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What Kind of Heroin/Opiate user are you?

i got a really crappy routine..

i wake up 'round noon, and spend the whole day till evening (8:00PM) to fix. i get high maybe twice a day. also i end up using a bit during the afternoon (really really small amounts) when i have a ton of free time, and fiending just gets that much worse. i used to wait later than 8, but it's retarded bein high at 2AM, for me at least. i would get high all day, but i get strung out and hardly enjoy myself and its just harder period to get by. my evening hit that i love so much wouldn't be the same for sure, burnin out early . i wish i didn't have to spedn the whole day fiendin and wishin i could take a nap or have a time machine so it can b 8PM and get high..also if i got high earlier than the time i set , it really fucks with my head, and i don't even get to enjoy myself.
what kind of heroin user was i?

I was the guy on the corner who used way more than he sold, i was the guy who stole off his old poor grandmother, stole handbags and robbed people at gunpoint.

I was the kind of heroin user that didnt give a fuck and did alot of stupid shit to get high.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
18+, northeast usa

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was hydrocodone, and it progressed from there. always checkin medicine cabinets and such. used every rx opiate. now i do dope for the most part. addicted to opies for almost a year now. chipped for years before that.

3. How often do you use opiates?
daily suboxone. roughly 3 sessions of dope weekly on top of subs. subs are a bitch with that blockade effect

4. Why do you use opiates?
"I really enjoy the euphoria/happiness/sedated/content feeling that opiates give me. They are great recreationally and to do alone. Most of the time Im off in my own world nodding to hard to really want to go out and do too much. I also like using opiates when im doing stims, they just seem to bring me back to baseline, and i feel fine. " same here

Opiates feel great

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
"Most of the people I hang around with don't use alot of anything to heavily or alot. Most people I hang with are into weed/alcohol/coke and the occasional psychedelic or mdma experience" same here
although I have a few buddies who do dope with me
quite a few people know I did dope due to a few fucking assholes who need to put others down to feel better

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
mainly IV. I shoot my dope and any other strong opiate I can find. used to snort but it was a waste.
1. Nebraska

2. I've used codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol, propoxyphene, and fentanyl. My favorite is oxycodone.

3. I rarely use opiates although these past two months i've been using about 3 times a week because this dumbass steals oxycontin from his dad who has brain cancer and gives them to me for free...although he is going to quit giving them to me next week so then i probably wont use opiates for a while as they are hard to come by where i live.

4. I like the fuzzy feeling i get when i take it, i like the itches, i like the relaxation, i like the feeling of contentedness.

5. I'm not in a "drug scene"

6. I use oral, althoough insufflate on rare occasions.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
21, L.A.

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First experience with any drug was hydrocodone. Dad was an anesthesiologist, had drugs in the home. He was one of the first to do clinical trials of the duragesic patch (do synthetics count?), and i was able to obtain a few before they were on the market. other than that, Oxycontin, oxycodone, hydromorphone, demerol, methadone two or three times. tried H a few times but never IV.
3. How often do you use opiates?
a few times a month. I keep it usually to the norcos, and oxy's when available. never had WD syptoms.

4. Why do you use opiates?
I love the feeling of being glued to the couch after a stressful day, being asleep but awake at the same time. The separation from the body and the entire outside world.
5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Mostly the alcohol/weed/ occasional coke crowd. "The normal ones"
6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
oral, nasal, and in the case of fentanyl, transdermal
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24/m/ Northwest NJ

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
I've tried just about all of em, prefer to use percocet, vicodin, oxy, opana, and the occasional heroine

3. How often do you use opiates?
whenever I can get them

4. Why do you use opiates?
the absolutely great feeling of euphoria, the fact that I'm not in pain (from old dirtbike injuries that still bother me), and they actually give me energy to go out and do things

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
not really in a scene. few people i worked with were into the same stuff, so we would all trade back and forth when someone got somethin.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, Nasal
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
23, South Texas

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Started with Percocet; have used: heroin, morphine, Dilaudid, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, Opana, Demerol, Darvocet, methadone, butorphanol, tramadol; now it's mostly oxymorph, or oxycodone, occasionally 6 or 7 Norcos

3. How often do you use opiates?
Whenever I got $$$. Usually 1 or twice a month until I get health ins.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Chronic pain, but it's amazing too

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None, I only talk to drug users when I need some opes and don't have health ins.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Orally for ones with APAP, usually intranasally or IV for other forms
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1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
17, Pennsylvania

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First hydrocodone, then morphine, diluadid and oxycodone. I want to try some diacteylmorphine :))) but im weary of the slippery slope..

