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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Tits, Clits, and Bong Rips

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30mg zolpidem insufflated/SL
600mg gabapentin
Proprietary blend: Fresh valerian root, Vanuata kava, passion flower herb, hops, and chamomile. (I down mine with cran-grape juice)
Resin rips... *the sigh of a man without his weed*
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1mg buprenorphine
Cup of coffee

Good ole television to cap off the night
4mg kpins SL (I'm going hard with the GABAergics tonight; = of 9mg clonazepam)
Probably more weeds. %)

I wish a wasn't a broke dumb fuck.

*EDIT/UPDATE: Smoked a fat bowl of the Sour. Synergized perfectly with kpins. This benzodiazepine does not dampen the effects of stimulants and/or cannabis and it's psychoactive chems, but merely adds a warm anxiolysis and potent muscle relaxation. Could still keep smoking ;) If had the cash. Definitely wouldn't mind if a bag filled with 5 g's of pure Methoxetamine and 2 g's of 3-MeO-PCP fell from the skies and into my arms :)
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Tonight- Melatonin, 250mg chelated Mg, 75mg DPH, 20mg lope, 800mg cimetidine, Vanuata kava, fresh valerian root, passion flower herb, hops, and bowls of sour diesel.
Just some mass bong rips tonight,...

and I have a craving for a veggie wrap which must happen before I attempt this sleep thing once again...
*get in mah belleh!!*
a bit of klonopin earlier
A pint of Magners pear cider
Smoked a bowl
a couple shots of Imperial whiskey

I feel ok but I'm sure I'll be fucked up by midnite. Shots and bowls and shots. I just wish I could find my remote!!!
a bomber of strong ale by long trail and little more than half a 10mg diazepam pill

gonna munch out and enjoy some TV.
~60mg zolpidem (mostly insufflated/some SL) and took 3 bowls of Blue Dream to the head.
2mg buprenorphine
1mg Lorazepam IV
Dunks Iced Coffee & Ice Cream Sandwich

Chilling and watching TV. Hopefully last night in the hospital.
10mg artane and tons of fish oil

bizarre, I know, but artane is actually somewhat recreational for me
Cup of fresh chamomile tea with lemon balm and a bowl of herb.
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10mg artane and tons of fish oil

bizarre, I know, but artane is actually somewhat recreational for me

Note to self: google artane.

free pint of Dead Guy's Double IPA (shit is like 9 percent!) from work (I love shift drinks)
I am drinking a little bit of whiskey and taking the occasional toke. At some point I'm going to really mack down on some chili and bread but for now I'm drinking a bit.
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