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What was your dream last night?

My dreams in general have been much more vivid since I quit smoking weed. Also because I've been sleeping lightly more of the time.

Last night I had a brief lucid dream (a dream where u know you're dreaming).
What tipped me off was that I was in a library and I found some books which I know don't exist. This is actually a recurring dream that I have that usually triggers a lucid dream.
I had a confusing moment where I didn't quite believe that I was dreaming because the scenery looked so real. I was wondering what I could do to prove it. Then a girl walked passed me, so I grabbed her and kissed her. She hardly reacted at all, just walked off and went about her business.
So now I was pretty sure I was dreaming but still amazed at how real everything looked. I was walking around trying to remember what I would usually do to test whether or not I'm dreaming and pretty soon I forgot what I was doing and went back to normal dreams.
Usually my dreams arent really about people i know, or anything i can relate to that well. Lately all my favourite people are starring in my dreams .. as well as some long lost people i'd forgotten about.

The only thing is i tend to forget whether my dreams really happened or not. I've found myself telling stories then releasing it was a dream!
I'm not far off turning 24, and the last couple of months I've been dreaming like a 16 year old, all rudie like.......which is really quite cool.
Although, I hope I don't carry on too much with sound effects and stuff, because I like with my partner, and I'm sure she'll wonder wtf is going on.... even though they involve her.
Man, I've been having the most tripped out dreams evar lately.....two last night; the first one, I was at an indoor swimming pool with some of my pals, and we had to be really careful getting out of the water because these massive spiders had built webs covering basically the entire surface area of the room above water. I was dead scared getting out and I rememer shivering from both fear and the cold. I tripped a webline from being so unco, and it was as strong as rope. Then we all got MORE scared because it set the whole mass of webs vibrating and we could see the spiders starting to come to life as they realised they might have caught some prey....brrrrr....

Weird thing about that is, I think the pool might have been the one I was sent to for swimming lessons when I was 11 or 12. I was terrified of spiders AND swimming back then, but have since mostly gotten over it so it's weird that I would dream about those fears again.

The other dream woke me up....I dreamed my nephew called me up from Melbourne and told me I had to pay my sister's rent for her or else she was going to get evicted, and I was really disappointed because I got a payrise this week and I was hoping I could spend it on myself. I woke up muttering about not wanting to live on 2-minute noodles for the next fortnight and how it's not fair because it's MY payrise and not hers....it took me several minutes to realise it was a dream and calm down actually....

^^^ that spider one is a tingler, for sure 8o

My vivid, violent dreams continue all this week. Single combat seems to be a theme... I don't like this at all.
^^^Interesting that this is a recurring thing....I would encourage you to think about it laterally...why don't you like it? Why does the combative aspect bother you? And is it the same person every time, or someone different? Which is more important in the dream, the person you're fighting, or the fact that you're fighting at all?

I love dream analysis :)
I would like to point out about the topic of this thread:

"What was your dream last night?"...... well shouldn't it be actually said "What was your dream this morning?"..... ??

Because it's mostly likely you have dreams in the mornings or whatever your bedtimes and wake up times are because usually most people dream when they about about to wake up in the morning. Just my opinion... you can tell me to piss off anyway....


I find in my dreams... I find when I am angry or screaming at people, its a good omen because it usually means money, pressie or whatever is on its way to me..... always happened to me since I can remember.

And also when I dream of big flashing numbers like $25,000 or whatever in my dreams, I was very curious and looked up the dream interpretion sites and they often said it could mean something could be happening better in your life.... the bigger the number the better.....because I could remember my dream years ago when I was 18 or something, being a bum, with no sense of direction and I had this dream I dreamt this big flashing dollars in my dream and suddenly 4 weeks later got a offer out of nowhere to work for the NZ Wilderness Trust and ended up travelling overseas for over 18 or so months which I had no orginal plans of travelling at the time.

Arghhh my dreams are fuck'in surreal, trippy and colourful, never heard a sound in my dreams in my life. Its just so bizzare.

