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What was your morning fix? v. Handful of pills, and sane again!

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Hi folks. Broke my wrist a few week ago and was giving the above tablets. Was taking 3 at a time for the pain but now not working. If I took 4 is there a chance of a overdose ?

I got a operation and screw put in so pain is always there but not sure about tablets now can someone with experience taking these let me know?

Takin about 90 mg at lunch time and same again about 8 or 9 at night but like I said pain is not for moving now

Dihydrocodeine is what I'm on
80 mgs methadone
25 mgs promethazine
15 mgs valium
2 cups coffee
2 gravity bong hits of Willy wonder
Shit load of cigarettes
Nodding to the max
Damn. 25Mgs of bupe, my boyfriend is trying to have me believe he's detoxing because he went from 16mgs to 12mgs. I'm on methadone(trying to taper off(@ 65mgs from 130mgs) & he makes it out like he's so much ahead of me. Methadone starts getting hard @ 12-13mgs(if you taper right) but I thought you stopped subs @ half of a strip but that would be 4mgs & .25mgs would be like a snipit of an 8 mg strip right? Yahoo he has a long way to go, he's been on them for 5 years.

.25 of bupe is actually a good amount of opiates still going into your body its very powerful stuff nobody really NEEDS 16 mgs a day. You don't realize how powerful this drug is until you get down to micro grams and see that .25 mgs of bupe got you higher than you ever were taking 16 or 12 mgs. When given to patients for pain its given in doses of .2 -.4 every 4-6 hours this way it acts more like a full opiate agonist such as heroin or morphine
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a good amount of bali kratom
several hits of dank out the one-hitter
.25mg clonazepam
and a glass of Peter Vella chardonnay

Cant drink all day though I gotta work. So just gonna smoke pot until I feel ready to shower and get ready.
No serously, ive never touched bupe. Im guessing .25mg is like what? A roxy 10?

Holy hell 800mgz just to get outa bed? I am like ok with 30.(lovin the low tollerence)


30mg oxy(20 sniffd,10 oral)
30mg temazepam (busted the capsule open n gobbled down the goodys)

Yea trainspotter no pun intended just didnt know you are like kicking oxy habit. Goodluck

Lol thanks buddy that was a bit of an exaggeration lol I think my blood would be toxic if I needed 800mgs of oxycodone to get out of bed haha i came close to that much oxy throughout each day but not just to get out of bed. I was just screwing around but yea I tapered down my sub's to .25 .mgs 4 times a day and I realised I can actually get high on bupe when its kept to under 2 mgs throughout each day, anymore than that and it just gives nasty side effects and blocks any euphoria you may have had from the bupe itself and any other opiate you take. I figured this out when i saw pain patients who get bupe prescribed get it given in doses of .2 mgs every 4 hours but when heroin addicts get it they usually get it in high doses like 16 mg so they wont feel high from it and it blocks any heroin you take after dosing. Less really is more with bupe.

I used heroin and oxy for almost a decade and at one point when I sold heroin I would have a kilo in front of me most days so I was shooting up a half gram of dope 4-6 times a day(not bragging it was a shitty life and all I got from it are veins that are black and a horrible addiction nothing cool about it) not as much as my boss he started to get into it bad and he shot an entire gram of pure (almost) china white 5 times a day apparently I never knew it was possible to do a whole gram in one shot till I seen him do it crazy shit he was this small Asian guy too never expect him to be one of the biggest heroin dealers around here but he was.

Lucky bupe saved our lives we went into detox and since it was my 6th time in there they set me up with a buprenorphine doctor when I got out that was a year ago without it I would probably be dead. Fuck heroin sucks I think now I don't even feel a need to use it or other full agonists like oxy. If I get stressed out I'll usually just I.V. 2 mgs smoke a bowl of hash and get a good nod going kinda like 60 mgs of oxy I guess to compare it. But bow that I'm trying to taper I'm sticking to under the tounge or snorted (trying to at least lol)

Bupe is great for the fact that you could do the same dose everyday for a decade and never has to raise it to get the sane effects you get the same feeling every time you take it unlike heroin or oxy where you need to keep going up and up to get the same feeling and adequate pain relief.
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The coffee and smoke combo that i haven't had in too long. Can't go back though, coffee seems to fuck with me way too much.
All I had this morning was a nice cup of French vanilla coffee and a small amount of oxycodone.
8mg Suboxone Sublingual with a lot of Sun drop soda.

Just snorted two 25mg Doxylamine succinieate tablets for bed,hardcore,lol. They work sooo much better for sleep this way. Dropping my sub dose down to 4mg tomorrow and going to stick with it this time...maybe I'll start to get a little glow..Hopefully.
.5mg clonazepam. 4 shots of whiskey. Some LEGIT Sour Diesel. Stunk soo fucking bad holy shit I was so paranoid carrying it back home. Forgot to carry axe but even axe wouldn't do much.
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200 mgs baclofen..
swarm(300mg caffeine anyhydrous)
steak and eggs BABY this jump from 3mg sub got way easier this morning DAY 14!!!!! SO PROUD
Haven't posted in this forum in a minute. Actually tried to get on the clinic yesterday and they said I was too late, so it's gonna be a heroin weekend for me. I'll try again monday.

Breakfast: heroin and a jimmy dean pancake wrapped sausage on a stick.
120 mgs methadone
15 mgs valium
60 mgs dxm
Couple bong bowls of weed
Bunch of marb reds smokes
About to make some coffee, jus nodding the phuck out.
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3 tsp kratom
4mg clonazepam
60mg methadone
25mg dph
300mg l-theanine (Suntheanine/pure l-isomer theanine, no d-isomer)
500mg l-tyrosine
2 cups o' coffee
Bowls o' cannabis
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