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What is your favorite drug to do by yourself?

What's your favo(u)rite substance when you're all alone?

  • Marijuana & Hashish

    Votes: 615 30.0%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 66 3.2%
  • Stimulants (coke, meth, and others)

    Votes: 203 9.9%
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Klonopin and others) & Barbiturates (Seconal, Nembutal and others)

    Votes: 105 5.1%
  • Opiates (please specify below if heroin or other IV opiates)

    Votes: 583 28.5%
  • Hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline and others)

    Votes: 222 10.8%
  • Research Chemicals (specify which one below)

    Votes: 19 0.9%
  • Dissociatives (Ketamine, DXM, and others, specify below)

    Votes: 195 9.5%
  • Not mentioned. I'm posting it below.

    Votes: 41 2.0%

  • Total voters
favorite drug to do by myself definitely has to be opiates, specifically heroin *IV* or oxycodone (30mg IR tablets) *IV or smoked*
Favorite drug to do by myself - oxycodone (oxy or roxi))
I pretty much like to do any drug by myself. Specifically IV oxycodone. It's not like I can be with a group of ppl shooting up at a party! Plus I can enjoy the rush and high more when I'm alone.
Definitely opiates - oxy, specifically. I enjoy the high a lot more if I'm by myself. And dissociatives are extremely unpleasant to be on around other people - taking a lot of DXM and then trying to communicate with other people tends to not go very well X)
favorite by myself would be marijuana. i feel like the high is better and i get to do whatever i want i.e go for a walk, play video games, watch a movie,ect instead of what my friends want.

opiates come very close though. i will only do opiates alone lol cant stand having people talking to me on them but i dont do them often
Heroin, bands down. I get opi rage a lot of the time and despise other people ruining my nod. Same with most other opioids, apart from tramadol, if I take just the right dose and don't have much of a tolerance at that moment. ;)

For all other drugs, company is just fine.
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Going on a good IV coke binge, where it would be unseemly to redose so in front of others, may count thus. Also nobody there to go into a panic when you fish out for the tenth time; just get up, wipe yourself off, and load another shot. Only good if you have a deathwish though.

Dilaudid for nearly the same reasons.
I only would want to tangle with dxm by myself in my dark room listing to trance or orbital
My favorite drug to do by myself is cannabis. (I like doing it with friends too, but during the evening I really love smoking some herb the most of all.)

There are other drugs that I will only do by myself, mainly dissociatives. I mean when I'm taking a high, incapacitating dose. Low doses of ket or mxe are fine when I'm with mates. I don't ever do DXM with others though.

As for opiates, I don't mind nodding when there are people around, but it's a little awkward if they've never been high on opiates themselves. If I'm just having an energetic high without a real nod I don't mind at all, I even like hanging out with friends then.
I live with my parents, but I plan to get a little money saved so I can go chill at a motel alone, with 80 mg of oxies, and a gram of weed. Chop-chop in a bong an hour after snorting the first half, while I watch Adult Swim. I haven't done that in about six months, and am aching to do it again. I'd do it at home, but my parents have threatened to Section 35 me if I do it again, and since I can't find work right now, it might be easy for them to do it.
I do 90% of my drugs alone but nothing is as good as a nice fat sack of weed
There's nothing better than knowing you've got plenty of weed in your stash. I've got 2.5 mason jars full of bodacious buds that 3 of my grower pals have sent me (plus a 1/4 oz of hash made from Purple Kush).
I like having different strains...so I don't get too burnt out on any 1 kind.
There's nothing better than knowing you've got plenty of weed in your stash. I've got 2.5 mason jars full of bodacious buds that 3 of my grower pals have sent me (plus a 1/4 oz of hash made from Purple Kush).
I like having different strains...so I don't get too burnt out on any 1 kind.

Who doesn't? :D And I agree, there's nothing better than a big stash of weed. :)
Weed and heroin. Or just heroin, or just weed. I love noddin out and thinkin about random shit. Listen to some music and smoke cigarettes like theres no tomorrow.
When I stop and think about it for a few minutes, I like to do drugs alone. I would never do LSD alone again. I nearly went insane doing that, but I was young and didn't know the drug at all. Sucks too because I always enjoyed LSD til that time I did it alone. I stopped taking it after that. It was about 1976... somewhere in there. If I had been with someone, especially someone who knew how to pull me back after getting the fear, I would probably still enjoy the occasional trip. I'm scared shitless of LSD and have been all these years and will remain for the rest of my years.

Otherwise, any time I get a head change, being alone with my head is very agreeable. Watching my thoughts come and go, or coloring a mandala, or laying in the creek enjoying the cool water and the sound of water flowing fast over rocks and boulders... I am happy to be alone on any drug.

Actually... I am happier when I get high alone. I just realized that.

I prefer to use drugs alone and I prefer to have headchanges by myself.

I didn't know I felt that way until just now.