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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What movies affected you so much that you can't bear to watch them again

I'm surprised nobody mentioned The Basketball diaries. That one really opens my eyes to drug addiction..
I don't know, I don't think I've ever come across a movie like that. The one that comes closest is probably Lilya 4-ever.
Lilya 4 ever is very touching. But I actually crave that kind of emotional response from films, so there's no way I'm less likely to watch it again.

I can't think of other films either, but sometimes I change the tv channel from violent scenes and realistic horror films. Pointless anger induction, no fun.

I guess I'd need a good reason to watch Requiem for a Dream again, just because I got pissed of by it. I mean, come on, the story is intentionally fucked up to try fucking us up. And it messed with me in the wrong way, if I get too angry at the plot I think it's manipulative then I lose the connection to the characters. What kind of junkie shoots drugs into a gangrened area?
Maybe I was just in the wrong mood. Technically it's a very well made film though.
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