Do you guys ever get this strong weird sense of "out of body/astral type of dreams"?? because sometimes when I dream, pretty deeply I actually forget that I am "dreaming" and I think my activties in my dreams are actually real life..... know what I mean? it's kinda hard for me to explain, its like if I am exploring some other parallel life of mine or something.
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I had a horrid dream last night :(

I dreamt I was with a girlfriend and we were flying above all these trees and towns which were burning because of bush fires. I remember feeling the heat and having to fly higher because I was getting too hot. I've had flying dreams before and they're weird, because you don't feel secure, like any minute you could fall.

Then we flew down to a town and started walking. We saw all these people dressed up walking towards us with kind of blank faces - a fair way away we could hear people screaming and see fire burning buildings and people. I wanted to fly away but my friend wanted to keep going and help people so we did.

Then I woke up.
I dreamt an hour long sociology lecture, but when I woke up, I couldn't remember the subject of it.

I was also sitting next to the boy I had a crush on when I was 15. He's not at my uni now, but used to do the same course as me when I was at uni first time round.
I was apparently talking in my sleep last night wishing someone good luck, i think i do this all the time (i've been told lots i do) and i grind my teeth...good luck to me getting dental :(
ok if this isnt weird i dont kno wot is...

i could see myself 3rd person style in my own wedding. every1 was in casual clothes and were the same age as they are now. i could feel that i was so happy. the wedding was outside on a vacant block of land with tree stumps and shrubs everywhere.... and a sandpit (i dont kno but it was there dammit) after the wedding im lying on the sand with my new wife just chatting in general. then im running roung the site ands i find magic mushrooms growing around the tree stumps. then my wife joins me in picking the mushies.

then i wake up with the biggest grin on my face



edit: i really gotta learn to spell
Ok I had a dream last night that I was at a certain friends house when we were at his place this evil tree tried to take over Newtown and it destroyed everything in its way.

At one point I was running and I saw heather Locklear - she is running also. But then she stops and plugs this book - i have NFI what this book is about - all I know is that she plugs it and then says 'Sorry, I promised the author I would do that'

Then we kept running from the psycho tree
I found 1.4 million dollars worth of pills in the street in two giant garbage bags full, then I decided to put them in a plastic container and put them under a parkbench in the city. when i returned with my tester, they were gone. Then there was this asian reporter who looks like he was out of the 1950's running around looking for "the scoop", so i told him about these pills and he disappeared. then I woke up.

life without weed, the dreams are so wierd :p
I dreamed about BL last night, really it was so odd, I dreamed that there was an actual physical representation of BL at a doof. The form kept changing shape and would spit random thread statements out at me...
^^^lol..dude, that sounds great =D

I dreamed someone was teaching me how to cook brussel sprouts so they don't taste like crap...and then woke up for some reason with the absolute maddest craving for steamed broccoli and rice....

(maybe because brussel sprouts really do taste like crap?) :p ;)
I dreamt about uni again last night... this time I was getting an assignment back. When it came back, it'd had been cut into smaller pages and all my formatting had been changed from double spacing to single spacing. I got 36/40 for it (fingers crossed this is an omen ;) )

Then earlier in the morning I had another dream. This time my uncle (who is seriously one of those people that 'mad as a meat axe' describes to a t) was performing psychological experiments. In the dream, he had us all following these little creatures around that looked kinda like hairless rats, then suddenly they disappeared. It turned out the point of the experiment was to fuck with people's heads and make them see stuff that wasn't there (the rat things weren't really real). As I woke up, I was whispering in my sleep whatever I'd just been saying to my uncle in my dream.

