• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What little thing makes you smile?

Watching my teen daughter sleep....it's one of the only times I get a glimpse of her childhood back...;-) She looks so different than when she was young, except when sleeping.

Watching my mom and dad hug or kiss, its rare but always nice to see.

Flowers. i love flowers.
Old photos, and anything that brings up good memories. Small kids carrying their satchels and disney lunchboxes... or any child in disney costume.
Coming home to a tidy house.
Seeing the sea.
Friendly strangers.
Happy couples of all ages/sexual preferences, I just think it's so nice.
little puppy kisses
hearing my boyfriend laugh from all the way across a room
when my boyfriend kisses me forehead
old couples holding hands are a win for sure
the smell of rain
that little cold feeling of fall
frequent_flyer said:
Happy couples of all ages/sexual preferences, I just think it's so nice.

:D Me too. Definitely makes me feel fuzzy inside. <3

I like cute, happy things. I love tiny things, I get so excited over mini things! Like tiny salt shakers or something lol.

I like hugs. And cuddles :]]

Stars make me suuper happy. And Happy hardcore <3

n3ophy7e said:
*seeing a random person singing in their car, like, totally going for it! Classic hehe =D

Thats funny because I like it when people see me rockin out in the car....especially if they laugh

Like today I was singing Katy Perry - Hot N Cold and this couple saw me and were like starting to laugh to I pointed and did some kinda mime thing like I was drawing them towards me
Pharcyde said:
Thats funny because I like it when people see me rockin out in the car....especially if they laugh

Like today I was singing Katy Perry - Hot N Cold and this couple saw me and were like starting to laugh to I pointed and did some kinda mime thing like I was drawing them towards me
That is awesome!!
It made me smile :)

eitak012 said:
when my boyfriend kisses me forehead
Oooooh that is so lovely!! I LOVE forehead kisses! <3
Opening doors for people/holding the door for someone coming behind me, and having the same done for me. It always just gives me this great feeling inside.

One time not too long ago, I was taking a delivery to an elementary school. (I'm a pizza driver) It was a big order and I was struggling with maybe 3 full pizza bags and two big bottled sodas. I was heading for the office past all the kids outside on recess, most of them messing around and lost in their own little kid worlds. As I was heading for the door, this little little boy, maybe like 6-7 years old looks over, runs away from the kids he was playing with to open the door for me.

My heart melted. Really gave me some hope for the future. :)
plodding around the city on my motorcycle and having another rider join up behind/infront and we ride unspokenly together until one of us needs to veer off and get back to real life.

Fucking around with my troops by coming off dead serious and steaming mad, until they can figure out I'm just fucking around and start laughing and we go to the mess for a pint or ten of strongbow.

making a shy/sad looking girl smile by saying something a)stupid in that inane and retarded but funny 4chan way or b)nice to her, and just walking away without hitting on her or anything, just to brighten her day a bit.
wen someone plays with my hair for no reason at all...seeing people cuddling...people holding hands...
I love seeing my grandparents together. They've been married for over 60 years and still hold hands when they walk and give each other googly eyes. It's adorable! :)
Mz_Thizzle said:
Stormy days, I love rain and wind and thunder (it actually kind of makes me sad when people say that dont like rainy days :()

Sydney summer afternoon storms are the best - hot and humid all day and then it breaks about 4 or 5pm, the temperature drops and it's perfect for cuddles on the couch watching the lightning.
spork said:
I love seeing my grandparents together. They've been married for over 60 years and still hold hands when they walk and give each other googly eyes. It's adorable! :)

awwws! my grandparents just celebrated their 60th anniversary last summer, but they dont hold hands :( that would be cute to see just once! i only see them bitching at one another lol
Birds are generally little, and they always make me smile - if not outright laugh.

Moss also tends to be little, and it makes me happy when it grows on walls and rocks...etc.

Going to the bookstore and buying any book. (related: the new-book-smell)

The smell of gasoline.

The sound of train rolling in the distance.

Stubble (although that more so turns me on than just make me happy, hehe).

A genuine smile in my direction.

I also go gaga when a guy I like says my name even during casual conversation. Same goes to a slight touch to show affection. These things are so rare.

EDIT: Oh, and comments on my BL journal :D
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