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What meds are you RX'd?


Sep 25, 2014
Didn't find any thread similar to this mods, and if its not in the right category, please move it to the right section, thank you :)


Ok, this thread is basically telling us what you're currently prescribed, and how much you take a day, etc. and for what reasons. I'll list mine also.

(1) Methadone
have option of liquid or 40mg wafers/ 10mg tabs, im on wafers/tabs-

I'm currently in a MMT (methadone maintnence treatment) program and get 80mg of methadone daily, for my past opiate addiction.
Which included, 2 years of hydrocodone, 3 years of oxycodone, and 1 year of heroin (smoked, never IV'd), and the last 2 years ive been on methadone. 80mg is my stable dose.

(2) Clonazepam
1mg tablets-

I'm currently RX'd klonopin, and just recently got it RX'd less than a week ago. Before I got it RX'd, I was taking Valium (90-120mg daily) and Xanax (6-10mg) daily.
I'm currently tapering with clonazepam, after talking to my doctor.
Like I stated above, I was on AT least 6mg of Xanax daily, for 6+months. Told my doctor my problem, and how I don't want to get another addiction on my hands (opiates), so my doctor listed me a taper schedule with k-pin which is working wonders at the moment. My taper is like this, 1st 2 weeks, 6 1mg pills daily, following 2 weeks 5 1/2 1mg pills daily, etc.

(3) Promethazine
25mg tablets-

I love this drug. In every way. Usually in the mornings I wake up pretty nauseous, anxious, motion sickness, etc..but ever since I was RX'd promethazine it all went away.
and it works magically with methadone, takes all the bad side effects away (nausea, constipation, etc.), as it's RX'd as a opiate adjunct, for those very reasons (taking away the bad side effects of opiates). It also helps me sleep a lot better at night.

(4) Hydroxyzine
25mg capsules-

Petty similar to promethazine. But pretty different also. this one also helps with nausea (not as much as promethazine (imo), but the great part about this drug is it also helps with anxiety, and is not a habit forming drug (non-controlled substance, same as promethazine). Hydroxyzine also goes great with methadone. Helps me sleep also.

(5) Lexapro
10mg tablets

I haven't used any of these yet, they're for depression and anxiety, and is also a non addictive drug, best thing to do with these imo is keep them until after im done tapering with benzos. Should at least help a bit.
I've never used Lexapro also.

How about you blue lighters???????
This is the wrong section. Its not hr. Theres already the same thread (if not multiples of it) in the "drug culture" subforum.
oh ok, thanks for the heads up.

Can you please send me the links to these threads you're talking about?

used to be like 75 mg methadone from the clinic.
tapered off, now I have an unfilled script for colonodine 0.1mg
Sekio, thank you for moving it to the right section. :)

RapperGoneBad, Congrats on getting OFF the methadone!! Very proud of you, as it is one of the hardest W/d's in the world (methadone w/d).

As of right now like I said im tapering off my benzos right now, my doctor said it shouldn't take over 3 months, 3 1/2-4 months max. Which is not bad imo, ill do anything to get off the shit.
If I never met this doctor/physiatrist to RX me KLONOPIN, which is working great for my taper, I would still be sneaking out of my house, stealing money from my family to get my benzo fix (Xanax/valium)

After im done with the benzo issue, im going to start detoxing off my methadone. My physiatrist literally asked me, 'what are your plans after getting off benzos'?
My answer was 'start tapering off methadone'...she loved my answer as she saw me very committed to get off drugs/narcotics.
Sekio, thank you for moving it to the right section. :)

RapperGoneBad, Congrats on getting OFF the methadone!! Very proud of you, as it is one of the hardest W/d's in the world (methadone w/d).