That's not the first time lately I've woken up doing whatever the last thing from my dream was, whether it was talking, or moving my arms or hands. It's kinda disturbing cos I wake up not knowing what the hell is going on. Also, a lot of times in dreams when I'm talking, I seem to have some kind of speech prob, like last night, it was kind of a lisp, but more that my throat felt too constricted to speak properly. Other times I can't get more than a whisper out and for a while when I wake up, I think I've lost my voice.
i had quite a strange dream the other night. i had a baby but i still decided to go down to brunswick st with some friends to have a few drinks. anyway, i was walking down the street carrying the baby in front of me... well it was connected to my body on one of those carrier things and it was bright red. and i just remember the babys head touching my cheek and it felt sooo soft and smelt so beautiful. and i kept thinking 'i love having a baby.' but there was a strange vibe in the air...
then i looked into a reseraunt/bar sort of thing and saw an ex from a long time ago. he was wearing a blue beanie, blue scarf, blue skivvy, blue jacket, blue pants and had really blue eyes... and they opened really wide when he saw me and he was about to come running out. just before i woke up i saw (didn't hear though) him say- 'erin, you've had a baby' and i'm pretty sure he thought it was his.
Raz said:
Why does the combative aspect bother you? And is it the same person every time, or someone different? Which is more important in the dream, the person you're fighting, or the fact that you're fighting at all?

It's always someone different. The combative aspect bothers me, I think, because it's a sign that all my options have run out. I have no way of dealing with the situation I'm in, literally no alternative but to pit myself against this foe and do unto others lest they do unto me first.

The important part is nearly always the fact of the fighting, not the person. I can only think of one of these dreams, in several years, where my opponent has been someone with a name and an identity, though on more than one occasion it's been someone I've been reluctant to hurt and had to anyway. Those are maybe the worst - especially when they're pretty much at my mercy due to lack of training or strength or whatever, and some crazy circumstance means we have no choice but to fight, and I'm trying to put them out of action as humanely as possible but I can't, and they keep getting up and coming again out of desperation or stupidity or... I don't know.

The ones where I'm fighting bigger, tougher people and losing are almost more bearable.

In real life, all the fighting I've done has been strictly recreational - karate, kendo, a halfassed drunken punch-on or two. Never like in the dreams, where we're trying to injure each other in earnest. That's the other distressing part.

I love dream analysis :)

Oh, yeah. Me too. Not dream anaylsis of the silly "you saw a snake, that means X according to Madam Starchild's Dream Book here" school, but actually thinking about it for yourself :)
I had the most disturbing dream last night. I was totally freaked out when i woke up this morning and have been shaky all day.

I dreamt about an ex-girlfriend that I haven't thought of in years. We broke up well as in we both knew it was right and were happy for it to happen.

Well she was in my dream and got in a car a drove straight up this massive tree. The car reached the top then just went crashing to the ground. On impact it burst into flames and i ran to help her. When i got to the car I grabbed her arms to drag her out but all i pulled out were her arms. I guess i was freaking out coz then i just stood back looking at the car and hearing her scream.

Then i remember being at her funeral and being uncontrollably upset, but then the funeral changed to that of another girl from my past that i haven't thought of in ages. And it turned out that my ex wasn't dead.

I dont know what the hell that dream meant, but it scared the hell out of me.

^^ I hate those dreams, poor you :( *pats reassuringly on back*

I dreamt last night that Penelope Cruz was cheating on her BF with me. We started off in some foggy London back streets and ended up in some weird Haitan resort in a thatched hut. I don't remember much of it.

Weirder still, the night before, and I feel there might be some symbolism in this, so anybody out there who knows there shi-at should jump in I reckon.

In my dream I awoke in my own bed, and thought I was awake in real life, ya know? I got up to go to the toilet and was walking through like 3 inches of water. The house had been flooded. My mother (whose been dead now for 6 months) had turned every tap on in the house, the kitchen, bathroom laundry taps, all of them and put the plugs in and the house was totally flooded. I didn't talk to her, altough I didn't understand what she was doing and wanted to ask her. After that it got weird (as if it already wasn't) I was suddenly in a Cash Converters looking at pipes (to smoke weed in) and I've recently started using again.

Maybe it's a sign i don't know, but it was strange and I woke up crying. :\