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What Was Your Morning Fix? v. Vicodin & Eggs

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Bromaz, Alpraz, Fluraz, and Loraze. Might add some Temazeeee in a minute once all these pills kick in. I love my Pams/Lams.
Sweet tea (McDonald's of course lol) a few cigarettes, 200mg pepcid and 8mg shot of dilliaud.
^^I love McDonald's sweet tea ^^

120 mgs methadone
40 mgs seroquel ( kicks in the mdones and helps with anxiety )
16 oz shasta cola ( about 70 mgs caffeine )
I so wish I had some weed to smoke :( I gotta take a break until Friday cus I'm broke.
ykm420 im jeeeeely -- waitin for my etiz vial to arrive. Ususal time is 3:30PM but it gets later. Fuuuck i need to stopayin extra and make my own.

Had my applejavks dry in bred feelim siick. Took 400mg tram ER = 200mg IR
Liked up residue of my etuiz powdewr baggie.
Drank my super cannabinoid tincture I made instead of disposong it as usual. I wont smoke resin, but ill eat it.
Hope this all limes up to kick in when etiz arrives.

Feelin not sick and itll get better, 'ight boy?
Working on a box of THC infused truffles for breakfast.

I think I am gonna super glue my ass to the couch today
^^I love McDonald's sweet tea ^^.

Meeee toooo. Hooked lol.. I drink at least 3 everyday. I'm weird to, I order it... large sweet tea, light ice, in the ice coffee cup. I like the clear plastic cup better than the Styrofoam cup.
3 cups of coffee, orange sticky bun, mountain dew, few cigarettes and most importantly 12mg dilliaud IVd.
^ sounds fuckin awesome. I had the same thing minus the dilly, the pastry, the soda, the cigs, and two of the coffees. :)
like 5 hours ago I was drunk and stoned playing super smash bros and here I am already getting up & going to work.
Adderal, coffee, a bagel, and a couple of hash blunts while driving to work
I've been dabbin Phenazepam, this shit ain't shit. I'll do somemoar dabs, I've eaten sooo many benzos today, just took 150mg Temaze after my 4x finger dipped Phenazepam. I'm going back in, if you don't hear from me.. I'm in county.
^ sounds fuckin awesome. I had the same thing minus the dilly, the pastry, the soda, the cigs, and two of the coffees. :)

Yes, I must admit it was pretty fucking great lol... I've since had 32 more mgs also. So all in all today was a great day. I'm gonna hate life tomorrow probs tho, since I basically did all my stash except for my morning shot for the am.
A coup of applejacs (fuck bowls I drink it)
20mg lope
1mg etiz

I gotta cut back so hard, just a bit of the 150mg's i had left. Played with it too much, its for therapy, im a dumbass.

Edit: aslong as i can get past my order issiues i should be ok. 2mg more etiz 10mg baclofen 4 methocarbamol tabs (do nothing but do work on gabaA).
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110 mgs of methadone, about 35 mgs of seroquel, couple bowls of weed, cigarettes, Starbucks Frapp 13 oz drink and a cinnamon roll.
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