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What meds are you RX'd?

I'm currently RX'd:
1. Gabapentin, 300mg x 90
2. R-Modafinil, 150mg x 30
3. Suvorexant, 10mg x 30

Currently not RX'd, but taken on a daily basis:
1. Clonazolam, .25mg x 30 (these are benzos equivalent in strength to about 10mg Diazepam each)

The Gabapentin is prescribed for anxiety and as a general mood stabilizer. It's done a really kickass job in a lot of regards, from helping with social and general anxiety to depression to muscle pain and insomnia and appetite, it's a really kickass med. I take 900mg per day and never go above or below that.

The R-Modafinil is prescribed for adult ADHD, I've been prescribed Adderall/Ritalin/Dexedrine/all that shit since I was 15 and I def prefer the R-Modafinil. I usually take 100mg on normal work days, 150mg on days where I work a lot, and 50mg on days when I don't have much going on. I try to take at least one day off, because you know, stimulants...gotta give the brain a break every now and again, is what i'll say. But the R-Modafinil is incredible at what it does. Best hidden gem of an ADHD med ever.

The Suvorexant, now speaking of a hidden gem...I bet this is a drug a lot of people probably aren't familiar with :) I take it for insomnia, it knocks me RIGHT the fuck out. Very very kickass sleeping med. I do really need something for insomnia, the R-Modafinil is a stimulant with a very very long half life. I will say that Suvorexant is probably more sedating than any drug I've ever tried. Super effective for insomnia.

The Clonazolam, mostly because I've been on benzos for years and it's what keeps me sane. Lol, I take it for back pain and night time anxiety/restlessness. I'm trying to get a legitimate Diazepam script and start tapering because when it comes down to it, I don't want to be dependent on these fuckers. But on the positive side, Clonazolam is a very nice benzo :) but Diazepam is ideal for tapering, and a highly underrated benz. It works better for my back pain than any other benz I've tried, I think.

All this plus caffeine in the mornings and afternoons (mostly in the form of coffee), nicotine all day (cig free since April 26th, but I still vape), and of course cannabis on an as needed basis (generally once or twice per night, after school and work, I try to not smoke during the day.)

I'm happy to know I'm not alone on the whole medication cocktail thing, lol.
Didn't find any thread similar to this mods, and if is not in the right category, please move it to the right section, thank you :)


Ok, this thread is basically telling us what you're currently prescribed, and how much you take a day, etc. and for what reasons. I'll list mine also.

(1) Methadone
have option of liquid or 40mg wafers/ 10mg tabs, im on wafers/tabs-

I'm currently in a MMT (methadone maintnence treatment) program and get 80mg of methadone daily, for my past opiate addiction.
Which included, 2 years of hydrocodone, 3 years of oxycodone, and 1 year of heroin (smoked, never IV'd), and the last 2 years ive been on methadone. 80mg is my stable dose.

(2) Clonazepam
1mg tablets-

I'm currently RX'd klonopin, and just recently got it RX'd less than a week ago. Before I got it RX'd, I was taking Valium (90-120mg daily) and Xanax (6-10mg) daily.
I'm currently tapering with clonazepam, after talking to my doctor.
Like I stated above, I was on AT least 6mg of Xanax daily, for 6+months. Told my doctor my problem, and how I don't want to get another addiction on my hands (opiates), so my doctor listed me a taper schedule with k-pin which is working wonders at the moment. My taper is like this, 1st 2 weeks, 6 1mg pills daily, following 2 weeks 5 1/2 1mg pills daily, etc.

(3) Promethazine
25mg tablets-

I love this drug. In every way. Usually in the mornings I wake up pretty nauseous, anxious, motion sickness, etc..but ever since I was RX'd promethazine it all went away.
and it works magically with methadone, takes all the bad side effects away (nausea, constipation, etc.), as it's RX'd as a opiate adjunct, for those very reasons (taking away the bad side effects of opiates). It also helps me sleep a lot better at night.

