• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What little thing makes you smile?

^^you learn something new everyday--that makes me smile :) (ps I want a video of this popcorning)

-when a little girl wants to play with my hair :) its so relaxing and it reminds me of when i was little and idolized girls with long pretty hair :)

-ice water/iced tea--so refreshing I <3 it!


-rainbows!! <3

-buying an old used book
unexpected text messages
my daughter (one example: today was her first day of school and when i woke her up she sat up in bed and stretched her arms up into the air. it was adorable)
eddie the homeless guy near my office building. he always says "you look so pretty today" with a big grin on his face.
fresh air
the breeze on my face when i roll my car window down
good music
the look on peoples' faces when i walk into the pot shop (LOL =D)
old couples
bRoken&foRgoTTen said:
Seeing my guinea pig Mussolini popcorn

I still think that you made an excellent decision by naming him Mussolini. :D
The way my apartment smells when I make a big batch of rice in my rice cooker.

Cooking in general. It's so zen. Oh yah and eating too. Hehe.

the smell of fresh cut grass (smelled it today, first time in a long while)
thinking about rollercoasters
cute emoticon smileys from loved ones
my mom saying 'lol'
coming home to my cat greeting me
baby animals
this is like a big "AWWWWWW thread". everybody has so much heart...mine is my Dogs face...it's the wallpaper on my phone, so everytime I open it, I get that love pang, she is the sweetest thing I've ever seen...:)
(I love seeing old folk holding hands too!)
- Seeing cats yawn
- Puppies!!!
- Those cool/funny randoms you serve
- Getting busted singing my heart out
- Reading something funny
- Waking up in the morning on a beautiful day and having a nice big stretch and just lying in bed listening to music
- Music :)
Coming home from work and being out in the hall of the apartment not even near my door yet and already hearing my kitty mewing because she knows I'll open the door soon and she'll get a hug from me.

Also her just staring at me for hours at a time.

Actually, Azrael in general is something that always makes me smile. :)
n3ophy7e said:
Oooh! Storms and lightning and thunder make me smile big time =D

last night we had major storms....the power went out for 4 hours....

i woke up at 6:30am and realized that the only thing that could make me wake up with a smile is a thunderstorm.....i just love waking up to a storm....forget about someone (person) trying to wake me.....they may get a punch in the face.....

but, ah the lovely thunderstorm :)
I sleep better during thunderstorms than at any other time.
^^ Me too!! Totally.
Something about the rolling sounds of the thunder lolling me to sleep.
I am a total stormophile =D