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What was your morning fix? v. Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp

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Lol Scag, I hope you score!

Escape, man I haven't talked to you in ages! Sounds like a nice breakfast you had ;)

For my breakfast today: 90mg vyvanse, 600mg tagamet, .5mg bupre, 5mg valium, a fat bowl of high quality marijuana, and to top off the amps, ciggs to the dome!

This is one of the best breakfasts I have had in a long time! I feel soo goodx and took time off from bupre so the bupre feels like a full agonist, especially because of norbup with low doses FTW

Yeah same here dude how you been? I remember back when you would post in here everyday lol...but i'm glad that your stabilized on suboxone.

Anyway yeah my breakfasts lately have just been dope i've been binging some serious lately on dope. Hell it's also my lunch and dinner lol, i'm about to hop on suboxone myself before my dope habit gets to bad. I got 16mg (two of the film strips) so hopefully that's enough to slowly ween me off in a week or two. So my morning fix will soon look yours haha...bupe, klonopin, dank weed, and coffee.
2 mg suboxone, buspar, zoloft, propranolol, and a big fat dip. As for breakfast, I had a bowl of honey bunches of oats.
110mgs of mallinckrodts finest, countless bowls of green queen...french roast..caramel rolls...sleep dep from insomnia..same shit everyday prettymuch, im just bored enough to word it differently everyday.
1mg of bupre, 50mg hydroxyzine, 25mg amatryptaline, 60mgs pseudoephdrine(been having a sinus problem lately and it gives me a bit of energy) staying of vyvancw for a bit to see if I can get rid of the tolerance that I acquired remarkably quickly,after about three days of 40mgs in the morning I wasn't feeling it so I took 4 days off it and tried it again and it still didnt seem to be doing much idk im gonna stay away from amphs for a week and see if it helps. I yeah also took 40mgs baclofen for my back(have a strained muscle ot something on my lower right side from falling.)
At work going to finish up here in a couple hours and then dose 1 to 2 mgs of alpralozam.
Update: just dosed 1mg of the alpralozam,it is definitely synergizing(pretty sure that's not a word haha) well with the baclofen, hydroxizine, and amatryiptaline, and bupre, also it took a way any jitters from the pseudo(if I take pseudo by itself it usually gives me anxiety at doses of 60mgs or more). Need to obtain more coffee though this mix is definitely making me slow :)

Lacster I've have been wondering how your abstinence plan from buprenorphine worked out?
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1mg of kpin, 50mg of morphine, some green, and a cup of coffee. mimosas soon to go with fall fashion week. it's saturday!
Woke up around 6am because I was not sleeping well at all. Took 350 mg of Tramadol around 8, and feeling very good. Love Tram so much, because this will last all day long and well into the night. Mm-mm. Just relaxing and watching TV, (Legally Blonde, lol) now. :)
And for breakfast, a peanut butter cup cookie. Haha. Yum.
50mg rectal methadone and some coffee.

Actually, a lot of coffee.

i may try this to see if it effects how i metabolize it, right now i get sick late at night but i dont want to split dose....anyway 110mgs o' methadose and lots o' bowls of green queen, gonna get in the shower then make cinnomin bites in the oven and brew some french roast from whole foods(good shit!) watching a prison wedding on lockup..man i am glad i am done with incarceration! oh and its sunday so maybe a morning bj when my girlfriend wakes up;)
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Coffee, small joint before getting up, and a vanilla/choc muffin - nice :)
Well it was my late night dinner into early morning breakfast... had two caps of moonrocks, I was fucked up. Everyone was like yout pupils, I commend you. And thus I got hit on by not only guys but females all night... one girl jusy loved grabbing my ass. I was so high I didn't even care.
Well it was my late night dinner into early morning breakfast... had two caps of moonrocks, I was fucked up. Everyone was like yout pupils, I commend you. And thus I got hit on by not only guys but females all night... one girl jusy loved grabbing my ass. I was so high I didn't even care.

Nice you got the infamous moonrocks haha! Some of the best MDMA i've ever had right there :)....glad you had a good time tho moonrocks are rare and always brings on a great night.

My morning fix was 60mg MXE, 20mg Oxy, and a bowl. Just chillin' after tripping on lots of 4-aco-dmt and lsd last night with my friend (who fucking lost it lol)
Nice you got the infamous moonrocks haha! Some of the best MDMA i've ever had right there :)....glad you had a good time tho moonrocks are rare and always brings on a great night.

Thank you, it was such a blast. Yes, at first I didn't think I was going to roll but my best friend told me his really good friend was holding... I just expected some powder and she tells me she has moonrocks... I was like O____O yes I'll have some. Been such a long time since I had moonrocks and they always give me the best high ever. Last night the high was so smooth and enjoyable... I don't even feel horrible today which is amazing..
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