3. How often do you use opiates?
On average probably a few times a month, whenever I do opiates ill buy a bunch and then go on a binge, then wait till I come across another script or whatever

4. Why do you use opiates?
Tough question but mainly I love the confidence it gives me. Im not really a shy or anti-social person to begin with but i can be pretty introspective and often over-anaylze things. On opiates everything I say or do is cool and I love myself :D. Also love the itches and euphoria obviously but the confidence gain is probably my favorite. Which leads to me using opiates mainly in social settings such as in school or on the weekends chillin with friends.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
My friends and I are simply a bunch of potheads, lol. Smoke everyday but a few of my friends and I have gained an interest in opiates. We take psychedelics or mdma (well, ecstasy pills, we hope its mdma :)) every once in a while.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral and Nasal
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
20, Southern USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First was hydrocodone prescribed for pain, I still use hydro now, but also use codeine, tramadol, morphine, methadone, and opium when it's in season and I can get it.

3. How often do you use opiates?
A few times a week, I try to keep my tolerance low. I also frequently use Kratom to deal with opiate cravings.

4. Why do you use opiates?
They unleash a lot of creativity, and as an artist, I find a lot of use in that. They are also really good with coming down from stims, but that's really only once a week at most.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I hang out with a bunch of hippies that are in to all kinds of things, I'm the only one who really uses opiates regularly. My friends smoke a lot of weed, do psychedellics, MDMA, and some of them are into adderall. Most of them will try anything if you give it to them though.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, Nasal (not for opiates), smoke opium
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Hydro and Oxy. Like many people, I've had IV Morphine in the hospital after sugery... Demerol, as well.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I usually go on week-long binges, but only a couple of weeks out of a month (every other week).

4. Why do you use opiates?
I have clinical depression and social anxiety - opiates are the only thing that help. Opiates make me feel 'normal' more than anything. I feel as though my true personality comes out when I'm using, and I like the ability to be social, rather than a wallflower when I'm around other people.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I'm not in a 'drug scene'. I don't know anyone else around here that likes opiates. Not opposed to meeting like-minded people, but I'm in Hellware, unfortunately.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, only. I'm not afraid of needles, but I can't imagine injecting my own self with anything. I don't think I'd be able to do it. Snorting just has no appeal to me, at all.
my own edification

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24, Melbourne, Australia.

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Heroin IV'd was first opiate, Have had 7 years of addiction, methadone daily 18 months, just got off Buprenorphine 2 days ago(was on for 4-5 months) Oxycontin, Codeine, MS Contin also ampules of Morphine tartate/sulfate when available.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I've just got off Buprenorphine few days ago so opiates don't work at the moment. Over the last year gone from daily to maybe 3-4 times a week.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Love the high, no rough edges. But now sadly its just become a way of life. Addiction.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I fit in different scenes depending on the people I'm hanging with. The heroin scene (opiates, benzos, primarilly downers) Rave scene (Meth, coke, E, Ketamine) and then close friends (alcohol, meth and ocassional psychedelics)

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Always IV. Except oxycontin is sometimes snorted. Obvisiously Codeine taken orally

....for my own edification. The above was posted in early 2004 so 5 years later update.

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
I've aged strangely enough to 29 . Big 30 in 4mths.

2.What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
My experience with opiates are still frequent . As one takes a breath in the morning I'm dosing with an opiate of one or more kind.
Currently on methadone.......again. I relieve the world of 80 oxycontin a month but most of all I used nearly half g of heroin a day. (does nothing mind you except slide me down below poverty line.
12 years addicted.

3.How often do you use opiates?
As mentioned above , daily.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Why? The million dollar question. Why indeed! Boredom , addiction, apathy . But most of all I no longer use opiates they use me .:(

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
It says I was into the rave scene 5 years ago but now I'm retired from it , still see alot of live music (bands , gigs)
I'm pretty much in the 'get up take methadone , go to work , end work , shoot smack , go home scene'

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Still IV is the only way to go , duh!!:\ Working on a requeim for a dream style arm!

So that was pointless and benefited nobody. So why did I post .............
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
21, tyler,Tx

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
My fist one to use was vicoden in the ninth grade and at first i didnt like it then it began to grow on me then i moved to percocet, oxycontin, morphine, hydromorphom,feynteal and most commonly diladas and occationally heroine

3. How often do you use opiates?
depending on my money and mood between 1-5 times a week which i have slowed down alot

4. Why do you use opiates?
usualy as a form of escape and they to me are also an afrodiziac ( i know thats spelled very wrong but you know what i mean ;) )

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
um the addict scene?