As of right now like I said im tapering off my benzos right now, my doctor said it shouldn't take over 3 months, 3 1/2-4 months max. Which is not bad imo, ill do anything to get off the shit.
If I never met this doctor/physiatrist to RX me KLONOPIN, which is working great for my taper, I would still be sneaking out of my house, stealing money from my family to get my benzo fix (Xanax/valium)

After im done with the benzo issue, im going to start detoxing off my methadone. My physiatrist literally asked me, 'what are your plans after getting off benzos'?
My answer was 'start tapering off methadone'...she loved my answer as she saw me very committed to get off drugs/narcotics.

First of all thanks man was a big jump and a process forsure.

I've been there with the sneaking and shady stuff bUT you just gotta accept it move on an better yourself.

Good luck to you Methacodone all mind over matter just keep ya eye on the prize.
Hey you know im in there too gettin off that. Now Im just rx'd 20mg baclofen for some muscle stuff.
6mg suboxone - heroin addiction maintenence treatment drug

2000mg epival (sodium divalproex) - mood stabilizer for bi-polar I

9mg invega - antipsychotic for schitzoaffective disorder

300mg wellbutrin xl - anti-depressant for major depression

60mg biphentin (methylphenidate) - for a.d.d

100mg silindifil - for the side effects from all these drugs hahah
I wonder at times if I need anti depressants or anxiety meds.
then again I did just enjoy getting lit as all hell.
am I normal? What is normal?

As I was talking to my doctor, she mentioned to me if I wanted to continue on anxiety depression meds after my benzo taper is finished.
Non-addictive ones, she mentioned hydroxyzine which he already RX'd it to me, My primary care RX'd me Lexapro, which I never used yet, that's also for depression/anxiety.
Obviously, addictive ones work better for anxiety depression, like benzos. But you gotta pay the price for that relief with ugly withdrawals.

I told her not really, id like to be on less meds as possible. Hydroxyzine and promethazine are great drugs, they help me with the things I need help with, esp once I completely get off benzos. Insomina, nausea, confusion, dizziness, etc.

I told her i'd like to keep those 2 only after I taper benzos, which are both non-addictive and are not controlled drugs.


What exactly are you getting off of? Benzos, opiates, or both? I'm currently on tapering clonazepam (benzos) then im going to taper off opiates after (methadone)..

I got a hell of a ride ahead of me.
Im in WD from both benzos and methadone atm
poor timimg on my part.

Meth: good on ya man i know if a doc was 9ffering me a script for powerful benzos I'd want to.be all over it.

Why don't you go see a physiatrist and tell her your problems? That's exactly what I did.

You're saying you're in W.D from methadone AND benzos atm? Why would you be in W/d from methadone? don't you go to a clinic to get your done'? That's also what I do.

Your best bet, if not in a MMT program, go to one. If you're already taking methadone, from the streets, I bet they tax the shit out of you on the streets (high prices), esp. opiates. They're the most expensive street drugs.

MMT Is good because, you're supervised when you dose. You get 3 appointments with a drug counselor (if you have medical, if not, you pay 10-15$/ day and get only 1 session with the counselor a month). I'm currently on medical, which covers everything for me now, I get free methadone, free sessions, etc. The first year I was there I was paying out of pocket daily, because they took forever to approve my medical.

They have methadone clinics everywhere bro. It's $10 a day (without medical, some place are more pricey ($15), why depend on a dealer, go thru W/d's and PAY MORE for the same thing.

I've been in a MMT program for over 2 years now, honestly, it saved my life. Before methadone I was on Hydrocodone for 2 years 80-140mg daily, Oxycodone for 3 years at 140-210mg daily, Heroin for 1 year smoked 1/2 gram daily.
Then after going completely broke, I committed to my parents and family, it was one of the hardest things in my life, was telling my family that im a drug addict and I need help. That's when I got into a methadone program.

