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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Acid For The Masses

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Was able to get some more amp so I did the bit I had been saving.

So tonight its been 5mg valium 5mg amp and caffeine. Just enough of the pharma to feel both.

The drugs don't change how bored I am though... :/
Some coke and morphine. Hopefully the morphine will kick in soon and I can knock out before toooooo long
Last night was 2mgs of kpins and a bunch of northern lights bud. I have a low tolerance to benzos atm
I was going to go out tonight but lost my ride and it's raining outside so i'm staying home instead. My nightly fix is the spliff i'm smoking and hopefully something good to eat but every food place near me is closed... i'll have to cook myself a midnight snack or something
Well, I haven't posted in a while, guese I haven't been fucked up on benzo's all the time now,lol. But I had half a 12.5mcg/hr fent patch(non gel) cheecked and chewed it. Had a whole one, before work, they've given me a light opiate buzz..probly would have felt it more if I would have skipped my sub dose a few days, but I didn't. Have 1 and a half left, so maybe they will give me more of a buzz tomorow...
90% shatter,29% bud called 'wsu'. And...other things :)
OMG what a rough couple days.
20 600 mg gabapentin
9 150 mg lyrica
2 25mg seroquel
4mg suboxone for the transition back.


Taken at 5pm cuz I was dopesick as fuck
170mg's mxe sublingualed and a few phatties of ab-fubinaca and hashish
I think I've got some sort of sleep defect. I mean a normal 10mg ambien will knock most people right the fuck out (and, more importantly, most don't need anything to close their eyes at the end of the day). Not me man. Night after night, doing retarded shots of dope, throwing all sorts of benzos and z-drugs down my throat like they're fucking skittles. Ripping og kush outta 2ft roors like a champ after days filled with strenuous exercise and activity along with the normal daytime clonazepam neds. Slammin whiskey like a champ. But here I am, lucid enough to keep writing out job apps and cover letters and blast bonobo. I truly wish there was the perfect non-habit-forming sleep drug that fucking worked. Insomnia is a goddam curse.

Anyhow, opiates, benzos, z-drugs, and cannabis for me, only the strongest. And some doxylamine and amitriptyline. Hopefully I can cut that back down to just the cannabis after I find gainful employment and dont have to worry bout these god forsaken prehire piss tests. Fuck this country.

Hot damn. Some k or mxe would be ace right meow!
N2o.... A 24 pack.... And some Jameson, herb, Xanax and a few Advil if a head ache emerges from the nitrous...
10mg Clonazepam,
and a couple small lines of methamphetamine. o_O

Oh jeez I haven't touched the stuff in over a year!
I'm so spun.

Anyways this is a solid gram(maybe a little shy) of shard,crushed in a full length macdonalds straw and mixed in a ecig liquid/vape juice container.

I havnt done any yet. Its going to be fucking strong..thats like $100 there.



Yep..chemical X.
4mg of Sub plugged, I felt shitty, guessing cuz I took less for a few days then had a few fent patches then a buncha percocets last night. Also 4mg of xanax under tounge and 4mg of klonopin under tounge...had alot of benzo's today, had 4mg of xanax this morning to an I think about 5mg of klonopin throughout the day at work. Feel relaxed, now I just want some bud, but I'm sure as fuck am going to enjoy these benzo muchies!! Fried Porkchops, brownines, mac and cheese, green beans and gravy, think there might be mashed potatoes to. Bout to stuff my fuckin face!!!
4 hits of some dank shit i been curing since sunday. mannn was i ICED
Friend bought me 30 bag H
Then a half gram!

Then a friend stopped by with some more diesel was expecting coke but... Free?faaaahk.
2Mgs kpins, bunch of pot and cigarettes. Feeling hella relaxed and stoned. Have a simi low tolerance to benzos so I'm feeling good ?
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