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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Tits, Clits, and Bong Rips

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3 bowls of tasty mids
3 long island iced teas
3 4mg pieces of Nicorette
2 cups of Sleepytime tea by Celestial Seasonings

10 mg Zaleplon. Still on the fence about the recreation potential. Not recreational at all but good for sleep IMO. Sounds fine to me I'm just trying to get some rest. I won't lie though there is a comfortable head space 10 minutes or so before dosing off. And conversation becomes more fun for 30 minutes or so.

Pretty dandy little all legal combo. Well the weed is illegal but so is being drunk in public and that sure doesn't stop anybody.
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feeling dandy right about now :D

railed a point of tar
drinking a corona extra
got a fresh pack of camels
and also puffin' on my tasty e-cigarette

sure wish i had some green right now!
I'll stand by that.

Then I'll make What did you shoot up at 3am? C'mon, I know you're a k-fiend.
Heroin. Bitter, bitter heroin. Who needs alcohol, benzos or anything else when you have the drug that cures all of your ailments in one?
Soma, for the first time. I was sad because I had gained a tolerance to valium over the last month or two. Well, this shit feels pretty much the same and it's going FULL FORCE! Listening to some music - Head Like a Hole by NIN - and playing Dark Souls. Going to sleep soon (or whenever the Soma comedown starts).
i finally made a good thread. hopefully it continues just like the morning thread.

2 bags.. make that 3 now
weed.. make that alot of weed
i got a minature of captain black (94 proof) im about to guzzle that down as well

edit: i said weed but it was only a little small hit of mids. well my friend helped me out. he had like .4 of grape ape and sour diesel mixed together. he told me to pack a bowl so i packed a medium bowl cuz i dont want to be stingy with his weed. we go for a burn ride and i hand it back to him and he says "no man just keep it". im fucking stoked. now i can finally get high and have something for the next day. i finally get a 8th of some mid grade tommorrow morning at work but can smoke before i go in since he doesnt go in till 7 and i go in at 6. ive cut my weed use by about 70% in the last week cuz i was running so low. well now i can smoke alot till thursday, which is my birthday, and hopefully i can buy my usual half oz and smoke my face off.

i also did another bag of dope bringing my total to 3 bags.

sorry for the ramble. if you cant tell im really fucking high. lmao
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^I prefer it to the morning one these days. I'm an insomniac so I build a list an hour or so before I want to go to bed. If I don't get to sleep (pretty much every time) I start adding shit and editing the list. Anyway here it goes.

4 tsp of Bali kratom. Great quality. I've gotten better and a bit worse from this vendor.
1 16 oz. Dab (beer)
2 bowls mids
one sonata for sleep (woke back up an hour later of course!)

Feeling chill. Opiated and chill. Very dysphoric and a bit or vertigo now that the Sonata wore off but I'm not taking another. I'm drinking a 2nd Dab and smoked a bit in a futile attempt to get back to sleep.
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about to smoke a giant spliff. i want white tea so i'll have that too. silver needle, not gonna mess with the white peony tonite. only the best for top ham. may throw a melatonin on top of things after those are done with.
120mg codeine to keep opi cravings away, 200mg butalbital, and i'm gonna be smoking on some dank bud in little bit
Iv'd 20 bag of h took 10mg valium and endless bowls of herb. Hella noddin out bout to pass out.
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