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What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. Special K and Weedies

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Was anxious as fuck this morning, decided to drink even earlier than usual. I'm supposed to have counseling in 10 minutes. Last one before this lady leaves. I don't wanna go with alcohol breath. I'm supposed to leave here in 5 fuck.

45mg methadone
24oz screwdriver

Day 3 no benzos

Edit: caved in skipped counseling and got sweet clonazepam releof
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I got some Kanna MT55 extract from a very well-known, reputable vendor. Since I'm on Effexor XR, I was afraid to mix the two. You always hear Kanna+SSRI can cause serotonin syndrome. I am not recommending this to anyone. I take a low dose of Effexor 150 mg. The Kanna came in the mail today. It has a small scooper that equals 50 mg. I made some nice lines and snorted it. Then I put it under my tongue. There was no interaction with Effexor.
There's a priming process that has to happen with Kanna. That's why people are disappointed when it doesn't work right away. You have to dose Kanna consistently for days in a row before it starts to take full effect. I'm priming right now. In a few days, it should feel amazing.

After the Kanna, I took 5 grams of green borneo kratom. Feeling awesome.
Woke up early to hit the clinic and take this Saturday to cocktail it up to the point I'm needing a designated driver for the next 6 hours.

45mg methadone
2mg alprazolam
1mg clonazepam
.3mg clonidine
bout to smoke the last of the Skywalker
(When I feel the meds kicking)

Drinkin a fuckin leftover 24oz Natty Ice I forgot about in the fridge while I wait.
I'm afraid what's goign to happen if I can't get sleep and the depression returns... I am only feeling a mild buzz this sucks
3-methoxy-PCP, dextroamphetamine or meth, and etizolam. the breakfast of champions.
this was my combo for going to work.
Took first of 3 staggered phenibut doses... gonna play a show tonight and it's been a week since my last dose so... phenibut time. :)
nice i have never done that one, no interest

xanax/alcohol FINALLY enabled me to want to eat YESSSSSSSSSSSSS so I'm eating food and it hurts but I'm doing it!
jumping in the lake
i don't know yet
(unfortunately) an energy drink
maybe i should try vitamins too

the little bit of xanax helped last night
i got a little sleep And was able to wake up Early too
over the course of the night 4 beers and 2mg xanax and I'm still awake. Yeah that sucks. I know. Life sucks so I should have expected this.

so my morning fix is dabs and I'm considering more xanax but I don't even think it'll work for I am in too much anguish and my brain is not right I might as well save it for when it'll be felt at a normal dose
I can't eat during severe depression too well so I have had maybe like 15 raspberries and that was difficult. I'm finding active joylessness in eating which is odd, I normally love eating.
I am sober, cant belive.. I still look back and yet happy confused. 12 fuckin yrs..
I can't eat during severe depression too well so I have had maybe like 15 raspberries and that was difficult. I'm finding active joylessness in eating which is odd, I normally love eating.
i hate food (but not good food)
a chocolate chip cookie is good sometimes.
But only if it is a Good chocolate chip one !
the cloud took my pictures and won't give them back.
tee he ❓
10mg Adderall and a little bit of etorphine, like maybe in the 2.5-3 microgram range. That shit felt dangerously strong even in those tiny doses though, no way I'm doing that again.
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