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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Tits, Clits, and Bong Rips

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Beer and Whiskey all night and a little weed. Takin a short break from all stims since my jaw literally feels like it's going to fall off from all the clenching lately.
10mg artane and tons of fish oil

bizarre, I know, but artane is actually somewhat recreational for me

In what way man? You can't just drop something like that and walk away...

OT: Some oxy, some dabs and some oil in a minute to help me sleep.
haha its known to increase dopamine for whatever that's worth.

I find it makes me chill like a benzo but slightly different.

dont know how to quite explain it.
Usually I'll get home, do a 4mg shot of bupe, have a few beers, take 1mg of clonazepam, maybe another 4mg shot of bupe while still drinking then after the alcohol and clonazepam start to kick in, I'll pack my bong, maybe add a drop of some BHO if I've got any and then I'll burn one while watching TV or hanging with some friends. Basically after that, I'll just continue drinking beer, sometimes whiskey, smoking weed and BHO and usually I'll do 1-2 more 4mg of shots of bupe before I'm finally just super tired and either end up nodding out (Not just because I'm high but more of a mix of the depressants and just being very, very tired on top of everything) or go to sleep first.
^ Sounds like a solid night man. A little bit overkill on the buprenorphine IMO, but I understand and it's whatever floats your boat honestly. You scripted the clonazepam?

Just the typical 2mg buprenorphine & a cup of coffee for myself tonight.
- 9g of bali kratom (like always 8))
- 150mgs of tramadol
- fat blunt of white rhino mixed with purple skywalker OG
- 1.2g gabapentin
Canadian Mist whiskey
.5mg Xanax

I need another bowl but I'm waiting till I'm a little drunk to smoke. Then I'll be out like a light.

EDIT" Packed a lip of snus. Next is that bowl
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Just these two 7.5 Zopiclone my friend gave me cause I can't friggin' sleep, it probably won't work anyway we'll see... :p
- 9g of bali kratom (like always 8))
- 150mgs of tramadol
- fat blunt of white rhino mixed with purple skywalker OG
- 1.2g gabapentin

Thats a nice little combo man! I bet that feels great. Thats something that i would take when off heroin, plus tramadol loves me.

I took so much etizolam last night and drank a few shots of vodka and had dope in my system from earlier in the day. Was noddding my ballsack off. By lits of etizolam i mean like 4mg within a couple hours.
tbsp Kratom, .3 of weed, and .5mg clonazepam. Ugh I feel so much better I had the day off but all I did was fucking errands.
2 Pounds of poppy seed tea, pretty much addicted to it now, been smoking bud all day, relaxing in the bath right now
2mg Buprenorphine per usual

Just watched the Bruins grab another win
Thats a nice little combo man! I bet that feels great. Thats something that i would take when off heroin, plus tramadol loves me.
Oh yeah, definately a "feelsgoodman" combo...

- 1g phenibut
- 9g WVB kratom
- 3mgs etizolam
- 150mgs tramadol up the poopshoot
- couple bowls of brainstorm haze (definately a quality bud, probably my new favorite top shelf sativa behind quality grown NYC sour diesel)

I'll be adding another 2mgs of etiz before bed as well, lifes good... If only all these depressants wouldn't have given me a wet noodle, I'm craving sex but that's just not gonna happen in this state :p
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