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What is your favorite drug to do by yourself?

What's your favo(u)rite substance when you're all alone?

  • Marijuana & Hashish

    Votes: 615 30.0%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 66 3.2%
  • Stimulants (coke, meth, and others)

    Votes: 203 9.9%
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Klonopin and others) & Barbiturates (Seconal, Nembutal and others)

    Votes: 105 5.1%
  • Opiates (please specify below if heroin or other IV opiates)

    Votes: 583 28.5%
  • Hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline and others)

    Votes: 222 10.8%
  • Research Chemicals (specify which one below)

    Votes: 19 0.9%
  • Dissociatives (Ketamine, DXM, and others, specify below)

    Votes: 195 9.5%
  • Not mentioned. I'm posting it below.

    Votes: 41 2.0%

  • Total voters
The more I smoke pot, the less I like to smoke it with other people. I just get tired of peoples smoking irks after a while I guess. There's a couple people I never mind smoking with but for the most part, I don't like a wet mouthpiece or someone taking a massive hit every time. It's just irritating to smoke with people who have no etiquette.
My favorite to do myself would have to be IV hydromorphone. When I'm on stimulants or Lyrica I want to get out, do something, talk to people, etc.

Quit getting drunk, haven't in about two and a half months, and I am very happy to be able to say that.

Don't like pot, makes me paranoid and can't think, can't sleep, can't eat, so it really has no therapeutic value for me right now. If I developed arthritis or something I probably would.

Benzodiazepines are nice, but only when mixing with another drug. Never done a barbituate to my knowledge.

My eyes play so many tricks on me being legally blind for lack of pigment that my eyes have so I don't think I would enjoy a hallucinogen, though I have never tried one.

Never really had the opportunity to try research chemicals, unless you count JWH analogues, which I did not like one bit.

Dissociatives are very nice to do by yourself, second for me only to opiates, and dextromethorphan is great for opiate withdrawals.

Conclusion: Opiates/Opioids, in the case of Dilaudid, IV.

ya i hate that too. i also hate smoking with people who don't know how to smoke someone out. i got a friend, and whenever i smoke him out, we usually get pretty baked. however, when he returns the favor, we end up smoking like 2 hits each or so. i'm left sitting there with a very weak buzz the entire time, and it's like no fun. i used to "pregame" before i'd smoke over there usually lol.

another thing i hate is people who don't know how to use a bong. you pass it to a noob and the next thing you know all the bud is burnt when you get it back. i always make sure to not light the entire bud, and to not take too big of a rip. nothing's more annoying than someone who rips the bowl clean.

i dont mind people taking big hits with bowls though, since a big hit from a bowl can usually only get so big. with a bong tho, a noob could easily kill a shit ton of weed, and end up wasting half of it since they weren't able to clear it properly.
mmmm....every drug that I enjoy taking, I enjoy more with the company of others (with psychedelics, this will be 1 or 2 trusted tripping buddies).


If I get some, I take huge doses and just want to be in my own world. No need for anyone else, and after tripping with different people, most either dont enjoy it and get scared, hence kill my trip because I have to get them down (I was never unable to control myself on LSD) or they are far below my dosage and trip level and want to talk (I dont talk on LSD), or are not on LSD and they either mess with you (can be funny - once I was tripping hard and my gf, just for fun, told me that I, my stuff and my house were replaced by mirror images of it, which means flipped - woah dude!!!) or they get scared by you (cause people look kinda psychotic on LSD).

Oh and meth too. Meth solo? Yeah I like to play computer games then. 48 hours at once only standing up to piss or get a new bottle of cola. My arms usually hurt like hell after those sessions.
I don't mind smoking pot with other people, although I love to smoke alone, but on opiates that's another game, just leave me alone, lol.
ya DMT is good alone too, but even if other people are present in the room, they end up disappearing anyway lol. altho it's nice to have complete silence sometimes when you lift off. it allows for more mind/soul-searching i feel.
did 90mg of oxy tonight alone and feel good. i've been having crazy opiate munchies lately; i just ate some Krystal (damn you extremely close and convenient walkup window krystal!)
opiate munchies are the best. nothing beats them, even munchies from weed.

it just feels so euphoria opening your mouth and taking the bites. it's like you get a wave of euphoria with each bite you take. i love eating firehouse subs on oxy. (with H i would be puking a lot of the time, even from drinking a glass of water lol)
Cannabis. I enjoy getting lost in my own thoughts/beliefs/ideas/observations without having to worry about carrying on a conversation or how I appear to others.
I personally like to smoke DMT on my own. With longer lasting psychedelics, I like small groups. I would definitely take large doses of LSD on my own if I had such access atm -_- but all things come with time. Yesterday evening, I had a low dose 2c-e trip with some friends playing some videogames and it was really nice, I felt like it enhanced my evening quite a bit.
Well since im 16 and go to a catholic school most people I associate with dont do drugs much except smoke a lil pot, I do have a good bit of older college age friends but I dont chill with them that much so my alone drugs are opiates, Considering my drug use is 80% opiates I do like high class marijuana but I have one problem when I smoke pot with no other drugs I got nervouse and deppressed but if I combine it with ambien or opiates I feel great anyone else like that?