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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

0.2 l of vodka, then 0.5mg of Xanax + small bowl of weed and then 15mgs of Ambien. Finally had 8 hours of sleep. I am 3 weeks of opiates. WD is gone, but i can't sleep more than 4 hours without meds
last night bed it was .25mg halcion plus .25mg alzam. that made me sleep for a few hours. woke up this morning just past midnight and had a lot of alzam to sleep again, 3.5mg alzam.

But this morning at 7ish it was
6mg bromazepam
5mg valium
400mg gabapentin
1mg subutex ( insuffalated )

Edit: just for you Bamos lol
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1mg subutex ( unsuffalated )

That would be awesome if your body produced subutex and it came out of your nose. :D

For me it was:
0.25mg Triazolam nasal
10mg Zolpidem
80mg Oxycodone nasal
1mg Alprazolam
2mg Clonazepam
vaped some good weed

I've slept so hard that I've almost pissed in my bed. Fortunately I woke up in time. :LOL:
That would be awesome if your body produced subutex and it came out of your nose. :D

For me it was:
0.25mg Triazolam nasal
10mg Zolpidem
80mg Oxycodone nasal
1mg Alprazolam
2mg Clonazepam
vaped some good weed

I've slept so hard that I've almost pissed in my bed. Fortunately I woke up in time. :LOL:
jaja you got me, if only 🤪
400mg valerian root
600mg magnesium
Loads of vitamins + some omega-3
Cigarette out the window and lie down.
More shameless on Netflix.

Told you lot I'm (normally) a good boy during the week 😇
vaped decent weed
0.25mg Brotizolam
1mg Alprazolam
10mg Zolpidem
1.5 mg Clonazepam

800mg Ashwagandha, high CBD oiland 400mg Magnesium <- I'm a good boy, too @jhjhsdi :giggle:
Last night?
Food and more food
1mg alpraz
600mg gabapentin
some diff (relaxing) weed
anxiety / depression

took a little xanax to help
for that i guess

incapacitating dabs

drank one little bottle at the lake
a sparkly brut because the water
was too cold to get in.


need a sedative to get through.
the xan was just a little bit that helps.

sugary edible and more sugar.
edibles incredible scary at times.

oh i'm rambling

. . . dabs

almost blackout from xan this week
but didn't do it !

back to work.
3g of kratom and quite a bit of kief rolled with tobacco (cause I'm out of weed...)

Was looking at some DMT inspired paintings and it's making me want to blast off really bad :) It's been a few years since my last trip.
Fucking clonazepam again, SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME if it's half life is so long why am I waking up 3 or 4 hours later ill as fuck with fucking withdrawal symptoms and anxiety bad enough to redose when it's effects are said tm to last 6-12 hours as I'm sick as fuck AGAIN it's not the mirtazapine not took that in over 3 week's maybe 4

Fuck this shit I'm never going to get off pills am I insomnia is a bitch!
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I finally had 12 hours of the deepest uninterrupted sleep I’ve had in month last night. I feel reborn. Unfortunately I only had to stay amped up for the previous three days and nights and close things out with 50 mg of seroquel to enjoy getting a decent respite from my otherwise endless insomnia. All that because my psych declined to add something like zolpidem to my mix.
I've slept terrible.

Even though I took:
60mg Oxycodone nasal
1.5mg Alprazolam
10mg Zolpidem
2mg Clonazepam

I woke up 3 times. Everytime I woke up I took more stuff - Alprazolam, Bromazepam, Zolpidem.

Was still awake way too early. :cautious:

/edit: Is my body so used to benzos that it needs more? Fucking tolerance. The stuff I took yesterday was enough for about 3 years.
Ah, fuck it - I guess I just had a bad night. Today I'll take a similar combo and will sleep the whole night. :cool:
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