(4) Hydroxyzine
25mg capsules-

Petty similar to promethazine. But pretty different also. this one also helps with nausea (not as much as promethazine (imo), but the great part about this drug is it also helps with anxiety, and is not a habit forming drug (non-controlled substance, same as promethazine). Hydroxyzine also goes great with methadone. Helps me sleep also.

(5) Lexapro
10mg tablets

I haven't used any of these yet, they're for depression and anxiety, and is also a non addictive drug, best thing to do with these imo is keep them until after im done tapering with benzos. Should at least help a bit.
I've never used Lexapro also.

How about you blue lighters???????
Why take two antihistamines ? drop the promethazine or vice versa to much urinary retention (antichlolengetically) ?
I'll play...

1) Lorazepam...not sure of the size but they are itty bitty, so maybe .5s? I'm not on them daily, had them prescribed as-needed for the occasional panic attack. Zombie crap, not a fan, but it does its job when I'm hyperventilating over something dumb.

2) Fioricet (Butalbital/Acet/Caffeine - 50/325/40mg) as-needed, for migraines. Lovely for a good nap, even with the caffeine. Even nicer with a few drinks buuuut that's probably not the smartest.

3) Butorphanol (used to be named Stadol) - nasal spray for severe migraines, as-needed. Apparently women tend to react better to it than men for some reason. All I know is that in 5 minutes or less, you could chop my finger off and I probably wouldn't feel anything. I've had oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone...none of them even touch the amazing euphoria and painkilling properties of this.

I really try not to use it unless I need it though, because some of my migraines get so bad I seriously consider suicide just to make them stop, so I can't afford to build up a tolerance. It would be so easy to abuse otherwise but that fear of not being able to control the intense pain for 7+ hrs keeps me in line.

4) Maxalt - a thoroughly useless vasoconstrictor for migraines. Makes me feel like I'm having a panic attack and like my jaw is wired shut, so I almost never use it.

Have you tried botox? My wife suffered from massive migraines for almost a decade. She did botox and it is now under control. Some days she is even pain free.
I'm currently prescribed:

Haloperidol depo injection, 75mg

Aripiprazole, 15mg

Pregabalin, 25mg

Temazepam, 10mg.
Going to update.

Liquid Methadone. #13 80mg liquid bottles/2 weeks/80mg daily
Lorazepam 1mg tabs. #60/monthly
Clonazepam 1mg tabs. #90/monthly
Promethazine 25mg tabs. #120/monthly
Hydroxyzine 25mg tabs. #120/monthly
Gabapentin 600mg tabs. #45/monthly
Bisacodyl 5mg tabs. #60/monthly
Flexeril 10 mg 3xday
Tylenol #4 3xday PRN
Naproxen 500 mg 2xday
Percocet 5/325 2x day PRN
Zytram XL 300mg 1x day Testing these, don't seem to do much.

All these for ongoing back issues. Chronic back pain sucks, would not wish it on anybody.
Clonazepam 1.5mg (90) monthly
Mirtazapine 30mg (30) monthly

I meant I get 90 0.5 clonazepam monthly. (3x a day but I take all at once.)
137mcg levothyroxine once a day since I had my thyroid removed and that's all these days since I tapered myself off the 100mg of Zoloft I'd been taking every day for almost a year. I frequently take ibuprofen for general aches n pains n occasionally a few Tylenol Pm for sleeplessness as well.
Currrently prescribed 8mg of Suboxone daily. It will be two years next month, first year I was on 16mg daily, but went down, kinda wish I didnt cuz it woud have been more to stock up on, since I never really took the whole 16mg except the first few months, usually took 8-12mg....

Also take Klonopin/Xanax/Gabapentin, but I get those off the 'street', but am trying to cut back on the benzo's, which I've been taking pretty reguraly the past year and a half. I swear I have 1 connect for klonopin/Gaba and like 8 or 9 for xanax ranging from 0.5mg to the 2mg ones. Klonopins are the 1mg ones.... Gaba's are the 300mg ones, also have a guy that I can get the 800mg ones from every now and again.