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What Was Your Morning Fix? v. Vicodin & Eggs

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Its my monthly 'after the rx is gone in a few days' taper, but I get by.

Been there. Used to every month with my sub script. Except I didnt know about lope then.. now im scared of my subs lol. Threw myself into precp wd 1 too many times.
Smoked a bowl of XJ-13, oh man, top shelf weed from the shop is just soo fucking good sometimes. I also lucked out with my local dispensary, I've probably been to over 50 shops, and the one two blocks from my house is better than the others by a huge amount. This XJ-13 was apparently tested at 34.2% THC. That's just plain ridiculous, but it actually does get me that high, so i can't really argue.
^ Must be nice living somewhere with sane bud policies. I might actually puff if I had a wide variety of good options.

Where I'm at, you'd think we're moving bricks of Uranium and shit.
I believe it. Usually percentage is in 20's. THC just wasnt doing it for ya before I remember. Grats. Vote yes on #2 alaska/fl for medical so im not a pill/rc junkie yo. Novemner.

Might as well quote this since my party ended, then started.
This always happens. So by 2-3AM etiz party fun has peaked and I cant sleep. So fuck I got more dan a bottla liqa left, 25% coupon, lets go get 600mg dx,m in cough gels (robo gener-o)

Took 300mg is all. I stole, be cause he steals more from her. Does that make sense? No shoplifting here. Well, tobacco rushes outta waterpipe, arizona tea wit all dat ginseng nd guarana (just haflf can). Was gonna roll down to the 7/11 to gamble a bit but I saw 1 police car and 4 sherrifs goin the way to my place. (Bein first street of sherriff jurisdiction is coll) Nothin to do wit me, they can come take some dxm and hit the wacky tabacky yo. Srs that did sketch me, 6 cars lined up as I come out store. Ill gamble (lotto) tomorrow maybe. Also had 20mg baclofen earlier when all gABA'd up. I can take more to pass out if I wanted to mid day.

Well, tobacco, a couple drinks,got lil more than half a bttle, here comes morning. Certaintly a better end to my other mini binges. Mmmm, i itch. If only if it were from a better drug.

Since music u=euphoria's out,maybe motion euphotia can up this. Where da longboartd at?@! God do I have to be careful yo skate with ethanol inme. diazepines? Fine. Ethanol brings on thse stupid but hardest slams. Good thing I paced myself onthe ethanol front. My rations cant handle a gnarly slam right now. I mean I can but I should not. Oddly it dont fuck with my back at all. Knees/elbows/etc get it hardesst den you roll.

Watchin skate vids fucked up like "Chicken Bone Now Ison" both sooth and hinder my soul. <3 the Baker boys/crew/team.
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just got home from the clinic

down to 54MG methadone in a little over a month; was a 95MG not long ago
4MG xanny
Good job. 150mg more dxm, a rum/WGFJ, and something raw for breakfast. Maybe more cruisin. Oh and the tobacco.

Eventually had to add my 2mg etiz/2pill lope maintenance with a nodoz caffiene pill (so subtle) and 10mg baclofen/1.5g methocarbamol (shit muscle relaxer imo. There's no feel but hey, it works on gabaA

Also 400mg advil for the cruisin earirer. It helps with like bruised heels, hit elbows or scraped up knees or such, but not the pain im running from overall. I'd take more but I drank plenty, and will again later after noon hits.
Edit: I didnt feel the need for etiz maintenance at all, but the soarness from boarding, I just did. Melts it some, good muscle relaxant effects in me. I should have enough to next 'intake'.
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1200 mg of phenibut. I've been trying out increasingly bigger doses and I think this is about the right amount.

Got a cup of pretty good coffee to go wit'
Its not like it kicks in till 4-6hrs later... I'd get some again but I have free baclofen rx from dad. Phen was a bit more recreational though. The caffiene; for example, I take the 200mg super ER otc alert tabs with my theraputic etiz to not just fall asleep in bed (conditions require much time here). Helps me go out in the day too, so subtle I enjoy it. Said that plenty of times... and drinking a mtn dew would give me jittery caffiene high, for example.
^ My first morning doses are pretty early ~6am so it's still morning when it's kicking in. For me, phen feels calm and serene on the way up and transitions into a buzzy head effect later on. Pretty sweet for some otc shit.

Added ~1.75g of kratom resin tea to the mix. I'm becoming rather fond of this way of ingesting it. Too bad it smells so bad haha

Wit'? Philly eh? Lol

Not quite, but probably close enough :D
53MG methadone (will be OFF in 2 months)
2G phenibut
15MG adderall
.4 dope (had it left over and just took it for fun)
Just methadone and cigarettes. I wish I had some bud to smoke.
Prolly get coffee ina lil bit.
Just methadone and cigarettes. I wish I had some bud to smoke.
Prolly get coffee ina lil bit.

what is your dosage if you dont mind me asking? I am coming off my done fast, so I like to hear others stories and how they are going about it and how they do it?
Fuckkk 8 AM classes. Don't recommend them to anyone. Crawled out of bed and just drove straight to class this morning. Now I'm home, and I just took a nice big bong rip. I'm ready to go back to sleep til work. Peaceee
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