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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

I started with great pot then a fat shot of meth and a few pipes. Then another shot and bourbon.
Later valium and pot will be my friend's
^right? Im in love with ambien and amanita muscaria. so underrated.

@ot: my nightly fix was the usual. Cocaine, alcohol, ambien, and a tiny bit of pot. Im definitely an alcoholic and coke addict atm. V hard for me to not buy blow if i have a few drinks in me. Having like 7 dealers who all sell the good shit doesnt help lol
after doing the coke and run out do you take ambien for the comedown and how much
100mg Quetiapine
5mg Olanzapine

Damn tired. Did a meeting fairly late tonight, was supposed to do some step work after but my sponsor wasn't feeling well. All good though, I'll be doing my peer recovery training all day tomorrow so likely won't be on here.
100mg Quetiapine
5mg Olanzapine

Got some really good news today! Extra excited, got another job interview lined up Wednesday, all in all it's a good day
So far tonight:

Cider 5 Pints
Cigarettes ~20
Dihydrocodeine 540mg
Gabapentin 900mg
Sodium Valproate 800mg
Cyclizine 100mg
Naproxen 500mg
Omeprazole 20mg
Quetiapine 25mg
100mg Quetiapine
5mg Olanzapine

Damn tired. Did a meeting fairly late tonight, was supposed to do some step work after but my sponsor wasn't feeling well. All good though, I'll be doing my peer recovery training all day tomorrow so likely won't be on here.

Are you prescribed both Quetiapine and Olanzapine together? I'm prescribed two anti-psychotics, but one typical anti-psychotic (Chlorpromazine) and one atypical anti-psychotic (Quetiapine). What would be the point of taking two atypical antipsychotics? Quetiapine and Olanzapine are extremely similar. Would it not make more sense to just take one of them at a higher dose instead?
Are you prescribed both Quetiapine and Olanzapine together? I'm prescribed two anti-psychotics, but one typical anti-psychotic (Chlorpromazine) and one atypical anti-psychotic (Quetiapine). What would be the point of taking two atypical antipsychotics? Quetiapine and Olanzapine are extremely similar. Would it not make more sense to just take one of them at a higher dose instead?
I'm actually prescribed 3 atypicals, I also take abilify 5mg. Well, I originally had haldol for emergencies, but one doctor I saw said olanzapine would be better for long term maintenance and safer so I switched to that, and just got in the habit of taking it every day. Olanzapine lasts a bit longer than quetiapine, so you still get the effect during the day, whereas quetiapine wears out sooner. Olanzapine also lacks the 'punch' quetiapine has honestly.

Idk I used to take quetiapine 300mg and 10mg olanzapine, and it was just too much. I've been on and off meds quite a bit, and up and down over the past year. I'm currently dropping my dose of olanzapine so I can take just quetiapine at night in a bigger dose.
Seeing as i haven't really been sleeping good lately yesterday i dosed my self up nicely to get a good nights rest. Had the following

20mg valium (10mg valium 6pm and 10mg 7pm)
30mg Dalmadorm ( taken at 8pm )
0.25mg Halcion (taken at 8:30pm)
3 joints in that time frame of Bubba Kush

By 9pm i was out and slep till 6am this morning, only woke up twice to go to the loo but as soon as i got back in bed i was out again as my head hit the pillow, no tossing and turning and no dreams. Really needed a proper nights rest after this week and drama. But won't be doing this again for a while.

Sidenote: even weed has gone up with this unrest in our country and variety is down too. But luckily i can do swapsies with my mates.
Start with that almighty morning Cigarette(s). Pop 3-4 Xanie Bars. Smoke 2 - 3 dubs of Rock, Powder Coke l. Heroin/Fentanyl.
100mg Quetiapine
5mg Olanzapine
Vape juice

Just chillin, probably gonna read and hopefully pass out early enough.
Once I put the wee one to bed it’s going to be:

Nic salt vape
Maybe synthetic cannabinoid vape

Gonna stick on a horror film and chill.
tried gabapentin slow/extended release last night and feel it did help prolong my sleep and also made it more comfortable during the night. I had the following before bed

10mg diazepam
1600mg gabapentin (extended release 2x 800mg)
1 joint of a 50/50 split again of harley quinn and bubba kush
Some hashish which i ate (roughly 30mg of thc) and had a small smoke of it last night. Thought i saw a spider on the wall but i think i was hallucinating . Was having some strange dreams i cant remember either ...
The d-meth I took 11h ago definitely "fixed" my night. Wouldn't mind going to sleep soon though.
Also took:
5.5g of kratom in 2 doses
1mg of etizolam
1 spliff
100mg Quetiapine
5mg Olanzapine

Accidentally fell asleep during a group zoom meeting I was apart of. This was before I took me meds 🥱 whooooopps