so my horsie will be in my backyard!) My room mate is one of my friends, we get along but also know when to stay out of each others way.
I have been in an off and on relationship with a good friend of mine, lets call him Bob. I know what I want, I want to be with him, but Bob just wants to be fuck buddy’s or just friends, I'm not sure which cause he told me he wants to stop sleeping with me then a week later I find myself laying in his arms totally naked! This was 3 days ago, then the next day I met one of Bob’s friends, Bob leaves just me and his friend at my house, I ended up having my tongue down his throat. Bob asked me if anything happened, I told him yes cause I didn’t want to lie to him. But now Bob thinks that I'm being slack to his friend! Bob doesn’t realize what he is putting me through, its okay for him to fuck me and leave me all alone but I can't kiss his friend cause he thinks that I'm leading HIM on! I can see where he is coming from, but he has to realize what he is doing to me too. His friend kissed me, but of course I'm the one who was doing the wrong thing cause I kissed him back. HE KISSED ME FIRST!!! GGGGRRRR!!!!!!! It makes me wild how he thinks he can just treat me like shit cause he knows I’ll always go back to him.
For example. Bob came over last night, I was standing between his legs while he was sitting down, he starts playing with my top and the buttons to my pants, then out of the blue he shoves me away, almost making me fall over. I walk away totally disgusted in his actions, and go to sit on my couch, he comes up behind me, and tries to turn me around to face him so he could give me a hug, I stepped back. And he has the nerve to say “What's wrong?” I'm so fucking sick of his shit and I want to just say fuck it and leave him all alone, but I can't, I guess I do still like him, deep down.
**Updated Update**
AHAHA Well everything is FUCKING FANTASTIC at the moment! Bob can lick hairy nut sac for all I care. Im now dating his friend and we are happy and comfortable. I think I might even be in LOVE!
/me out and happy!
[ 19 March 2002: Message edited by: Aishas Star ]
been collecting uk dance vinyl-so addicitng.
wish I had a honey to just chill and grow some dope with and spin records. Seems hard to find the ones who'll understand old burned out ravers and what that involves.
getting my license thursday and it's going to be fucking sweeeeeeeeet. I cannot wait till I go out on my own first time with my new cd playing that I just made (actually that excited) and feel total freedom! (somewhat)
just have to say great post!!
i'm in my first year at uni. majoring in psych. finally after two years of struggling with depression, 2 suicide attempts, fortuanetly now they didn't work, but got really close the second time. right now im not like over the top happy, but im not suicidal i haven't cried in a week (eventhough i was really drunk and pmsing) hence i haven't really cried in almost two months, haven't felt lonely, betrayed or any of that for the past two months. relationship wise i've got a man, still in the early stages but atlast i'm with him for the right reasons and not just because i need someone.
basically i've finally hit the stage where i feel like a normal person and hopefully i'll never ever go back to my suicidal self again as i know if i try to do it again i'll successed, as dumb fuck doctors tell u what u did wrong the first time and the second time (eventhough i didn't do anything wrong the second time, but i was lucky).
i'm rambling so i'll shut up now :)
My job is going nowhere, but I can't switch gears without sacraficing more money than I am prepared to live with atm. So I hold on to the fact that I make good money, like my boss and my work colleagues...even though the work is boring and unchallenging.
Im becoming more and more of a "rising star" in local gay activism where I live and am starting to break into the state and national lobbying scene because of it. That is cool, but the more involved I get the more frustrating things become. Most activists are these screaming, whining ultra-liberals, which is fine, except you need a little balance if you are going to get anything worthwhile accomplished. And some of the liberal mentality is just stupid in the way it affects every day things. For instance, we just had a huge awards dinner for outstanding volunteers in the gay and HIV communities in my county. During the planning, several of my fellow board members were opposed to selling alcohol at the venue because, and I quote, "alcoholism inordinantely affects the gay community. As responsible members of the community we need to be sensitive to people who would want to attend the dinner who may be struggling or in recovery." HELLO! what about the rest of the 400 guests who can handle their booze? you want to subject them to a three hour award ceremony with no libations to lube the nerves?
But for all their silliness, at least they are involved. Most gay guys don't want to have anything to do with the larger gay world outside of the anal adventures that go on in their bedrooms. Comfortable to live in shadows and lies, they just don't care about their own rights much less the dignity and self-respect due to their gay brothers and sisters who DO want to walk the earth as a free and open human being. "My sex life is nobody else's business"...excuses!! nobody is asking you to describe your penchant for dick. I know my friends are straight, does that mean their sex life is my business? They are all concerned about being "straightacting"...as though all the outward straightness in the world will somehow negate the fact that you routinely have cum dribbling down your chin. I'm totally "straight-acting" by the standards used to measure such things, but who gives a shit???? Sometimes I wish I was a little more obvious, be much easier to flirt at the grocery store, let me tell you. As it is, I see some hot boy in produce who is just queeny enough to be clearly gay, and I catch his eye only to get this look from him like he is afraid Im going to make him the next Matthew Sheppard. And people ask why I put a rainbow sticker on my pick-up, Im trying to be included! So I have no sympathy for these self-loathing gays who will always look at their desire to get fucked as some sort of dirty vice that you enjoy more than anything but would never tell anyone about...wasted resources, silent voices, makes the job for those of us who do care so much more difficult....like I said, frustrating.
Not that Im this super-responsible pillar of the gay community...hell, my biggest concern is that a bunch random tricks from the past are gonna recognize my picture in the paper and suddenly feel the need to reminisce for enquiring writers at the various gay rags. Does this fear stop me?
Yeah right, Im apparently less concerned about my image and future as a leader in the community than I am about getting into proper "circuit boy" shape for the upcoming White Party in Palm Springs. 10's of thousands of perfected gay physiques from all over the world (literally)will descend upon this retired golfer's paradise for Easter weekend, and I can feel the clock ticking and the amount of time for my Atkins diet to work its miracles on my body fading away. I would love to indulge in a little Tina diet (Crystal Meth for those not hip to gay ghetto terminology)for the last three weeks before the event, cuz that would definitely give me the added edge in my pursuit of reaching new levels of self-abuse due to shallowness and superficiality. But I have to be careful with that, NOT because of any problem I have with Meth (tweek maybe one weekend every other month, and an occasional bump or two additionally in between). But because my boyfriend and our other roommate are crackwhores who can not have it in the house without consuming it with wreckless abandon. So, Im going to be plagued with feelings of being too fat at the third largest gay party of the year anywhere in the world because I love pizzas, my boyfriend and our roommate more than I love looking flawless in nothing but jeans and a pooka chain (don't gag, it may be trendy and overplayed, but a white shell necklace against a sweat-beaded tanned muscular chest will be HOT until the end of time).
But all in all, life is grand. I've got love, great sex, a meaningful volunteer life, more money than I truly need (for the first time in life), excellent health, looks and a body that most people (other than the aforementioned White Party attendees) would be more than happy to have, and most importantly...
...I am totally happy.
[ 26 February 2002: Message edited by: beachboyty ]
I so enjoyed reading that :)
lol @ "circuit boy" shape
Hrm..my teaching practicum is kicking my ass. I did my first lecture for the Intro psych class last night, and did a fair job. Apparently, when I speak I get really nervous and look unexcited and speak in a monotone. I never had this problem at my old school or anywhere else. It's hard to take if your career goal includes teaching. I'm not very thrilled at the moment :(
A threesome relationship.
Oh, and I just finished up a hellish two month long project at work.
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