But yeah man, If I were you I would def. go and see a physiatrist and tell them your problems, they're their for the specific reason, to HELP people who need HELP.
I did that, and she RX'd me way better drugs than I thought she would (klonopin 1mg pills, promethazine 25mg pills, hydroxyzine 25mg capsules), and that's not including the 80mg of methadone I get DAILY from the clinic. My clinic also carry pill form of methadone, MOST clinics do NOT have pills, only liquid. I was on liquid the 1st year, cuz I didn't know they had pills, until I saw them behind the dosing nurse and asked her about them, she said your more than welcome to try them and see how they work for you, I tried them and holy shit, HUGE difference than liquid methadone IMO. They hold me longer, feel better, cleaner, and stronger.

I believe this because, liquid methadone is only RX'd to methadone clinics, rarely ever to a pain management patient.
So imo, the liquid methadone is MADE for opiate W/d.
The pills get RX'd to people who have chronic pain.
So IMO the FDA and DEA will def. care more about the pain management patients than junkys going in to get stable on their methadone at the clnic.

Ever since I made the switch, I never went back to liquid. :)

I tapered off gradually so it's mostly paws. Think I have the flu as well.
the benzos have been more recreational since goin straight off opiates.
I'm just awful with me in control of tapers particularly xanax ativan and valium.
usually starts good ends A binge.

I had similar set ups on cash upfront conveniently lol but yeah it was free towards the end never been a group sesh guy.
don't mind talkin to my counselor tho he been around chill guy.

know my fam is wanting me too atleast a lil or go to a recovery counselor.

Benzos are nice don't know if I trust myself all to well with them.
don't see much for promethazine beside potentiation but I've heard it can be good for manic type stuff.

We only do liquid in ID I think used to get lots of 10 tabs from Oregon! Haha way back. Lol

Imm feelin out the sober/ Rec use of somewhat positive drugs right now.

Thanks man an always good gettin better, Nikka
Yea I don't like group sessions either. My counsellors always recommend me to go to aa/na meetings. I always answer with 'I don't like group meetings, I'd rather have 1 on 1 sessions with my current counselors. They're extremely nice,many always want to hel you.

even if your in paws Man, you can always relapse. That's why I reccommend mmt. You wouldn't have to worry about w/d because you know you'll get your daily dose of methadone.

now, I'm only telling you to join one because you said in your other post you were in w/d from methadone AND benzos, that's extremely dangerous, they're dangerous by themselves, I can't imagine how bad it is going thru both at the same time, pure and simple hell on earth.

but it's all on you brother, I just want you feeling better :)

the he other big plus about mmt, it will keep you off the streets to get your fix.
but of course there's pros and cons of every drug.

keep me updated and tell me what's going on. I'll be more than happy to help you with anything I can help you with.

best of luck bro
300mg Seroquel XR - Bedtime
950mg Lithum XR - Bedtime
3mg Intuniv (Tenex XR) - Bedtime
50mg Vyvanse - Morning (obviously)
200mg Modafinil - Morning (obviously)
10mg propranolol - 2x daily as needed for shakes from Lithium
Yea I don't like group sessions either. My counsellors always recommend me to go to aa/na meetings. I always answer with 'I don't like group meetings, I'd rather have 1 on 1 sessions with my current counselors. They're extremely nice,many always want to hel you.

even if your in paws Man, you can always relapse. That's why I reccommend mmt. You wouldn't have to worry about w/d because you know you'll get your daily dose of methadone.

now, I'm only telling you to join one because you said in your other post you were in w/d from methadone AND benzos, that's extremely dangerous, they're dangerous by themselves, I can't imagine how bad it is going thru both at the same time, pure and simple hell on earth.

but it's all on you brother, I just want you feeling better :)

the he other big plus about mmt, it will keep you off the streets to get your fix.
but of course there's pros and cons of every drug.

keep me updated and tell me what's going on. I'll be more than happy to help you with anything I can help you with.

best of luck bro

Did the clinic thing I'd go back forsure if I relapsed but not an option, right? ;)

Yeah kinda shitty together Most conserning would be seizures but don't think I'm there yet.

thanks man an Hella I'll drop by the page frequently.
an to you as well