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What misconceptions did you have about sex when you were younger?

i was so pleased to discover it =D

raised my strict catholic parents will keep you a bit clueless about the subject ;)
I started masterbating way too early. I think I was 11 or 12, and nothign came out when I came. I'm still a virgin (17 years old) but I've seen my fair share of porn and know what its all about :)
I thought for years that oral sex was just moaning over the phone to one another, lol
I think it's time to bring this thread back to life. No sense in starting a new one when this one is still here.<3 I read it every little bit when I need a chuckle and today was another one of those days.

I think maybe our newer members will have some wonderful additions for this one. :D
I thought that only people who were married had sex, or that you had to be in love to have sex.

I also thought that if you were married to a woman and after you had kids with her you both stopped having sex or it was like a once/few times a year type thing.

I'd heard from my friend's older brother joking about having wet dreams and having to wash his sheets/clothing, and I thought that sperm was like bleach and that it would ruin your sheets/boxers when you had a wet dream.

I remember wondering if I'd run out of sperm.

I remember playing with some stuff called Gak that was a gooey oozy sticky substance made for kids to play with, and my friend and I thought that sperm was like this.

I wasn't sure what being gay meant and I thought it meant incest or a brother and sister who had sex together.

I also thought if you were gay/bi that you had to do anal sex, that it was required, and that all men who are effeminate are bottoms.

I thought that everyone was bisexual or attracted to both genders, and that even adults were this way and had sex with the same gender but just didn't talk about it or admit it.

I remember being a kid and walking with a friend in the street and we found an opened condom and my friend said "Ewwwww it's a condom! That means someone tried to have sex with the street!"
used to think that it was for only loved ones to do

i literally thought that oral sex was pretty much just dirty talking about sex

i used to always get confused about condems!! Used to think that since sex was for people in love and that people in love wanted children hen why would u wear something to help u not have a child??? I didnt know sex felt good at that time either
I thought oral sex was just a sophisticated word for kissing. My mother also went to some lengths to explain that some men had sex with other men, and some women had sex with other women and that this was natural and normal too. Well, this all made sense to me but the mechanics got me a bit stuck. Of course women made sense because they would simply rub their clitorises together, but I couldn't for the life of me work out how men would do it. Finally I realised they must both get erections, then put the tips of their penises together, thus the sperm would pass from on into the other. I think I believed this until I was 13.
I thought sex would always be to show how much people love each other. I thought it was sweet and bought two people closer together emotionally and that I'd always want to cuddle after.

Also that guys were always really horny and thinking about dirty things or sex.
--I thought that premarital sex was always something you'd regret.

--When I read a book that said that having an orgasm was kind of like sneezing, I figured it couldn't be that big a deal. XD
When I was about 11 one of my mates solemnly informed me that women have a third hole which babies come out of. We laughed hysterically at him.

Also, when I was about 8 a kid in year six (so about 12) informed me that if you have sex when you are too young, you will get AIDS. I was concerned. Exactly how old do you have to be to avoid AIDS?

And lastly, when I was in year five (so 11 years old) my teacher was concerned that some of us were using 'gay' and 'lesbian' as insults. So she sat us down and informed us that sadly, some people are confused as to whether they are men or women. Men who are confused in this way are, she told us, called 'gays' and the women 'lesbians.'

What a ridiculous and ignorant thing to tell kids.
i have 2, not questions so much, as being totally sure about things that were totally wrong...

I had no idea that girls had three holes until I got my period...and i grew up in a very open household....just never came up i guess

i also thought that you had to be kissing to be having sex...that's what the movies do i guess
Not one of mine, but I just found out that a female friend of mine (18 years old, virgin) thought that the amount a man ejaculated was closer to a cup than to a teaspoon.
I always thought that sex was only pleasurable for guys, that for girls it was painful and they tried to avoid it. Hence why they never wanted to do it, since if it was as fun as it was for guys everyone would be having sex all the time instead of the girls trying to avoid it.

I've since learned they do enjoy it, but most still don't seem to want to have sex much, at least not with me.
i thought that a girls vagina opens up at top, at about the location where the penis is. i always thought it would hurt to stick my 80° penis into her 0° vagina. know what im getting at?

/ into _

but its really / into /

i guess i thought that till i was about 15-16.
Wow, this is a funny thread... and the memories! Seems like everything anyone has said is something I believed at one point or another.
i remember wondering what a condom was after hearing on the radio that some criminals escaped from jail using condoms...? i thought condoms must have been some type of gun or something.
And despite having learnt the 'technicalities' of sex in sex ed, i didnt realise women had a 'third' hole untill i discovered it myself.
And i thought guys couldnt pee at all if they had a boner, but i found out this was wrong when i moved in with my bf and every morning he had wood but went for a piss before anything else.
True, it's not impossible to piss with a boner, but it's VERY fucking difficult to keep the aim right. =D