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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What movies affected you so much that you can't bear to watch them again

Spun is painful for me lol... but in a weird way. When the girl is all pissed at her bf for not putting it down..and you feel their realization... and they're all just trying to find themselves.. idk. Its funny but reveals some shit you dont want to think about. The reason why. nobody ever wants to know why they do it... which..you cant stop until you know why you started...

They got alot of shit wrong in the movie. They didn't really capture an amphetamine high - at all. The twitching was right, and the munching on gum and such, it made me crave lol.
They neglect to show that meth isn't the only abuseable upper... which is alright, i guess.
And... really, I don't know there to be any tweaker clique, apparentally there is with meth - gotta have your connections...
It does show how crazy weird and fucked up people can get...
Eh..yeah. spun..
This may sound strange, but Walk the Line was an insanely difficult movie for me to finish. I relate so much to Cash's addiction, how we were giving the same excuses, doing retarded shit...it was like watching what I was intersected with my ideal lifestyle. So fucking uncomfortable.
"Kids"put me into a depression for several days

This was going to be my vote. Not only was the material dark and depressing, but the directing and acting was just so..... real. It seemed more like a documentary than a movie, which made it way too real for me. I finally brought myself to watch it again the other week after two years, and it was only because my ex-girlfriend HAD to see why I wouldn't watch it again. Now she won't watch it again either.
I can't believe so many people have said requiem for a dream and nobody has mentioned Trainspotting. I thought requiem was tame compared to some of the shit in that movie.

Everyone always mentions the withdrawal scene with the dead baby crawling on the ceiling, which was disturbing, but the scene where they find the baby dead from starvation was unbelievably difficult for me.

I had a friend who wouldn't even watch Trainspotting for the FIRST time because he had heard of this scene being in it.
^ Yeah, I wasn't moved by Trainspotting either. It was a quality movie. But I didn't find it heartrending. The take home message for me in that movie was 'don't be that guy', plain and simple. Then again, I intuit that a lot of people who were very moved by it HAVE been that guy.

Has anyone seen a movie entitled 'Funny Games', either the original Austrian movie or the American remake? I've read the cover in a video store, and it had so much trainwreck appeal that I couldn't resist reading the reviews of it on Amazon. But there is no way in hell I'll ever have the stomach to see it. If that movie ever makes it to network television, I'm definitely never having a TV in the house once I have kids.
^i thought funny games was very good for what it was. (american version, which is guess is a shot by shot remake of the austrian version, by the same director). It did not have graphic violence but was equally as disturbing as movies that do. i also really liked the ending.
The Grey Zone


Just hardcore cold murdering. Jews selling Jews off. Raw mass depictions of genocide. Sincere images of human depravity and suffering. I watched it once and fear I won't again for the sheer depression that may result.

I'm sure I've said it before, but if you find not much in the way of things shocking you, give this a spin. You may be, er...shocked.
Mudge Boy with Emile Hirsch.

The sexual brutality is horrific but what stuck with me was the ending when he bites his pet chicken's head off. Good god that was awful.

Has anyone seen a movie entitled 'Funny Games', either the original Austrian movie or the American remake?

Saw the American remake a few weeks ago. What an irritating film. I had to research further to fully understand it. It's painfully slow and meant to make the viewer feel uncomfortable. I'm not fond of the director Michael Heneke either. I read that in his film Time of the Wolf, the horse is actually being slaughtered.

I can't stand animal cruelty even suggested in films.
Jingle All the Way... the horror of Sinbad failing to get his son that doll was just way too depressing. I had to watch some Best of Sinbad clips just to get out of that dark place.
^ha, that was a depressing scene, although im not sure watching other sinbad clips would make me less depressed...

not sure if i mentioned this before, but the saddest movie i have ever seen is called salaam bombay, about a street child abandoned by his parents in india.

here is a clip of the preview, though it does it no justice.

possibly the saddest conclusion i have ever seen on film
"I stand alone" and Catherin Breillat's "Fat girl".

too much anger on the first one. It just gives me bad vibrations. second one's ending is just fucked up.
Mudge Boy with Emile Hirsch.

The sexual brutality is horrific but what stuck with me was the ending when he bites his pet chicken's head off. Good god that was awful.

I can't stand animal cruelty even suggested in films.

Totally agreed. That was a terrible scene.


Seven Pounds. Battle scenes in movies (like Bravehart, or Last of the Mohicans) with people dying left and right doesn't make my stomach turn. But this movie. Holy crap. The very end made my stomach turn. Will Smith did an awesome job in this movie. I'm shocked they portrayed the death and didn't turn the camera away.:(