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
usually i bang it or if it cant be used internieniously orals or i'll bc powder it
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
28, New Jersey

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was 5/325 Percocet APAP, then I got into the 10mg percs and vicodin. After that I started messing with Oxycontin 80mg tablets. Now it's heroin and opana. Although I rarely get opana.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I need to use once every twelve hours to avoid opiate withdrawal

4. Why do you use opiates?
Haha, the million dollar question. Well, they help with my anxiety. Opiates make me feel confident and comfortable. They numb the pain of my stressful life. I work full time and go to law school full time. However, they are starting to do more harm then good and I am currently taking suboxone with plans to slowly taper off of it. In theory I will be clean in a few weeks. I've tried it before though.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
When you get hooked on opiates you have a few friends that are hooked. All you do is ask each other for money and get each other shit. Anytime I've been clean I don't talk to them.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral and nasal
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
18, Central CA, Bay Area.

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First hydrocodone, codiene, then progress to morphine, oxycontin, hydromorphone, then heroin.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I use once a week to once every two weeks or more.

4. Why do you use opiates?
The feeling of warmth, euphoria, contendness it gives me. Just nodding off anf not caring about the world.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I'm in the rave scene, I'm usually around alot of club drugs such as MDMA, ketamine, nitrous, speed, psychedelics etc...
I have another group of friends who are junkies and are IV heroin users, but mostly I tend to stick to the rave scene.
Whenever I need a grab some black tar I hit up my junkie friends.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, Snorted, Smoked, IV.

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
15 - Michigan, USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Been using them for about 2 years now. I use just about whatever opiate is available, right now that's Hydrocodone.

3. How often do you use opiates?
It varies, but lately, it's been about 3 times a week.

4. Why do you use opiates?
They feel so damn good and relaxing. They're great...Better than great...

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Almost all of my friends smoke weed, but only a few of them do opiates. I'm in high school.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral or nasal, depending on what it is. I'm not messing with the needle.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
20, East Coast USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?

I did oxy a couple times before I got heavy into heroin. Now I mainly stick to heroin but if I cant get that I'll get an oc80.

3. How often do you use opiates?

Now, everday, all day. Make a trip to the hood every 3-5 days and cop a bun, generally do 2-3 bags a day, depending on quality of course. I don't work. Only thing I do is go to school in the morning and the rest of the day is spent in opiate bliss.

4. Why do you use opiates?

I love not being sober, helps anxeity/depression a lot more than legal medications. Love being fucked up and feeling good, man.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?

All of my friends are drug users. I got a bunch of them into heroin as well. Whenever I go out with anyone drugs are involved.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?

Mainly snorting, sometimes IV.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?

21 years old, Dallas, Texas USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?

first got into opioids after trying hydrocodone and loving the way it made me feel, then i started researching opioids and what other drugs are opioids and eventually tried percocet, morphine, hydromorphone, tramadol, OC, poppy pods, then after searching forever, i finally found a black tar heroin connect. before i found this connect, i only came across opioids like hydrocodone every once in a while so i never got dependent on them but with this new heroin connection, he always had it and it was fairly cheap so i was able to do it pretty much all the time. so i got hooked snorting it and eventually tried injecting it and was addicted to that for a long time. for the past 10 months tho, i have been on suboxone only and haven't relapsed once.

3. How often do you use opiates?

buprenorphine i use daily

4. Why do you use opiates?

the warmth, the euphoria, the contentness, anxiety relief, depression relief, etc...

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?

it varies, i used to only hang out with junkies when i was doing heroin daily but now i have different groups who do different stuff, like psychedelic/dissociative friends, benzo/opiate friends, cannabis friends, cocaine/meth friends, etc...

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?

Oral, Snorted, Smoked, IV.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
19, pacific northwest

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Started at 14 with mom giving me vic 10's.(juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) from there to selling oc 40's for her with 3 scripts. done all sorts of opiates in all ways never IV'd pills. Black tar H IV on the daily basis on and off for last year. China white Fetanyl iv'd smoked snorted for4 months till overdose. trying to stay away, maybe chip on occasion with tar.

3. How often do you use opiates?
As of now its in and out of hardcore tar binges till my arms are fucked. than stop for a week or so. but because of life problems trying to use once a week or every other week.

4. Why do you use opiates?
love the high.
have been addicted since age 14-15.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Hardcore ravers. that do alot of pressed and pure MDMA. most drugs other than that are bathroom material like cocaine. meth is def not around any of us. just stoners who will drink.
And we will eat alot of Acid if its around. so opiates is a no-no theres only like three of us in my crew, which is fairly large that do opiates but we all get shit about it when we are using.
so for the longest time it was me just doing tar by myself since kicking the whole desintigrating oc scene i was in and finding this one. hiding the whole tar thing from everyone worked for a bit, but its time to get over that and grow up.
but after doing H for long enough i did find friends who where in the whole junkie scene too, so i always hit them up when i score.
But its club kids all the way

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
i will only use stronger opiates, but only in the way that it is best used i.e. methadone orally, oxycontin smoked and occasionally snorted. tar IV
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